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Coccidiosis in Chickens

Coccidiosis in poultry- a review

Published: June 8, 2010
Introduction Coccidiosis causes a great economic loss in the poultry industry due to high rate of morbidity and mortality, sub optimal growth and conversion efficiency and loss of egg production (1). Mortality is mostly marked in caecal form of the disease in young chicks whereas morbidity is well documented in the intestinal form of the disease in adult birds. Etiology The disease...
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Dr. Amit Raj Gupta
Montajat Veterinary Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd.
Matheus Ramalho
8 de junio de 2010

Dear Munawar Ali,

Congratulations for the article about Coccidiosis in poultry. It really demonstrates the importance of the water as same ingredient, many times forgotten.





Matheus Ramalho
8 de junio de 2010

Dear friend,

I finished placing commentary of one another article published here.

But I want to give to the congratulations for the boarded form in this article in relation  Coccidiosis in poultry problem that affects as many farms and that, the times, well is not decided with the additive inclusion in the diets.


Sadeq Al-maswari
15 de junio de 2010

Live vaccines can have problems with safety, short shelf-life and large-scale production therefore there is continued interest in devising new vaccines using defined recombinant antigens.

Problems also noted with strain-specific immunity therefore a cocktail of antigens from different coccidial strains may be required.

Improving our knowledge of the coccidial transmission routes, host-coccidia relationships, coccidial pathogenesis and determining the various roles of the host immune response being at times host-protective, coccidia protective and in causing immunopathology will help to tailor a vaccination strategy against a particular coccidiosis in poultry target.

Hafiz Imran Shakoor
18 de junio de 2010

Very informative article about coccidiosis in poultry with brief description of mechanism of action of both classes of anticoccidials, inophores and chemicals.

Waseem Alshible
24 de junio de 2010

Thank you the coccidiosis in poultry is important diseses which is caused great financial losses to the poultry industry and now adays in my country the most one is acervullena

Best Regards

Matt Pearce
25 de junio de 2010

Dear Dr Amit Raj Gupta, Thank you for your informative article. Your correctly mention the problem concerning the survival of drug-resistant strains of coccidia. I’d like to notify readers of a feed additive which has interesting properties against this particular pathogen to the extent that in some countries it is being used as a method of effective control against coccidiosis.

Based on essential oils, Orego-Stim® is able to break the lifecycle of Eimeria, not just in one or a couple of species as is the case with some anticoccidiostats, but in all species of Eimeria due to its’ unique mode of action on all lengths of the gastro intestinal tract. Orego-Stim® is also able to counter secondary invading bacterial diseases such as Clostridium perfringens, the causative agent of necrotic enteritis.

The phenolic compounds present in the essential oils act on the enterocytes adjacent to the lumen of the intestinal tract by increasing the rate of turnover of these cells from 4-7 days to 2-4 days, consequently interupting the lifecyle of Eimeria species. The sporozoite-infected cells are shed before development of the merozoite stage, which prevents the main clinical signs of coccidiosis. Due to this unique mode of action, resistance is unable to develop and there is no withdrawl period because it is a 100[percent] natural product.

Orego-Stim® also encourages the build up of immunity against coccidiosis by allowing small amounts of oocysts to complete their lifecycle. This activates the Bursa-derived cell-mediated immunity, releasing macrophages, lymphocytes and natural killer cells to provide a longer-lasting immunity against this problematic disease.

Dr. Karki Kedar
2 de julio de 2010


Dr.B Barman
Suguna Group
Suguna Group
15 de agosto de 2010
Very informative article and will help field staffs. Recently cocci lesion scoring is a very imp tool in the commercial industry in evaluating the antic-occidial programme. In my opinion at field condition, necrotic enteritis and cocci is a big confusion and we need to prepare some presentation on differential diagnosis with good pictorial depiction.
Alloui Nadir
17 de agosto de 2010

Thank you for this excellent pedagogic presentation Coccidiosis in poultry is a disease that is cosmopolitan, causing economic losses. Only prevention can reduce morbidity and mortality (hygiene, coccidiostats, immunization). Vaccination is the best way to limit the infection, but it comes very expensive, especially for farmers in developing countries. Vaccination is not economical for broiler chickens, however it would be very useful for reproducer breedings and laying hens.

Mahmood Ali Tabassum
2 de junio de 2011

Nice article to understand the life cycle of coccidiosis and use of anicocidial,chemiclas & ionophores to solve the disease causing heavy loss to poultry.

26 de febrero de 2013

Good article about coccidiosis in poultry. For use in our medicine.

Sudipto Haldar
19 de abril de 2013
Very good article.
Montajat Veterinary Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd.
19 de abril de 2013

Dear Dr. Haldar, It is an honour to receive your comment. Would highly appreciate if you can throw some light on some modern prophylactic concepts being used globally against Coccidiosis, particularly through feeder drinking water (other than ionophores/non- ionophores). This would really add to this article, and would be beneficial to all the readers.

amanat ullah
16 de junio de 2014
very good article about coccidiosis and very helpful for poultry coccidiosis problems and diagnosis . i want to discuss same diseases in poultry that is intestinal coccidiosis in breeder at later stage mean in peak production from 25 weeks to 31 week of egg production in parent breeder .I have gone through this problem during peak production.i am confused about this problem why it occur at this stage there is not a single managmental problem at this stage what may be possible reasons of intestinal coccidiosis at this stage. i want to discuss with u people and i have used amprollium it proved effective but one thing is understood it greatly effect eggs production. plz discuss there may be reason of expired vaccine in brooding that was only done with this flock with another body mistake...how much agree with this and why. have u seen this at the same stage of production.. i hope you will discuss and give me good response.
Dr Charles Ibe
30 de marzo de 2022
amanat ullah Use coccidioidal agents like Diclazuril or tortrazuril to avoid egg production drop. Coccidial vaccines have strict rules. Raising birds from day old to laying phase has a good way in protecting the birds from coccidiosis. Though it is a very expensive technique
Emma Rosie
30 de marzo de 2022
Dr Charles Ib Who do u get vaccines for cocciodosis from? How old should chicks be given it? Would they still require starter feed with preventative in it? Could I give the vaccine to laying hen? Can I give vaccine to chooks/rooster that has it?
Ali Amam
4 de abril de 2022
Emma Rosie
25 de marzo de 2022
Hi, great to have this forum. What do people find effective to kill cocciodosis in the ground (droppings in dirt etc) in the cooprun? I have read something about steamed water will kill the parasites? Is there anything else that might be recommended?
Gabriela Barbeli-Petu
28 de marzo de 2022

Emma Rosie hi,
The coccidiosis can only be kept under control by effective anticoccidial programs (coccidioststs or vaccines) together with proper house management and service period. The oocysts from the litter (what you asked), unfortunately are very strong and resistant to most of the chemical solutions and disinfectants used. The only effective way to deal with the oocysts is proper mechanical cleaning of the floors, walls, feeders and drinkers. Also, if there are many cracks în the floor or walls, the oocysts will stay there very safe and well. You have to prevent massive shedding of the oocysts by taking all the measures I have mentioned. There is no single solution, only the combination of the above measures. Just remember, it's easier to prevent then to cure.

Dr Charles Ibe
29 de marzo de 2022
Emma Rosie There are disinfectants that are oocidal or kills the oocysts . Which is used in next pre stockings era for bio security. Raising birds on battery cages from day one helps a lot in controlling coccidiosis. Drugs can be used in breaking the cycle of the infection at many strategic points in their life cycles.
Emma Rosie
30 de marzo de 2022
Gabriela Barbeli-Petu What would I use to wash the coop etc with? I read boiling hot water would work? What about the dirt- have to spade it out ? Or pour boiling water over area?
Gabriela Barbeli-Petu
30 de marzo de 2022

Emma Rosie, difficult to say what works best for your farm. I don't know in what country are you based, what type of poultry house do you have. In my country is common to use sodium hydroxide, some farms still use flambation(fire), I don't know the exact word in English. There are also many disinfectants available. And all the bedding is removed after each cycle of chicken and have new one for the new chicks. I don't think just boiling water will destroy the oocysts, they are very well equipped to survive to even some disinfectants.

Henrique Marcos Borochovitz
26 de marzo de 2022
Excellent article. I need to add the use of caustic soda 4% in the clear the building before received the chicken in New groups broilets
Dr Charles Ibe
29 de marzo de 2022
The life cycle is basically made up of fission which is schizogony (Asexual phase) and fusion (sexual phase) which is syngamy . Most drugs are targeted at the rapid asexual phase which is the pathogenic phase. Vaccination is good if and only if the strict rules can be maintained.
Zahed Abbasi
Toyoor Barekat co
2 de abril de 2022

Hi to all :
The ammonia is the only gas or fluid that can kill the coccidia oocyst, there is no any other disinfection to kill it. in every condition oocyst will remain in poultry house, hence the best way is to induce immunity by preventing drug in feed or by vaccination.
To decrease intensity of oocyst in litter mixing of quicklime with ammonium sulfate produces ammonia that kills the oocyst and reduces the coccidiosis oocyst in litter.
Using detergent for washing of cages, wall and roof of poultry house mechanically removes the oocysts from the house.

Dr Charles Ibe
2 de abril de 2022

Zahed Abbasi I meant ammonia-based disinfectants. You are correct.

Emma Rosie
9 de abril de 2022
Zahed Abbasi. I can’t get a hold of ammonia product. I was going to pour hot water around the coop then disinfect. I have some lime I could put round. Does this sound sufficient? Thanks
Satish Kumar
5 de abril de 2022
Which vaccine is available for prevention of coccidiosis? Kindly share its dose & route.
Dr Charles Ibe
6 de abril de 2022

Satish Kumar Myriad of coccidia vaccines from different vaccines plants for different routes. All enabling cell mediated immunity. The eimeria species in your area should be your concerns while picking vaccines. . In West Africa for instance the prolific eimeria is tenella that causes caecal coccidiosis!!!

6 de abril de 2022
Sir thank you. Whether ammonia produced by mixing of the two chemicals is hazardous for the birds on litter?
Dr Charles Ibe
6 de abril de 2022
Dr.m.s.swami Yes it is hazard but you treat the while you have finished immediate past cycle and birds are not their for the next cycle
Gabriela Barbeli-Petu
6 de abril de 2022
The process of cleaning and disinfection is made only on empty house, between the cycles, during the service period when you should prepare the house for the new chicken. Once you start the new cycle of chicken, you use coccidiostats în the feed OR cocci vaccine. And try to control as much as you can the environment conditions: good ventilation and not too much humidity. Ideal conditions for oocysts developement are warm temperature and humidity, which is normal in a chicken house, so that's why, be very careful to not have too much humidity.
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