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Nadir Alloui
Veterinary Doctor
Poultry management Poultry hygiene Avian diseases
Veterinary Doctor
User topics
#Poultry diseases
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Dear . Sir adeno virus classified into 12 serotype and available commercial vaccine contain serotype 4 only , but no have cross protection between stereotypes except between serotype 4 and 8 so the vaccine not only solution , adeno virus not primary infection always come after immune supressive disease such as IBD , CAV SO i think to control IBH must control immune supressive factor plus bio ...
Participation in Forum on December 28, 2017
Very good work!
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One of the key success factors in poultry farming is strick biosecurity. Some farms, out of ignorance or carefree attitude, pay little attention to biosecurity, especially in developing countries.
Participation in Forum on June 2, 2017
Dear brother Dr Houssam, Thank you for this article which demonstrates the economic losses caused by this disease ( Mycoplasma S. Better to prevent (biosecurity) than to treat. Regards Nadir Alloui
Participation in Forum on March 14, 2017
Dear Husam Thank you for your help !
Participation in Forum on April 25, 2016
Dear Dr Odede Please check this website for articles on phytogenics : Pr Nadir Alloui DVM - Ph D Veterinary Institute, University of Batna, Algeria
Participation in Forum on February 24, 2016
Dear Dr SoniaVery good article. A new vision in the study of nutrition and poultry production performanceRegardsN. Alloui
Participation in Forum on December 29, 2015
The appearance of edema (ascites) in broilers can be caused by several factors:1- The animal's environment (harmful gases, presence of ammonia and oxygen levels decline)2-Poor ventilation of poultry houses3-Feed deficiencies (Vit E, Selenium, K, Na, Cl ....)4-Effect of altitude5-High Temperatures in summer5-Some diseases can cause ascitiesSo to determine the cause, it takes epidemiological investi ...
Participation in Forum on June 18, 2015
Dear Pr AtefThank you for the compliments. I want to establish with you a scientific collaboration in Avian PathologyPr Nadir Allouiemail /
Participation in Forum on December 1, 2014
Dear Hashmi Unfortunately I have not found standards in the bibliographic research
equalizer Statistics: Forums(54)
Location:Batna, Batna, Algeria
Profile: Academic / scientific
Professional Title: Veterinary Doctor
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