Introduction Coccidiosis causes a great economic loss in the poultry industry due to high rate of morbidity and mortality, sub optimal growth and conversion efficiency and loss of egg production (1). Mortality is mostly marked in caecal form of the disease in young chicks whereas morbidity is well documented in the intestinal form of the disease in adult birds. Etiology The disease...
Is sulphate of ammonia (found at Bunnings/for gardening) the same as ammonia sulphate used to kill oocysts? Is there an estimated amount to use with the lime to kill the oocysts? Thanks, Emma
Hi Emma Rosie:
The chemical compound that kills oocyst is ammonia hence the hot water presumably only washed and removes the oocyst from the ground of the house , and lime itself has no any effect on the oocyst as other disinfectant .
If you be able to use detergent while you are washing house whit hot water it removes more better oocyst from the house but you must be sure that the reminder of washing goes out of your house .
Reducing the oocyst dense in poultry house must be fulfilment by coccidiosis prevention strategy by using coccidiostat drug or by using vaccine to be able to control the outcome of coccidiosis.
Quicklime has no effect on its own but it's the slaked lime meter of water after spreading the quicklime that burns the soil and kills the oocysts. Or very simply use a blowtorch to burn the entire surface of the ground
Zahed AbbasiHi,
The best way to reduce oocyst is to burn the floor of the poultry house and one meter the side walls.
I used this method especially for broilers.
There is also disinfectant NEOPREDISAN which administered on the floor of the house destroys the oocysts.very well.
Hi Amanat ullah:
What you are talking about in breeder (Broiler or Layer) will occur in some flocks the reasons may as follow :
1- vaccination management must be done in first week age it needs 3-4 times to recycle to induce good and enough immunity , the litter must have good humidity that vaccine oocyst be able to continue the the cycle . the litter space not be change until 4 weeks .
2- Try to have good quality litter to have natural challenge in rearing period .
3- Bioshuttel program in rearing period to induce enough immunity .
4- If rearing and production house are separate you can reduce oocyst intensity in poultry house by good cleaning and preparing for production period . if the house is the same for rearing and production period you can use anti coccidiosis synthetic drug like amprolium or diclazuril in feed but not to use unifor drug in feed.
Thanks for everybody’s info. I have sourced ammonia sulphate and lime. Does anyone know how much to use and if in liquid fertiser or sprinkled on? Thanks
Salihu Ahmed depending on which coccidiostat are you using. There are coccidiostats with zero day withdrawal and those can be used from day 1 until slaughter age. For the other coccidiostats with withdrawal period, you follow the indicated period of time. Anyway, you always follow the prospect of the product, you have all the info you need there. At a simple google search you find all the coccidiostats available on the market and the dosage and administration for each. If you know what product you have, I can tell you if there is withdrawal period or not, but also depend probably on your country/region regulation.
Bilawal haseeb,, Coccidia are spore forming. They are everywhere. Germinate and damage intestines while they multiply when the temperature and humidity is right. You are just lucky your flock has not got in to coccidiosis. Sand bedding is not foolproof. Be watchful I also will try and experiment Dr.kotaiah
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Kotaiah Sir, the oocycts of coccidia do sporolate, when the conditions are right, but they don’t really form spores like the probiotic organism do, the formation of spore n the process of sporulation are two different events
Pavel Melnikov, those I mentioned have zero WD for sure, I work for a company that produces some of them, I know what I'm saying. I was not sure if there are more with 0 WD. Withdrawal periods were reviewed for those coccidiostats years ago. However, all the informations regarding coccidiostats specifications are just a click away if you wish to check. For exemple - NOAH Compendium.
Gabriela Barbeli-Petu Exactly! Revised a few years ago! Does that mean that 15 years ago WD was there, and a few years ago it magically disappeared? )))) And yet, any lab analysis will show quite high levels in broiler products.
Pavel Melnikov, I just say the facts, there is no magic involved ??, just scientific conclusions- levels are in the sate limits, not because I say so, but because the authorities approved those levels. The reality in the practice is that most of the broiler producers choose to withdraw the coccidiostats sooner or later depending on the costs of the feed which are very high now, as we all know.
Gabriela Barbeli-Petu Yes, I agree with you.The resistance of eimerias develops, sooner or later we will have to look for something else. Also, not all countries agree with the conclusions of EFSA.
Coccidiosis management is achieved not through vaccination but through litter selection. If sand is used as litter and kept clean and dry-it's 100% goodbye to coccidiosis.
Beverly Chinonye Okpalugo
Coccidial organisms are prevalent in all environments. Using sand as a bedding is no guarantee of freedom of infection; to state otherwise is misleading. To reduce the risk of coccidiosis requires excellent hygiene, good biosecurity, and then implementation of a treatment strategy that can include both coccidiostats and anti-coccidial vaccines. Coccidiosis probably causes more financial loss to the poultry industry than any other infection. MPS
Martin Smith good day,my greatest proof is my birds. I started with 254 day old Isa brown layers, I lost only 5 birds. Now at 28 weeks peak production I get 240 eggs a day. I never gave any vaccination except fowl pox at 6 weeks and 3 in 1 vaccine at 16 weeks(nd+EDs+IB) I practice extreme biosecurity, and thoroughly clean my sand litter everyday. Infact let me give you another secret, if you start giving your birds Apple cider vinegar from day one, twice every week, you will never have coccidioisis in your flock, I never have. Infact at peak production I was at 97.8 percent production and I always have a mortality of less than 2percent. Which other proof is there if all my birds are alive and laying?
Pavel Melnikovcleaning not cleanse .Simple cleaning by sweeping with a broom to remove poop which i bag and sell to crop farmers for fertilizer at a very good price bc it doesn't contain wood shavings.i have 500 laying birds and 500 pullets
Vaccine should be foolproof.
If we have to use coccidiostats on bioshuttle program for which we are tuned for ages, then why spend money on vaccine?
Amy way birds develop life long immunity once exposed.
Coccidiosis can become serious of medication is started late.
Generally responds well for treatment.
The surviving birds look dull but will come back to normal activity and weight very fast.
Removal of total flock is not warranted at all
Coccidiosis is responsible for immunosuppression in the host. With the property of anti-diarrhea and anti-inflammatory, CURCUMIN is expected to be an alternative for the treatment and prevention of coccidiosis in particular and general gastrointestinal disease in chickens, Eimeria maxima infection in broiler, weight gain, feed efficiency and also reduce mortality.
Hi everyone,
Thank you for the brilliant article. Allow me please
My current question is:
The right way to control coccidiosis is vaccine or shuttle program or again both treatment suit very well regarding layers and broilers?
The main goal is inducing immunity against coccidiosis ,and it can be done by 3 ways .
1- Using coccidiostat in feed according to two program shuttle or rotation .
2- Vaccination against coccidia .
3-Combination of vaccination and shuttle program as BIOSHUTTLE program .
Using each one depends on which kind of poultry and housing you are used . for example in pullet production for layer in cage system , may not ne used . if rearing period is in litter and production is in cage it is necessary to use coccidiostat in feed in rearing period to prevent it rearing .
In breeder flock (broiler or layer ) using combination of vaccination and coccidiostst (BIOSHUTTLE ) is more effective than using coccidiostst only .
In broiler because the time is short and inducing immunity needs 3-4 week to be enough and preventive hence coccidiostats may be more effective in control and preventing .
Dear Zahed Abassi,
It is a great pleasure to read from you. As the old saying goes : I can see clearly now.
Thank you and greetings from Burkina Faso
Samuel Afamefuna Eze it is on manufacturer's specifications. But take cognizance that most lethal strains of cocci strikes at three weeks on the earliest. Then the combination of the strains in the vaccines should anchor on the strains within the environment. In Nigeria E.tenella that causes caecal coccidiosis is the most prolific strain. Please the timing of vaccinations should be on post hatch rather than post arrival. This is the problem in some climes when baby chicks arrive on farms almost two to three days post hatch. My brother Afam Eze. Long time!!
As Dr Ibe states, identifying the type of Eimeria can help with planning control, both prevention and treatment. Tools like ScreenFloX will help in this regard. This tool does, however, require a veterinary laboratory equipped with PCR analysis technology. MPS
Thanks everyone for this brilliant discussion and analysis; The information shared will go a long way in protecting our flocks from this deadly killer
Sometimes the farm can be infected with both coccidiosis and respiratory infection and you find dead birds with mucus in the system
Can someone explain to me how you prioritise the treatment plan and how tell whether the death is from coccidiosis or respiratory infection?
Fredrick Musoke from Uganda