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Amine Benarbia (NOR-FEED)     Eimeria spp. completes its life cycle within the host’s gastrointestinal tract. its reproduction has been known to damage enterocytes, leading to decreased growth performance and welfare in chickens. Controlling the reproduction cycle and limiting oocyst excretion could explain the observed efficacy of steroidal saponin-based standardized premixtu ...
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Mohammed el Amine Benarbia (NOR-FEED) speaks on the characteristics of saponins and the results of his research presented at IPPE 2024 in Atlanta, USA.
Participation in Forum on July 3, 2023
Dr Humphrey Mbugua I've been to Mombasa...
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Hi everybody, in this case I see enlarged of proventriculus with feed and shrunked gizzards which are empty. May I ask firstly, do you make fasting program, and do you use fine feed or bad pellet quality ? If both no, we can focus other factors such as mycotoxine and especially Adeno virus.
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Proventriculitis could be the causes virus eg. Reo adeno, IBD, IB virus. could be bacterial origin eg. clostridium or other causes as biogenic amines,copper sulfate toxicity and mycotoxicosis.
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Beverly Chinonye Okpalugo Coccidial organisms are prevalent in all environments. Using sand as a bedding is no guarantee of freedom of infection; to state otherwise is misleading. To reduce the risk of coccidiosis requires excellent hygiene, good biosecurity, and then implementation of a treatment strategy that can include both coccidiostats and anti-coccidial vaccines. Coccidiosis probably causes ...
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Emma Rosie, difficult to say what works best for your farm. I don't know in what country are you based, what type of poultry house do you have. In my country is common to use sodium hydroxide, some farms still use flambation(fire), I don't know the exact word in English. There are also many disinfectants available. And all the bedding is removed after each cycle of chicken and have new one for the ...
Participation in Forum on October 15, 2021
Dr. Charles Ibe, I agree about the biosecurity. The use of agents that induce lysis of sporulated oocysts reduces the number of resistant ones and increases the efficacy of both vaccines and coccidiostatics. High humidity, as well as low humidity, stops the sporulation process.
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