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Participation in Forum on July 3, 2023
Dr Kotaiah Talapanen, sadly the cocci vaccine is not foolproof with the current vaccines. A lot of management is necessary.
Participation in Forum on May 17, 2023
oumed gerjisVaccinate them at the hatchery. Manage the farm. Revaccinate if needed.
Participation in Forum on May 16, 2023
oumed gerjis Why you are vaccinating at day 4 vs day 1?
Participation in Forum on September 7, 2022
Participation in Forum on April 9, 2022
You can read my articles about coccidiosis in engormix (Coccidiosis control in broiler breeders with the use of vaccines: part one) or in
Participation in Forum on February 20, 2022
Arkan Lubani I did a study with revaccination at day 4 via spray in the brooding area after vaccination at day of age. so far many flocks with no coccidiosis in the field. I presented that work at AAAP 2021
Participation in Forum on February 20, 2022
Bouayad If cocci breakage persists, first check to see if the vaccine is viable. If it is, make sure the chick density is right to increase the humidity of the litter. I like about 40 chicks per m2 for the first 7-9 days. This can vary depending on the humidity of the litter. If the second cycle occurs correctly, you will have a decent number of oocysts per gram of feces and a good immune res ...
Participation in Forum on February 20, 2022
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni. many reasons why the vaccine did not work. always check application and viability of the vaccine. but also field conditions. vaccine application can be fine but if field conditions does not work then breaks will occur. you may need to be more specific.
Participation in Forum on February 16, 2022
Dr Kotaiah, you may need to treat if you have a break, but need to look at brooding conditions besides the vaccine being applied properly
Participation in Forum on February 8, 2022
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni Please contact me via email
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