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Viral diseases in poultry

If you ask poultry producers what damage viruses can do to their business, they will understandably think mostly about major diseases such as avian influenza, Gumboro disease or respiratory infections such as Infectious Bronchitis virus. However, this is merely the tip of the iceberg. Viral challenges can be the triggers for a whole range of problems which may never even appear as clinical disease but can have an even more devastating effect on overall flock performance, production and profits. They can affect one or more of the birds’ body systems, the most significant of which are the respiratory tract (lungs and air sacs), the skeletal system (bones and joints) or the intestinal tract (affecting gut function). Although other factors such as environment, nutrition and management play an important role in the full expression of diseases affecting these systems, the most significant underlying trigger is usually an infectious agent, and the most potent of these are undoubtedly viruses.
As temperatures drop in fall and winter, respiratory diseases in poultry become more prevalent, creating serious challenges to the livestock industry. These diseases can lead to lower productivity, higher mortality rates, and increased costs for farmers. This article will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment...
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Brian Jordan (Zoetis) talks about the usefulness of vaccine takes to evaluate correct application and how vaccines interact with each other, in this Engormix interview during IPPE 2025 in Atlanta, USA....
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Janet Fulton
Hy-Line International
Hy-Line International
Janet Fulton, Hy-Line Senior Molecular Geneticist [Retired], explains her research on chicken candidate genes associated with survival following an HPAI Infection, in this Engormix interview....
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Hello dear all. My topic question is: How can we stop Infectious bronchitis infections in layers birds in cages? Because in my 29 years of poultry production, almost every flock is hit by IB in layers. What should b the vaccinations schedule for IB control pl Its in pakistan ...
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1. Introduction Respiratory diseases control is crucial in all types of poultry including laying hens. Respiratory infections in layers can considerably impair bird health and welfare, as well as performance and hence profitability of flocks [1]. Although in broilers respiratory diseases mostly affect the respiratory tract itself, in layers respiratory infections affect both the airways and the oviduct [2]. Therefore, respiratory disease can have a significant economic...
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tesa panisello
tesa panisello and 2 more
1. Introduction Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) is an economically concerning disease in the poultry industry. This highly contagious disease is caused by Gallidalphaherpes virus type1 (GaHV 1), commonly known as infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) [1]. ILT is characterized by severe dyspnea, cough, and rales, while the sub-acute form is characterized by nasal and ocular discharge, tracheitis, conjunctivitis, and mild rales [2]. Chickens of all ages are prone to...
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Poultry industry experts at the 2025 Latin American Poultry Summit will present information on factors that affect the efficient marketing of poultry farming.  The program is organized into five sessions – grain management, food safety, genetics, breeding and health – and will take place on Monday,...
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There is a huge problem found of Inclusion Body Hepatitis/Hydropericardium Syndrome in comercial broiler farming and mortality found after 27 days with no control under any drug and it´s increasing. If you have any idea please share it with me. ...
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Giovanni Franzo
Università Degli Studi di Padova
Università Degli Studi di Padova
1. Introduction Avian metapneumovirus (aMPV) is a highly infective virus that affects turkeys and chickens, causing turkey rhinotracheitis (TRT) and swollen head syndrome (SHS), respectively. aMPV also has the capacity to infect other avian species [1–3]. The virus is primarily associated with upper respiratory infections, predisposing birds to opportunistic bacterial pathogens, which can result in severe respiratory disease, high morbidity, and mortality rates....
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Dieter Liebhart
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
1. Introduction The Newcastle disease virus (NDV), a member of the Paramyxoviridae family, poses a global threat to poultry and wild birds due to its worldwide distribution and ability to infect various avian species [1]. Infection of birds with highly virulent strains of NDV results in immunosuppression, which at least in part results from profound depletion of lymphoid tissues [2,3]. NDV has also been extensively studied in human tumour cells for its potential role as...
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Respected Sir I would be grateful if somebody tell me how to grade a viral load in a sample into high or medium or low viral load if it detected by quantitative PCR ? How can I judge it is low or high viral load. ...
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Blanca Cecilia Martinez
Promitec SAS
Promitec SAS
Viral diseases that affect the respiratory system of poultry, such as Avian Infectious Bronchitis (IBV), Newcastle Disease (ND), and Avian Influenza (IFV), have a significant and detrimental impact on the health of the animals. This, in turn, has negative consequences for the profitability of poultry producers. To control these types of diseases, the poultry industry has primarily relied on strengthening biosecurity plans, along with the implementation of various vaccination strategies....
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Dr. David Sarfati Mizrahi
Laboratorio Avimex
Laboratorio Avimex
Abstract Since Inclusion Body Hepatitis (IBH) was first detected in two broiler chicken flocks in the USA in 1963, outbreaks of the disease have been reported. Historically, IBH was known to occur as a secondary pathogen, particularly in the presence of immunosuppressive agents, but it´s no longer the case. During the late 1980´s and recently, IBH and Hydropericardium Syndrome (HHS) have been widely distributed in broiler flocks in several countries and...
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Steve Walkden-Brown
University of New England
University of New England
1. Introduction Infectious bronchitis (IB) and Newcastle disease (ND) are highly transmissible diseases that cause substantial economic losses in the poultry industry [1, 2]. Infectious bronchitis is caused by infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), a gammacoronavirus with a single-stranded positive sense RNA genome [3]. Newcastle disease is caused by virulent strains of Newcastle disease virus (NDV), a paramyxovirus with a single-stranded negative sense RNA genome [4]. Infectious...
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Steve Walkden-Brown
University of New England
University of New England
1. Introduction Infectious bronchitis (IB) and Newcastle disease (ND) are highly transmissible diseases that cause substantial economic losses in the poultry industry [1, 2]. Infectious bronchitis is caused by infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), a gammacoronavirus with a single-stranded positive sense RNA genome [3]. Newcastle disease is caused by virulent strains of Newcastle disease virus (NDV), a paramyxovirus with a single-stranded negative sense RNA genome [4]. Infectious...
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Brian Jordan (University of Georgia) explains how False Layer Syndrome affects poultry and what can be done to prevent it, in this Engormix interview during IPPE 2024 in Atlanta, USA....
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Spring has come to stay for a few months, everything is getting greener, and the environment is recovering from the harsh cold, but as optimistic as we are, we find spring to be a great moment for raising awareness of poultry’s most common diseases. Want to know some of them? 1. Coccidiosis Represented in poultry...
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Dibesh karmacharya
University of Queensland
University of Queensland
Introduction Nepal’s poultry industry has seen a significant and rapid growth in the last decade, contributing more than 4% to the national gross domestic product (GDP) [1, 2]. Majority of the poultry products are supplied by numerous commercial farms (54% of total poultry production) scattered throughout the country. Backyard poultry also accounts for significant proportion of the total poultry production (46%); poultry meat and eggs are an easy source for protein and...
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