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Mycotoxins in poultry

Common mycotoxins associated with mycotoxicoses in poultry include aflatoxins, fumonisins, zearalenone, ochratoxins, and trichothecenes such as deoxynivalenol and T-2 toxins. Diagnosis requires detection and quantification of the specific mycotoxin. Treatment includes removal of the source of the mycotoxin and supportive care. Mold mitigation strategies can be used for prevention. Mycotoxicoses are diseases caused by the poisonous effects of the toxins produced by filamentous microfungi (ie, toxigenic molds). Hundreds of mycotoxins are known and can produce mild to severe toxic effects when they occur above levels of concern. The importance of mycotoxin problems in poultry is probably considerable yet difficult to measure. Chronic low levels of exposure to more than one type of mycotoxin appears to be a commonality, yet is less clinically evident.
 Julia dvorska
Julia dvorska and 1 more
Mycotoxin contamination in newly harvested grain is a very important parameter to consider. That grain is used to feed the animals for the whole year, until the next harvest. As the saying goes, “knowing the enemy is half the battle won.” In turn, if we know the level of contamination, we can think about the best use of the wheat: to which animal species it can be fed (avoiding the more sensitive species in cases of high contamination or decreasing the...
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Mézes Miklós
Mézes Miklós and 4 more
Szent István University
Szent István University
1. Introduction Aflatoxins (AFs) are secondary metabolites of the Aspergillus species of fungi, which are generally contaminate tropical and subtropical food and feedstuffs [1]. However, due to climate change, their occurrence in temperate climates should be taken into account not only during storage but also on the field [2,3]. Climate change usually causes drought stress in fungi, and stress-responding pathways can stimulate the AF production of Aspergillus flavus...
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What should we do if we have implemented all 3 of the 4 steps of the Mycotoxin Management Program – Forecast Crop Contamination, Secure Storage and Screen finished feed – and still find a multiple mycotoxin contamination in the feed? What if we do not have any choice in the matter, as animals need to be fed?  We can try to avoid feeding such a feed to more sensitive species and age groups, although even low levels of mycotoxins can have negative effects on...
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Mycotoxins are highly toxic secondary metabolic products of moulds. They lead to decreased productivity and profitability in livestock. At Adisseo, we have developed a comprehensive approach to the management of mycotoxins. Our MycoMan range of services allows the mycotoxin risk to be identified and optimal strategies to be developed thanks to the mycotoxin prediction tool, the harvest bulletin, quick or laboratory tests and, finally, our mobile app. Moreover, Adisseo has also developed a...
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Virginie Marquis
Phileo by Lesaffre
Phileo by Lesaffre
Dr. Virginie Marquis, R&D Manager for Toxicology and Safety at Phileo by Lesaffre, explains why symptoms related to mycotoxicosis can occur at toxin concentrations below the regulatory limit, during VIV Asia 2019...
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 Julia dvorska
Julia dvorska and 1 more
Based on the results of this survey, the 2020 wheat crop in Poland should not automatically be considered safe for inclusion in finished feed rations for all animal species. Special attention should be paid to the medium-high average concentration of DON (1102 μg/kg), which was found in 71% of the samples with maximum concentration 9800 μg/kg. Average HT-2 and T-2 toxins level according to our risk assessment table present low-medium risk to...
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Ranajit Bandyopadhyay
Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical CIAT
Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical CIAT
1. Introduction Aflatoxins are highly toxic and carcinogenic compounds produced by Aspergillus flavus and closely related fungi in several crops [1]. Maize (Zea mays L.) and groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.) are amongst the most susceptible crops. Crop contamination with these potent compounds negatively affects both human and animal health, the income of farmers, and trade opportunities [2–4]. In the case of animals, when feeds are prepared with aflatoxin-contaminated crops,...
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Regiane R. Santos
Schothorst Feed Research
Schothorst Feed Research
1. Introduction The economic losses caused by mycotoxins are mostly related to the extra costs employed to reduce or eliminate mycotoxin contamination in the diet, and the financial losses due to suboptimal animal production (Magnoli et al., 2019). Among the mycotoxins affecting livestock production, the Fusarium mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) appears as one of the most important ones. The knowledge regarding the effects of DON on broilers is mostly based on studies using...
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I am facing a challenge at present where dried waste bread and cassava flakes were used to replace maize due to high cost of maize. I added toxin binder to the feed and pelletised but still have high mortality. I have lost a total of 22 birds out of 152. need help on prescription on phytogenic i can get around to help inhibit aspergillus as most pharmacy around do not sell liquid toxin binder and the powder ones arent pack in package that are affordable. ...
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Maria Soriano
South East Asia is under a constant increase in the livestock production and, therefore, the demand for raw materials intended for animal feed consumption is rising every year. Currently, the national production of raw materials for animal feed is not enough to supply the national livestock industry of the area, and the import of grain is needed to ensure feed availability. Corn imports come mainly from Argentina and Brazil, although the import of such grain from China has increased in...
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Mézes Miklós
Szent István University
Szent István University
1. Introduction Ochratoxin A (OTA) is a secondary metabolite of certain species of the Aspergillus and Penicillium genus [1]. The chemical structure of OTA consists of weak organic acids with a dihydroisocumarin moiety joined by a peptide bond to 1-phenylalanine [2]. There are three ochratoxin forms, designated as A, B and C, which have slight structural differences; however, ochratoxin A (OTA) is chlorinated and is the most toxic one [3]. OTA contamination in Europe in the year...
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Abstract To evaluate the impact of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), ochratoxin A (OTA) and their interactions on blood biochemicals and organ histopathology, dayold broiler chicks (n=288) were divided into 9 treatment groups (T1: control; T2: T1+150 ppb AFB1; T3: T1+300 ppb AFB1; T4: T1+150 ppb OTA; T5: T1+250 ppb OTA; T6: T1+150 ppb AFB1+150 ppb OTA; T7: T1+150 ppb AFB1+250 ppb OTA; T8: T1+300 ppb AFB1+150 ppb OTA; T9: T1+300 ppb AFB1+250 ppb OTA). Each diet was fed to 4 replicated groups...
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Ochratoxin A (OTA) is a mycotoxin that is receiving increasing attention worldwide because of the hazard it poses to animal and human health. This mycotoxin was isolated as metabolite of the fungus Aspergillus ochraceus from which the toxin acquired its name. However, ochratoxin production is not unique to Aspergillus ochraceus as additional several Aspergillus species and several Penicillium species produce ochratoxins. Ochratoxicosis causes a reduction in production performance, viz....
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Good day all, I'm Muhammed Jimoh Ibrahim a PhD research student from Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria. Working on Aflatoxin residues in carcasses and eggs. Please a professional advise on the laboratory to perform my bench work. I am looking on performing HPLC, GC/MS and other sensitive test. Thank you. Your information and advise will be appreciated. ...
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Abstract In order to establish the tolerance level of ochratoxin A (OTA) in broiler chickens, day-old broiler chicks (n=160) were divided into 4 treatment groups (T1- control; T2-T1+50 ppb OTA; T3-T1+100 ppb OTA; and T4-T1+150 ppb OTA). Each diet was fed to 4 replicated groups of 10 birds each from day-old to 42 days of age. During overall growth phase (0- 6 weeks), the average body weight gain (BWG) in T3 and T4 was lower (P<0.05) than T1, whereas, the BWG of T2 was...
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Manuel Contreras
Special Nutrients
Special Nutrients
Manuel Contreras, Technical Manager of Veterinary Services at Special Nutrients, explains the results of the poster "Cellular immune response after vaccination with SG 9R in birds fed Aflatoxin and a mycotoxin adsorbent in the diet", during OVUM 2019 in Peru...
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Carlos A. Mallmann
Carlos Mallmann, Director of the Laboratory of Mycotoxicological Analysis, from the University of Santa Maria in Brazil (UFSM - Brasil), speaks about the technologies for predictions of mycotoxins in poultry, during a visit of a team of nutritionists from India belonging to Venky's, who toured the facilities of SAMITEC, PEGASUS and LAMIC, and the University of Santa Maria....
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Ben Letor
Ben Letor and 2 more
1. Introduction Broiler chickens and pigs are highly exposed to mycotoxins due to their cereal based diet. These toxins are mainly produced by Aspergillus, Fusarium, and Penicillium fungal species. [1]. Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is the most important aflatoxin with regards to potency and occurrence. Poultry are highly sensitive to the hepatotoxic and hepatocarcinogenic effects of AFB1. At lower doses, reductions in growth rate, hatchability, feed efficiency, and immunity occur, which...
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Mariana Greco
Mariana Greco and 1 more
1. Introduction The rapid growth in the meat sector has been underpinned by the rising demand of poultry meat, which has consistently increased about threefold the rate of population growth over each of the past five decades [1]. The presence of microscopic fungi affects the quality of feeds, their organoleptic attributes, and nutritional quality [2]. Moulds like other microorganisms will assimilate and utilize the most readily available nutrients in the materials they...
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Muzaffer Denli
Muzaffer Denli and 1 more
Introduction The occurrence of mycotoxins in foods and feeds is a problem of major concern in all over the world. Profitability of poultry production can be greatly affected due to the frequency of feed contamination and the detrimental effects of these toxins on the performance (Hamilton, 1984). Aflatoxins, a group of closely related and biologically active mycotoxins, are produced by strains of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. They commonly occur as natural...
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