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#Swine nutrition
Article published the December 2, 2021
1. IntroductionIntensive agriculture and climate change can lead to the proliferation of microscopic fungi, which can cause severe economic and health damage through their toxin production. Fusarium species infect cereals, such as wheat, barley, oats, and maize, worldwide. According to the Biomin Worldwide Mycotoxin Survey [1], the percentage of positive samples of finished feeds in Europe was 65% ...
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Article published the February 3, 2021
1. IntroductionAflatoxins (AFs) are secondary metabolites of the Aspergillus species of fungi, which are generally contaminate tropical and subtropical food and feedstuffs [1]. However, due to climate change, their occurrence in temperate climates should be taken into account not only during storage but also on the field [2,3]. Climate change usually causes drought stress in fungi, and stress-resp ...
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Article published the September 24, 2020
1. IntroductionOchratoxin A (OTA) is a secondary metabolite of certain species of the Aspergillus and Penicillium genus [1]. The chemical structure of OTA consists of weak organic acids with a dihydroisocumarin moiety joined by a peptide bond to 1-phenylalanine [2]. There are three ochratoxin forms, designated as A, B and C, which have slight structural differences; however, ochratoxin A (OTA) is ...
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Article published the March 13, 2018
IntroductionThe global aquaculture production of food fish has increased tremendously over the last decade, reaching 62.7 million metric tonnes in 2011 or about 40.1% of world total fish production [1]. Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) or barramundi is an important aquaculture species native to the Indo-West Pacific region [2] with increasing production currently estimated at 67,000 tonnes [3]. In ...
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Article published the August 12, 2016
Ingredients used in animal feeds and their contamination with undesirable substances, such as mycotoxins, are fundamentally important both in terms of the quality of animal products and the potential human health impacts associated with the animal-based food production chain. Feed ingredients contaminated with mycotoxins may have a wide range of toxicological effects on animals. Therefore, mycotox ...
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Article published the February 18, 2014
1Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Szent István University, Páter K. u. 1, H-2103 Gödöllo, Hungary; 2Research Group of Animal Breeding and Hygiene, Faculty of Animal Science, University of Kaposvár, Kaposvár, Hungary; 3Research Institute for Animal Breeding and Nutrition, Herceghalom, HungaryActa Veterinaria Hungarica ...
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Article published the October 30, 2013
IntroductionFeed supply is important for animal production and any factor that affects the security of the feed supply is a significant constraint to production. Feed spoilage by moulds may result in heating, reduced palatability and the loss of nutritive value (Christensen, 1974). In addition, the affected commodity may become contaminated with mycotoxins. The biological reactions following inges ...
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Participation in Forum on May 27, 2013
Your comments are really interesting and important. First is about the synergistic or antagonistic effects of different mycotoxins. For instance some other mycotoxins have measurable effect on aflatoxins, but these interactions in vivo conditions is not yeat clear, and usually underestimated, and the in vitro data is not suitable for extrapolation to in vivo system. Determination of the real mycot ...
Participation in Forum on February 11, 2013
The question of Hafiz: What are the naturally occuring toxin binders?.... is really interesting and probably important. (1) Most of the mycotoxin binders are naturally occuring molecules/crystals. E.g. zeolite, glucomannans etc. (2) Some of the feedingstuffs, e.g. straw or hay also have mycotoxin binding capacity.
Participation in Forum on November 7, 2012
Re: Olayinka Thank you for the comment. DON tolerance of chicken (and most of the poultry species) is an unsolved problem. In the article we discuss about one of the potential background of that tolerance. We speculate that, as in all farm animals, gut microflora has potential to detoxify xenobiotics, such as DON, and the tolerance probably based on the different capacity of the microflora. Ageing ...
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Location:Gödöllő, Pest, Hungary
Profile: Academic / scientific