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poultry health ascites

Ascites in poultry

Published: July 31, 2008
The ascites syndrome in broiler flocks has been increasing at an alarming rate, and this condition has become one of the leading causes of mortality and whole carcass condemnations throughout the world. Ascites represents a spectrum of physiological and metabolic changes leading to the excess accumulation of fluid in abdominal cavity. These changes occur in response to a number of dietary, ...
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Youssef Attia
1 de agosto de 2008

Of course understanding the causes of the ascites syndrome and the role of acidifiers will help to control the case and decease loss and improve growth performance and decreases in mortality rates, carcass condemnations, as well as benefits in alleviating ascites. This article is beneficial in this regard and gave a new tool to control this case.

Carlos Debortoli
Al-Watania Poultry
Al-Watania Poultry
28 de agosto de 2008
There were not nutrients' especifications of the diets and also the regime that the birds were fed, that can interfere in the results.
Dr. Karki Kedar
28 de agosto de 2008

Good article about ascites in poultry. Role of mycotoxin in this syndrome and utility of liquid toxin binder need to be assesed.



Guybro Chemical
10 de noviembre de 2008

We would like to know the ammount of Biotronic® SE added in the feed and for how many days and what was the cost involved of addingBiotronic® SE ... is it beneficial... 'cause to me it seems ineffective and cost to profit ratio may be o the lower side.

Dr.Iftikhar Ahmad Mashhadi
26 de noviembre de 2008

The article about Ascites by Renata Urbaityte, from Biomin is an informative study which depicts only microbial concern ascites but does not throw light on the microbial load of feed under test. The trial feed is being offered throughout the trial period which will be a cost concern. The nutrient density of the feed along with microbial count should also be mentioned to check for other causes of ascites. The Mentioned Product should be compared with other available products in the market regarding controlling ascites. Overall the article along with pictures is an article of great interest.

Jiakui Li
Jiakui Li
5 de enero de 2009

The article about Ascites is an article of great interest. Chinese herb medicine is very useful to treat Ascites in broilers.

Mohammad Hosseini
5 de julio de 2009
Yes: Role of mycotoxin in this syndrome and utility of liquid toxin binder need to be assesed.
Kara Terki Abdelhakim
10 de enero de 2010

Yes, food acidity may terminate ascites, because It optimizes the enzymatic activity, highly phytase which reduces the serum protein responsible the leakage rate of water to the natural cavities the Agency
But sodium bicarbonate reduces frequency of appearance with ascites .
so we must to choice after visting the broillers what chiks need at this moment , azcide or basique additionaly in the water .
i think its not interessting to go on with food acid from day to death in brolleirs .
wez should to control the necanisme feeding every day and take a decision in different situation .

Munawar Ali
Islamabad Group
Islamabad Group
20 de enero de 2010

It is an excellent article. There is another reason of ascities and that is salty water or water which have high concentration of Sodium and Chlorides. Recently I have experienced a case in which all other perameters were ok but still there was ascities problem in broilers. The birds were drinking a water which have 250 ppm Sodium and 120 ppm Chlorides concentration.

Farmers/growers are requested to to check their water for Na and Cl concentrations. If these are on higher sides they can have reverse osmosis plants installation at their farms to prevent this problem or nutritionist can adjust Na and Cl in feed formulation to overcome the problem.

QX strain also produces ascities like symtoms because of accumulation of wate in oviduct and apperently it looks like ascities if not seen carefully.

Dr. Munawar Ali

Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman
Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman
27 de enero de 2010

In Pakistan the incidance of ascities mostly occur in winter. I think it is mostly due to poor ventilation and where high energy feed is offered. As Dr. Munawar Ali mention The level of Sodium and Chloride Ions also play a vital role. As every one knows Na ion is responsible for hypertention (more load on HEART), resulting in dialation of heart. Which causes accumulation of fluid in the cavity.

Ganesh Kumar Dahal
Guybro Chemical
1 de febrero de 2010

Etiology of ascites is varied but its prevalence more particularly at high altitude geographic region is key concern for some poultry breeds.

As rightly pointed out by Dr.Munawar & Dr.Ali, the excess level of sodium & chloride ion in water as well as in compound feed containing fish meal was another key reason to elevate metabolic disorder like Ascites. Since replacement of fish meal is available in modern feed formulation, water quality should be analyzed to check the level of Sodium chloride Ions.

Since in country like ours the Ammonia is also major factor to elevate ascites condition in birds, dietary acidification with low inclusion rate and a product like “LIITERON” – The litter conditioner to reduce ammonia of litter could control causative organism as well as emission of ammonia in poultry farm.

Dr. K.S. Arora
1 de febrero de 2010

The symptoms and pathological lesions seen in ascites may be because of multiple factors. The etiology is complex and the prevention and treatment has to be case specific

Muhammad Yousaf
Muhammad Yousaf
8 de febrero de 2010
nice work is ever nice.i do not want to limitise it in words.ever a working bring new pionts to explore.there is ever needs to improve.
Paul Cotter
7 de abril de 2010

The ascites article would have imporved if actual bacteriological data was reported.

Dr. Om Pratap Singh
9 de abril de 2010

Nice work, It is known that Ascites has multiple etiology and it is increasing in broilers due to fast growth and high stocking density. on the basis of my experience on Cobb birds, Ascites can be significantly reduced by realization of Cobb-500 lighting program (Broiler lighting program) with better performance. farmer can customize that according to their climate as well as expected performance of birds.

-Dr. Om Pratap Singh

Marcelo Gerber
9 de abril de 2010
Dear Renata Congratulations study. The framework of this pathology has been studied for many years and still causes many losses industries chickens. The more we study and tools to minimize the effects of these losses better. I wondered what were the rates of conversion aliento, finding the 3 treatments Graciously Marcelo S. Gerber
Dr.sohail Ahmad
Islamabad Group
Islamabad Group
15 de abril de 2010

Ascities or water belly in poultry is an interesting and informative article. I agree Mr K.S Arora that there are multiple
factors involved.
These factors are both managemental as well as nutritional.If we will diagnose an ascities bird than we will see different
for example, difficult in breath, accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, excess straw colourd pericardial fluid, pale liver
with rounded edges etc.
I think that the main reason is improper ventilation , due to high growth of broiler, metabolism of bird increased than bird
require more oxygen for inhalition, the lungs work more and not fulfil the bird oxygen requirement.THe organ of the bird
dilate and accumulation of fluid in different organs.So increase the ventilation and decrease the ammonia level in the shed.
The second reason is the nutrition for example, use of toxic meat and bone meal, excess salt in feed and water, Toxic fat
or vagetable oil, vitamin E defficiency and high range of aflatoxin.

Dr. Sohail Ahmad (Pakistan)

Dr. Anjum
Dr. Anjum
28 de mayo de 2010

Realy its a very nice article because Ascites is a hot issue here in pakistan.

Dr. Anjum

Suguna Group
Suguna Group
29 de mayo de 2010
Dear sir, The article is good. Regards, Neethiraja A Coimbatore
Scott M. Russell
University of Georgia
University of Georgia
10 de octubre de 2011
Hi I am requesting use of the picture to use in a booklet being produced to assist the poultry industry in understanding poultry condemnations. Please let me know if you will allow me to use it. The information will not be sold but will be given to the industry. Thanks. My Name is: Dr. Scott M. Russell Professor Poultry Science Department of Poultry Science The University of Georgia
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