Participation in Forum on January 28, 2025
You may be interested in...Cotter PF. Cytogenetics of Reactive Bone Marrow Associated with a Fungal Infection (Hemomycetes avium) of Ducklings. World J Vet Sci. 2022; 4(1): 1018Cotter, P. F. 2023. Bone marrow and blood pictures of broilers with BCO J Anim Res Vet Sci 2023, 7: 048 DOI: 10.24966/ARVS-3751/100048 [Published as a galley proof]Cotter, P. F. 2015. Hemomycetes avium, a blood-borne fungus ...
This member gave a presentation on January 29, 2024
At the following event:
IPPE - International Production & Processing Expo 2024
Participation in Forum on June 7, 2023
Was mononucelosis aka blue-comb ruled out?
This member gave a presentation on January 30, 2017
At the following event:
IPPE - International Production & Processing Expo 2017
Participation in Forum on December 6, 2011
Could the authors provide addiational information on the immunization protocol used to produce ethe hyperimmunized hens?
Was an adjuvant used?
Were flagella (Widal) agglutinination tests done?
Participation in Forum on June 28, 2011
Good article about Sudden Death Syndrome in Broilers. Is there a connection between "flip-over" and "water-belly"?
Participation in Forum on May 17, 2011
I am currently involved in a study of enriched vs. conventional laying environments. The study will focus on immunity and stress between the two cage systems. Heterophil/lymphocyte (H/L) ratios will be used as an indication of stress and natural antibody titers as a measure of immunity. As this is in its early phase there are no data yet available for comparison, however that will change in the n ...
Participation in Forum on April 7, 2010
The ascites article would have imporved if actual bacteriological data was reported.
Participation in Forum on August 28, 2007
The small size of the photos of intestinal sections detracts somewhat from this otherwise excellent article.
Article published the August 8, 2007
Immunoglobulins, also called antibodies or Igs, are proteins associated with health maintenance of poultry and mammals. They are secretory products of B-cells originating in the bursa of Fabricius, a small outpocket of the avian cloaca located just anterior to the vent. Surgical removal of bursa from young chicks is associated with a reduced capacity to produce antibodies to salmonella. Humans who ...