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Participation in Forum on September 14, 2022
I strong recommend use the sieve #5 to grind the corn and produced pellet 3.2mm or 4 mmm it will solve all the problems regarding the issue plus improve the feed conversion. Please study gelatinização before any argumentation about my comments. Plus your personal experience regarding what I am trying to share to improve your operations performance.
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Tom Tabler (Mississippi State University) discusses the relevance of monitoring the PH in the water supplied to chickens, during IPPE 2019 in Atlanta, USA.
Participation in Forum on September 18, 2018
As a suggestion very interesting associate the soy bean quality in experiments when we are talking about GIT healthy. Ideal solubility can change the experiment results.
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Diformate is the most successful formula to deliver sustained release of organic acid thorough out the GUT of poultry. It not only kills harmful bacteria but also aids in the optimum release of endogenous enzymes thus enhancing the digestion process. The optimum release of endogenous enzymes is very crucial especially in young chicken with developing GIT. The modern poultry production ere has brou ...
Participation in Forum on May 9, 2016
Thanks for the informations good job.
Participation in Forum on November 20, 2009
Congratulation for the work about maize particle size and phytase in broiler starters. Concern about the Corn and the total diet quality regarding toxins. As everybody knows toxins can interfer strongly in the performance.
Participation in Forum on August 28, 2008
There were not nutrients' especifications of the diets and also the regime that the birds were fed, that can interfere in the results.
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August 21, 2008
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Location:Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
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