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Participation in Forum on October 27, 2021
Mr. Odigiri Emmanuel Re. ; LIITERON – The Litter Conditioner We are pleased to confirm we will definitely supply to your country – Liiteron The Litter Conditioner in bags of 25 Kg. Please let us know number of Broilers & Layers on the deep litter to help us to work out the quantity & quote the rates in USD. Kindly let us know your nearest port for shipment. Liiteron is readily avail ...
Participation in Forum on May 21, 2019
Inorganic minerals or Inorganic minerals with ligand – these are same but are being misquoted as Organic. Inorganic mineral bioavailability is very low 5 – 8% while bioavailability of minerals with Organic ligand is max. 40%. “All bodily processes depend upon the action of minerals. Foods grown on millions of acres of land no longer contain enough minerals and are starving us”. Ref. U S Senate ...
Participation in Forum on June 27, 2018
Dear Mr. Dahal, Thank you very much for your information on Liiteron. We are unable to contact you on your cell number.
Participation in Forum on June 12, 2018
We are currently marketing two different formulation for control of salmonella. 1) Raafres - formulation of organic acids with MOS, B-Glucan with sustained release technology. It acidifies GI tract crop to cloaca, litter is also acidified. Sustained release technology of organic acids acidifies entire GI tract keep in check not only salmonella but e-coli also. 2) Vireck Total - for drinking wate ...
Participation in Forum on August 3, 2017
We appreciate your write up on organic acids in poultry feed. We are currently successfully marketing organic acid formulation with MOS, B glucan and Oregano oil on a unique carrier. Raafres our formulation has energy value 4159 Kcal/kg. It continues giving excellent performance as a sustained release of organic acids. It keep acidified poultry GI tract from Crop to Cloaca. Improved FCR, weight ga ...
Participation in Forum on October 12, 2016
From physiological point broiler need for oxygen is 0.13 m3/kg live weight per hour.
Product published on April 6, 2015
Vannamin has additional 77 Organic minerals which deliver direct benefit – but in addition they increases the bioavailability of supplemental trace minerals from the diet. Characteristics of 77 Organic Minerals in Vannamin are These are Organic Micro-minerals, Nano particle size 1,00,000 times smaller than metallic mineral. 10,000 times smaller than RBCs Equal size of water molecule, easy ...
The publication of this product is complete.
Participation in Forum on July 22, 2013
Dear all, Litter moisture more than 50% results in to more ammonia formation into the farm & attracts flies as their breeding sites. By considering hazards of ammonia and to avoid various infectious diseases in the farm poultry litter moisture must be reduced. Litter moisture in the poultry houses can be reduced by proper attention & good managemental practices. Important factors like diet, bird h ...
Discussion created on June 29, 2013
We are interested to know your opinion or suggestions regarding usage of inorganic minerals, chelated minerals so called organic minerals & organic minerals (natural) that are available in the market. In the modern poultry diet chelated minerals are commonly used over inorganic minerals, we want to know your practical experiences regarding bioavailability & benefits of these two different ...
Participation in Forum on June 7, 2013
Thanks Mr. Joshi, Products mentioned by you might have certain amount of HSCAS but in less quantity to meet your requirements, you are suggested to use 100% HSCAS that would be effective solution to get rid from moisture problem and keep feed free flowing, but please be sure that the product is Dioxin free. Dr. C. S. Bedi Guybro Chemical, Mumbai
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