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Avian Influenza H9N2 and biosecurity - Husam Bakri

Published: March 12, 2018
Husam Bakri (Vaxxinova) spoke on the risks of avian Influenza and its appearance in combination with IBV or Newcastle, and the importance of good management measures, during IPPE 2018 in Atlanta, USA.
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Husam Bakri
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Stephen Adejoro Dr
12 de abril de 2018
Ism delighted that we are having consencus of opinion in our practices that mycotoxin is a predisposing factors to many outbreak of viral diseases This is one of the motivation behind the mycotoxin mitigation initiative of Livestock Industry Foundation For Africa ,an NGO founded by Dr Stephen .Adejoro from Nigeria It is my interest to invite concerned practitioners and Nutritionist to team up with us to create massive awareness among livestock/poultry farners on the influence of this metabolite on productivity,profitability and food safety for world consumers of livestock food Join us on www.lifango.org
19 de junio de 2018
What titre of ELISA antibodies is expected at 3 weeks of age in broilers vaccinated at day-old? Suppose there is no field challenge.
Rafeek Elsayed
24 de junio de 2018
Dear Dr. AHMED ANJUM in general, significant antibody titer could not be detected at 3 weeks of age in broilers vaccinated with inactive vaccine at day-old because of wane of maternal antibody and active immunity driven by vaccination haven't developed yet. (negative ELISA TITER (consider ELISA assay is not subtype-specific) , H9 AIV HI titer less than 3log2 titer).
Husam Bakri
22 de agosto de 2018

Dear brother AHMED ANJUM First, I wish you a happy eid and I would like to apologize for delay to reply to you as I found it on my junk mail. First I prefer to do HI test not elias. HI test more accurate. In Elisa we did not see titer from the vaccine till 28 days. In HI test, usually, we see 3 log2 and some time is less but we have done challenge at 21 days after vaccination at day old we could see good protection even the titer was less than 3log2. In breeder and layer the most important to get 5log2 before production.

Prof. Dr. hussein H Hassanin
Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority
9 de agosto de 2018

Dear Dr Hussam

A;salam Alikom

Thank you for the great efforts you are doing to help poultry producers controlling viral outbreaks especially in Broilers.

From my experience in broiler production, the main problem in these farms is the multiage production system. with this system, the only solution to stop the outbreaks is by breaking the cycle of infection through full evacuation of each unit and full cleaning and disinfection for the whole farm including all the sources of infection without missing any of them. then leave the farm without any chick for at least one week after disinfection and start a new round with strict biosecurity rules. Also, it is an issue of the vaccination rather than the vaccine. Avoiding stressors as much as we can especially in the first weak together with optimum ventilation and brooding temperature are very vital to get the best results in both vitality and the uniformity of your chickens.

Husam Bakri
22 de agosto de 2018

Prof. Dr. hussein H Hassanin. First, I wish you and your family a happy eid. Yes, I totally agree with you.

Thank you again for your comments.

Mahmoud Seddeek
9 de agosto de 2018

H9 make a big problem now in many countries and the main problem from my view is coinfection with other factors such as MG, E.Coli, viral diseases as IB
Also, early infection of H9
h9 mainly depend on cellular immunity, so inactivated vaccine play a minor role in protection.
I think the recombinant vaccine will help in solving the problems beside strict biosecurity.

10 de agosto de 2018
I totally agree with DR Hossam Seddeek for me it was always an interaction with first intention bronchitis and a month degree with mycoplasma the real problem is that bi variants have to know that type of variant is in the integration to direct vaccination either by a heterologous vaccination or nessesite a variant variant vaccine do a good nebulization (nozzles; check the pressure ect) and do ELISA to correct the method of vaccination for local IGA need not seric due to immunization with an inactiv H9N2 and do not forget the biosecurity a high interest should be given to the quality of the chick to make ELISA GUMBORO-ANEMIA - REOVIROSE -MYCOTOXINS (food) and redo another ELISA on D10 for ANEMIE -REOVIROSE THANKS
10 de agosto de 2018
rectification : vaccination either by a HETEROLOGOUS vaccination or nessisite a HOMOLOGOUS variant vaccine thank you
Avner Finger
Phibro Animal Health
11 de agosto de 2018
H9N2 continues to be a major problem in the middle east. The virus continues to change and we can already identify 3 different H9N2 groups in Israel. there is only partial cross protection between the viruses and producers are using 3 different H9N2 vaccines to protect their birds. Vaccination of Broilers with an inactivated vaccine is not very effective due to the very high maternal antibodies and will hardly generate significant antibody titter. vaccination at the age of 10-14 days will allow the birds to develop high AB titter between 3-4 weeks. In many cases the disease will be part of the respiratory disease complex that involves the Infectious Bronchitis. In the last 10 year IS1494 became the most prevalent strain in the region with Isolates going all the way to Iran in the East and Belgium in the West.The best way to deal with the disease it through homologous vaccination with a IBVAR206 vaccine. Anicon, Germany is offering a PCR kit for diagnosis.
11 de agosto de 2018
The vaccination of broilers with an inactivated vaccine is not very effective because of the very high maternal antibodies it is exact but a vaccination with an inactivated vaccine will not produce local IGA AC except MR AVNER FINGER if you can prove to me that scientifically it would be beneficial for me and I will no longer use live vaccines for other diseases (NDV-IB-IBD ect) thank you
Avner Finger
Phibro Animal Health
12 de agosto de 2018

I fully agree that broiler vaccination with inactivated vaccines is not the preferred way. However, as you know at this stage we do not have any live H9N2 vaccine and our only option is to use the inactivated vaccine. The usage of the inactivated vaccine in broilers together with the selection of the right clade solved the issue of H9N2 in Israel. Still you need to take into account that early vaccination will be less effective due to MAB effect.
For IBD, NDV and IB there are good and effective live vaccine.

Athangudi Venugopalan
12 de agosto de 2018

Low pathogenic avian influenza is low pathogenic only in SPF and not in commercial poultry. So-called low pathogenic avian influenza is exacerbated by bacterial and viral agents resulting in mortality even>80%. Further feed and feed ingredients are heavily contaminated with e.Coli/coliforms and other microbial contaminants. Water is sanitized with sanitizing agents/ enviornment is disinfected with disinfectants. But no action for decontamination of feed. Realising the importance of feed decontamination of feed the European union permitted application of formalin 2.5 l per tonne of feed. Formalin 2.5 l+water 2.5 l total 5 l as a fine mist during mixing of feed in the mill. Efficacy of feed decontamination can be screened at feed mill itself as shown here under. Collect 10 g of feed sample morning -a/noon -b/ evening -c
prepare meat extract from day pm cases- 500 g meat add water 1l. Mix it in amixie. Filter through nylon filter. Adjust ph to 7.4 with 1normal sodium hydroxide[sodium hydroxide 4g per 100ml of water]after ph adjustment boil the extract. Filter through fine nylon filter. Sterilize the meat extract in pressure cooker. Weigh 1 g of ttc salt using sterile aluminium foil and sterile spoon and add the same to 100cc of sterile saline mix it well. By means of sterile syringe transfer 3cc of ttc solution to sterile penicillin vials with rubber cork. Store he same in refrigerater. To strile meat extract 1/add 3cc of saly solution mix it well. Distribute the solution in 100 cc penicillin vials as 50cc per vial. To ttc vials add ten g of he collected feed sample mix it well and incubate at incubater or at room temperature. Examine the sample at interval of 6 hours for colour change-pink colour. Colour change12 hours load -3+/>18 hours load is 2+/cplour change >24 hours load is 1+/>24 hours no colour change feed sample is satisfactory-venugopalan -13-8-18

Munir Iqbal
The Pirbright Institute
The Pirbright Institute
21 de agosto de 2018
Avner Finger would you like to try recombinant HVT-expressing H9 HA antigen? Best Wishes Munir Iqbal Pirbright Institute munir.iqbal@pirbright.ac.uk
Mohsen Farrokh Nia
Pars Jivar Soufi
28 de agosto de 2018
Avner Finger Would MBA effect be decreased by the higher vaccine doses?
Khalid Ibrahim
Al-Watania Poultry
Al-Watania Poultry
15 de agosto de 2018
Question Dear Dr. Hussam What is mortality pattern and curve did you see in the field Is there waves of mortality all over the cycle of broiler breeder? Regards
Husam Bakri
22 de agosto de 2018

Khalid Ibrahim first I wish you a happy eid. Honestly, mortality always depends on what other diseases playing a role with H9 at the same time. From my experience, the major singes in broiler breeder and layer is drop in production and very low mortality.

Khalid Ibrahim
Al-Watania Poultry
Al-Watania Poultry
31 de agosto de 2018
Husam Bakri Thanks
Dibesh Thapa
15 de agosto de 2018
Boss Nice to see u . Now a days we have big problems in Nepal ???? of H9. Previous we got this disease in winter but right now we find in every seasons. Basically dr give them remedies of CCRD but not cure and massive mortality in some case. Now a days big talk of injects vaccines or not . I think ?? we must take suggestions from expert and experiences people . Hope we will do best . Thanks
Husam Bakri
22 de agosto de 2018

Dibesh Thapa salam,
From my experience vaccination in breeder and layer is a must. In broiler is also important but depends on the infection time. If it is before 3 weeks, vaccines will not help at all, if it after yes vaccine will help definitely yes. That why lab tests are important for 2 things:
1- to know what is going on with your farm and if other diseases playing a role to control them.
2- you well when the problem stats.

All the best.

Dr.hashem Naji gmash
21 de agosto de 2018

Do you recommend using H9N2 in broiler?

hisham elshreef
21 de agosto de 2018

I think the biosecurity is most important procedure we have to do at the first stage, and it begins after evacuating the chickens from house and the fans which transfer chickens should be cleaned with soap as well as cages. Then it should cross through dipping of wheel in the pock including strong disinfectant against viruses after doing a good spray with the same disinfectant .... then we have to clean the house as best as we can by water, soap, water and disinfect. The second important procedure is the testing titre of IB, ND, Gumboro. Avian influenza after receiving the chicks to put strict program of vaccination. Using specific variant and classic strains to protect our herds from infection, the third thing we have to be sure that the water has suitable ph, and salts and the feed from trustable sources without mycotoxins and has specific protein energy and minerals required in different stage of rearing then we have to suit the temperature and humidity according to the age of chicken.

Md.Helal Uddin
26 de septiembre de 2018
Thank you Hisham elshreef for your nice opinion & recommendations. best all
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