Pigs are extremely sensitive to mycotoxins. Both the type and concentration of mycotoxin(s) in the feed, as well as the age and phase of production of the pig, will determine the degree to which the animal is affected. Young pigs and breeding sows/boars are generally the most adversely affected by mycotoxins, but it is important to note that grow-finish pigs can also be adversely affected by these harmful substances.
Even at low levels in feed, mycotoxin contamination reduces pig performance, affects health status and can contribute to increased mortality rates. In addition, irreversible tissue damage can occur, which can compromise performance long after mycotoxins have been removed from the feed.
Mycotoxins are harmful, naturally occurring substances produced by molds and fungi. These fungi commonly grow on feedstuffs and tend to multiply during adverse weather conditions. More than 500 mycotoxins have been identified to date, and this number is steadily increasing. Mycotoxins are invisible, stable and toxic chemical compounds. They are common in the farm environment, surviving in multiple places and on many different types of feed sources.
Prof. Chung-Feng Chiang (University of Science and Technology, Taiwan) highlights the serious challenge of mycotoxin contamination in imported animal feed ingredients, which negatively impacts livestock growth, immune function, and reproduction. ...
Mycotoxins are toxic compounds produced by certain fungi that contaminate crops and animal feed under specific conditions. These toxins, such as aflatoxins, deoxynivalenol (DON), and ochratoxin A, pose serious health risks to animals and humans. Among their many effects, some mycotoxins directly impair the immune system, causing...
INTRODUCTION Mycotoxins are substances that occur naturally in the environment (1, 2). In addition to mycoestrogens such as zearalenone (3, 4), selected trichothecenes, including DON and/or its metabolites (but in vitro), can affect steroidogenesis (2) and changes in gene expression, which suggests that these compounds could disrupt hormonal homeostasis (1). Deoxynivalenol (DON), a polar organic compound produced mainly by Fusarium graminearum and Fusarium culmorum (5), is...
This study was investigating the effects of a defined concentration of Fusarium mycotoxins, deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZON) incorporated into feeds on growth performance of pigs and the alleviating effects of a mycotoxin degrading enzyme (MDE) on the toxicity of Fusarium mycotoxins. A total of 48 weaning pigs was randomly allotted to four treatments for a 6-week challenged trial. The MDE product was a kind of mycotoxin degradation enzyme with esterase, epoxidase and...
1. Introduction Mycotoxins are a persistent global issue and cause significant production losses in pigbreeding. Furthermore, recent climate change is responsible for the changing spectrum of mycotoxins in food and feed [1,2]. Despite improvements in agricultural and production practices, mycotoxin contamination cannot be prevented, and contaminants are virtually ubiquitous at certain concentrations in the average human and animal diet. Whereas aflatoxins can be easily removed...
Tony Mcdougal, a freelance journalist, once wrote in Poultry World, "The rising demand for eggs, meat, and milk in recent decades has driven higher EU imports of grains and cereals from developing countries with more tropical climates, where the occurrence of mycotoxins is higher—thus raising the prevalence of mycotoxins in EU...
In 2023 mycotoxins semiannual survey, Life Rainbow Biotech randomly collected 152 feed samples of raw materials and feed mills in farms and analyzed. The samples were tested for aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, and G2), zearalenone, fumonisins (B1, B2, and B3), and deoxynivalenol (DON) by the ELISA Mycotoxin analysis kit. Contamination in animal feed 152 feed samples collected, and 77% were contaminated with fumonisins ( table 1 ). The maximum concentrations of aflatoxins,...
Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by fungi, the most abundant of which belong to the genera Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Fusarium . The conditions required for fungal development and the production of mycotoxins vary strongly with the substrate on which the fungal species develop.Because mycotoxins are mainly present in food and feed, the gut is the first target for mycotoxin toxicity, but it is also the site of the absorption of mycotoxins that leads to...
Don Giesting (Cargill) discusses the characteristics of zearalenone and deoxynivalenol (DON), as well as their impact on reproduction and feed intake, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
Chris Parks (Cargill) comments on recent research and the effect of lower levels of mycotoxin in the feed, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
Mycotoxins are toxic compounds produced by certain types of fungi that can contaminate feed and feed ingredients with detrimental effects on pig performance. Effects of mycotoxins on swine include reduced feed intake, altered nutrient utilization, impaired growth performance, immune system suppression, reproductive issues, and organ damage. Mycotoxins can cause a decrease in feed intake. Affected animals may show reduced appetite, leading to lower nutrient intake and slower growth...
INTRODUCTION A Rising Call To Action As government-mandated and industry-driven hazard identification and prevention efforts become standard operating procedure for an expanding cross-section of the global feed industry, the need of its diverse stakeholders for fast, easy, cost-effective access to reliable aflatoxin data continues to intensify. Recognition of aflatoxins as a chemical hazard of very high concern spans the gamut of national and international regulatory...
Chris Parks (Cargill) talked about symptoms and subclinical issues regarding mycotoxin effects on swine health, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
Dan Colombus (University of Saskatchewan) discusses the difficulty of tackling the synergistic effects of mycotoxin contaminations, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....