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Vitamins in poultry nutrition

Vitamins are a group of organic compounds that poultry require in small quantities. Despite the low requirement levels, vitamins are essential for normal body functions, growth, and reproduction. A deficiency of one or more vitamins can lead to a number of diseases or syndromes. Vitamins are divided into two categories: fat-soluble and water-soluble. The fat-soluble vitamins are A, D, E, and K. Vitamin A is required for normal growth and development of epithelial tissue (skin and the linings of the digestive, reproductive, and respiratory tracts) and reproduction. Vitamin D3 is required for normal growth, bone development, and eggshell formation. Vitamin K is essential for blood clot formation. The water-soluble vitamins include vitamin C and the B vitamins. The B vitamins include vitamin B12, biotin, folacin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin, and thiamin. The B vitamins are involved in many metabolic functions, including energy metabolism. Poultry can make vitamin C, so there is no dietary requirement established for this vitamin. Vitamin C supplementation is useful when birds are in stress.
Peter Surai
Scottish Agricultural College - SAC
Scottish Agricultural College - SAC
Peter Surai (FeedFood, UK; Vitagene and Health Research Centre, UK, among others) explains the use of vitamin E and other additives when talking about meat quality, in this Engormix interview....
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APIs MARKET After continuous declines, the decedent of the veterinary raw materials market has slowed down, and the overall downward trend seems to have stopped, with most products running weakly and steadily. In contrast,the products with prices remaining firm are Erythromycin Thiocyanate and Amoxicillin. Considering the production costs in upstream factories, some products have been oversold. Trade channels have been watching with the money hold in hand, the market...
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Oxidative stress is a biological process which is produced as a result of an imbalance between the generation of oxygen free radicals and the antioxidants that remove them, favorable to the first ones. In animals, free radicals are generated by endogenous pathways in aerobic metabolic processes, as well as exogenous vias, particularly after stress situations caused by inadequate environmental factors (such as temperature, relative humidity, poor air quality and/or presence...
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Dr. Shivi Maini
Indian Herbs
Prologue Energy is the most elusive nutrient in poultry diets. Simply reducing the energy content in poultry feed may not be a viable option for cost-saving in feed formulation. An economical solution is to enable efficient...
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Murat Devlikamov
Murat Devlikamov, Product manager Active D at Phytobiotics, explains the mode of action of Active D ...
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Dr. Shivi Maini
Indian Herbs
Prologue Heat stress brings about major physiological changes in poultry birds, which negatively affects feed intake, feed efficiency, production, performance, reproductive efficiency, and disease outbreaks. Reduced feed intake during heat stress decreases vitamins and minerals intake, which leads to decreased serum and liver concentrations of these micro-nutrients. Moreover, mobilization and excretion of minerals and vitamins are increased under stress conditions due to...
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Dr. Shivi Maini
Indian Herbs
Effects of heat stress on plasma calcium concentration, egg production and egg quality Highly productive modern poultry breeds are more prone to heat stress and rising global temperatures is one of the greatest challenge for the industry. It greatly damages a bird’s performance in terms of feed intake, feed conversion, body weight, egg production, rooster activity and hatchability (Nilipour, 1996). Stress of high environmental heat during summer also interfere with the...
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The current study was conducted to determine the availability of Lutavit® A 1000 NXT (A-1000), a vitamin (Vit) A acetate product, after a 56-d incubation period. Four Vit A sources (A-1000, B, C, and D) were blended into Vit-trace mineral premix designed to put oxidation stress on the Vit A beadles. These Vit premixes along with a negative control (NC), without Vit A, were stored in two different conditions, Cold Stress (CS) at 4°C or Heat Stress (HS) at 35°C and ≥60% Relative...
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Daniel De Leon (Texas A&M University) explains his research presented on the importance of Vitamin A in broiler diets, in this interview during IPPE 2023 in Atlanta, USA....
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Liptosa newsletter. Monthly Report RAW MATERIALS SUMMARY We have started the year 2022 with the same instability and volatility of raw materials suffered during 2021. In this volume of our newsletter,...
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Dr. Piotr Stanislawski shares his experience with Engormix members on supplementation through feed or water, when and why do one or the other....
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Dr. Shivi Maini
Indian Herbs
Oxidative stress in poultry Poultry is one of the fastest growing segments of animal industry and has a substantial contribution to food security and nutrition. Birds are exposed to a multitude of stressors of environmental,...
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APIs MARKET The APIs market in December generally remains stable and weak, continuing the lingering trend since August. The supply side is widely and deeply affected by the epidemic, with normal production facing increasing challenges and downstream demand continuing to be sluggish, trade channels being cautious in replenishing stocks, and insufficient market confidence. On December 7, the government...
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1. Introduction Nutrition plays a pivotal role in maintaining the health of pullets, quality egg production by laying hens and body growth of broilers (Wang et al. 2017). Nutraceuticals are the nutrients or constituents of animal diet that have nutritional and pharmaceutical importance by preventing various diseases, possessing immunomodulatory potential, providing health benefits and consequently increasing productivity (Dhama et al. 2015; Aronson 2017; Helal et al. 2019;...
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Carlos López Tomé, Veterinarian, Technical Department at Liptosa, speaks about the mode of action of Naturcoline, a Choline adjuvant for poultry nutrition. *Certain information associated with products, their composition and claims may be different depending on the geographical region and may not be applicable in all countries. Liptosa reserves the right to adapt to the requirements and legislation in each case. The information and technical recommendations provided herein are based on...
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The APIs market in November generally remained stable, continuing the lingering trend since August. Supply-side costs are rising, while deals are constrained by downstream demand. Downstream purchases are still subject to the actual need, and there needs more confidence and willingness to stock up and build the position. The supply-demand game has been held this month. It is expected that the recent market trend will continue oscillation and consolidation and need a solid new factor to break...
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Fabiano Favarin, Global Business Director-Vitamins at Adisseo, points out the relevance of the range of vitamins that Adisseo offers for the animal nutrition industry...
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Mike Persia
Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech
Mike Persia (Virginia Tech University) discusses the effects of high concentrations of this vitamin on skeleton health and eggshell quality, during IPPE 2018 in Atlanta, USA....
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Md. Rabiul Awal
Ace pharmaceutical
Introduction: Vitamins are defined as a group of complex organic substances that are essential for normal metabolism and their deficiency in the diet causes disorders among animal species. These essential nutrients can not be synthesized either at all or to some extent by the animal body. Therefore, it is important to ensure the availability of these micronutrients through diet according to the requirements to get optimum productivity, performance and overall health...
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Ewa Sujka presents the new natural product, which stands out for its performance in layers and swine, during Eurotier 2018 *Certain information associated with products, their composition and claims may be different depending on the geographical region and may not be applicable in all countries. Liptosa reserves the right to adapt to the requirements and legislation in each case. The information and technical recommendations provided herein are based on Liptosa's current knowledge and...
Comments : 13
Recommendations: 9