Explore all the information onPhytogenics in poultry nutrition
Phytogenics, also known as phytobiotics, are natural bioactive compounds of botanical origin that are used as alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs) and are added to feed to enhance animal performance. Although phytogenics encompass a wide variety of substances of biological origin, formulation, chemical characterization, and purity, they can be classified into four groups: (1) herbs (products obtained from flowering, woody, and nonperennial plants); (2) botanicals (whole or processed parts of a plant, such as roots, leaves, tree bark, and spices); (3) essential oils (hydro-distilled extracts of volatile plant compounds); and (4) oleoresins (anhydrous solvent-based extracts). These plant-derived products do not contain residues, are natural, and are less toxic than synthetic antibiotics or inorganic chemicals. Many are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and can be used as feed additives in animal nutrition.
Mohammed el Amine Benarbia (NOR-FEED) speaks on the characteristics of saponins and the results of his research presented at IPPE 2024 in Atlanta, USA....
Enteric diseases can severely affect the health and welfare of broiler chicks, often requiring antibiotic treatment. A key focus of livestock research has been the development of preventive measures to avoid the need for antibiotic products. Within this context, the use of dietary essential oils (EO) has been widely studied, showing consistent positive effects on gut health (Brenes & Roura, 2010). However, little is known regarding in ovo applications of EOs, and if they improve...
INTRODUCTION In South Africa and worldwide, the poultry sector contributes immensely to the global food security status of consumers (1). According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (2), the demand for poultry feeds is increasing due to the high growth of commercial and smallholder poultry enterprises. Moreover, in the poultry sector, feed accounts for approximately 60–80% of the total cost (3), with fish and soybean meal used as the main protein sources. However,...
I. Introduction A consistent definition of aging was presented by DiLoreto and Murphy (2015). According to these authors, aging is the result of the non-functionality of the animal's cells, tissues and organs, caused by the stochastic degradation of its parts. This definition considers the changes that have occurred in laying hens that affect the rate of lay (Gu et al. 2021a, 2021b). The main changes are related to the digestive, reproductive system, endocrine glands and...
The use of antimicrobials in agriculture including broiler production is cause for concern due to the development of antibiotic resistant pathogens affecting both farm animals and humans (Marshall and Levy, 2011). Essential oils (EO) have been considered as promising alternatives to antibiotics. The aim of this study was to establish a standard in-ovo intervention using oregano EO to enhance resilience of new-born chicks against pathogens without compromising post-hatching performance. One...
I. Introduction Ingredients other than in-feed antimicrobial compounds can offer a sustainable approach to improving gastrointestinal (GI) health and animal performance. Efficient egg production and egg quality are of major importance to the poultry industry, but their optimisation is dependent on numerous factors. Nutrition and disease factors are among the most common factors affecting egg production and quality (Roberts, 2004). It follows that a healthy GI tract is required for...
Kostas Mountzouris (Agricultural University of Athens) A deeper understanding of critical bird homeostasis responses may augment poultry industry efforts for improved bird resilience and production sustainability. The aim of this work was to explore the expression range of critical genes in the broiler gut as responses to diverse dietary inputs. The gene transcripts studied were grouped based on their functional role under functional indices, termed...
Ioannis Brouklogiannis (Agricultural University of Athens) This study was conducted to investigate the inclusion level effects of a natural phytogenic blend (PB) on production performance, egg quality, and underlying detoxification (aryl hydrocarbon receptor; AhR), antioxidant (nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2; Nrf2) and inflammatory (nuclear factor-kappa B; NFκB) responses in layers’ duodena and ceca. Depending on PB...
Jeyashree Elango (University of Delaware) Enteroids provide a 3-dimensional microenvironment of the intestine, acting as a miniature model for understanding intestinal functions and immune responses. Hence, this shows a promising application in studying disease models and drug screening, among others. Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is one of the food-borne pathogens affecting human health through production animals due to contaminated meat...
Ioannis Brouklogiannis (Agricultural University of Athens) presents his research on the benefits of phytogenics to production performance and egg quality in laying hens, during the 11th Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals in St. Louis, USA....
Kostas Mountzouris (Agricultural University of Athens) offers insights on gut homeostasis modulation through metabolizable energy, crude protein and phytogenics, during the 11th Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals in St. Louis, USA....
Jeyashree Elango (University of Delaware) speaks on the ability of enteroids to act as an alternative model of the chicken gut, providing a rapid way to screen antibiotic alternatives and their compatibility through the host responses against them, during the 11th Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals in St. Louis, USA....
INTRODUCTION Practical applications of agricultural wastes in poultry nutrition play an important role in replacing expensive ingredients and/or additives in their diet particularly after COVID-19 outbreaks in which an expected shortage of feed resources for animal nutrition may have occurred (1–3). Poultry are a valuable source of animal protein of high quality, and nutrition of poultry plays an essential role in controlling the balance of pro-oxidants and antioxidants and...
Hans Mann, Senior Poultry Specialist & Nutritionist at Grupo Cresta/Granja Azul from Guatemala, speaks about his experience using Phytobiotics Sangrovit in poultry farms ...
Enteric diseases can severely affect health and welfare in broilers but can be effectively treated by antibiotics. However, complying with current consumer trends requires the adoption of other strategies away from these chemicals. One of the alternatives is essential oils (EO’s); plant-derived compounds that are used in poultry nutrition due to their antimicrobial, antioxidant and immunemodulating effects (Brenes & Roura, 2010). Little is known about using EO’s during...
Heat stress is a huge problem in farm animals, as their welfare and performance can be negatively affected by extreme environmental conditions. When animals are exposed to very high or low temperatures outside their comfort range, they might experience heat stress. This can bring about various unfavorable consequences, such as decreased food intake, reduced zootechnical performance, alterations in the immune system, and increased susceptibility to diseases. Mechanisms through which...
Waraporn Kraitavin, Regional Technical Manager at Phytobiotics, talks about the problem of heat stress in Asia and the positive effects of using phytogenic feed additives.
1 | INTRODUCTION Due to the impact of climatic changes and other global events such as conflict, the Covid‐19 pandemic, recession, and supply chain issues, conventional feed ingredient prices are continually increasing. The effect of these constraints is felt largely in developing countries that are coming under huge pressure to source raw materials such as corn and soybean meal (Abro et al., 2020). The search for alternative feed ingredients to sustain the livestock...
The increasing prices of major feed ingredients have prompted animal nutritionists to use inexpensive raw materials in their diet formulations to lower feed cost. However, due to their relatively lower digestibility, diets formulated with these raw materials often lead to poor gut health status and animal performance. For instance, poor protein digestibility results in the formation of toxic metabolites that can impair gut health and subsequently confer negative effects on broiler...
1. Introduction In recent years, the poultry sector has been developing rapidly worldwide to meet the growing consumer demand for poultry meat and eggs. Chicken meat is low in saturated fat and rich in protein, vitamins and minerals [1]. Similarly, a hen’s egg is the most affordable source of animal protein and constitutes a complete and highly nutritious food with significant health benefits for consumers [2]. It is estimated that animal-based food demand will grow by...