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Hatching - Incubation

Hatching of eggs refers to the production of baby chicks. In early days eggs were hatched by placing them under broody hens. Desi hens proved to be ideal for this purpose. Only 10 to 12 eggs can be put under 1 hen. This method of hatching is highly unsatisfactory for large-scale production of baby chicks. Incubators, which provide similar environment as that of broody hens, but more efficiently, are used at present for hatching of eggs. The incubation period for chicken eggs is 20 to 21 days, and increases up to 30 days for other poultry. After sitting for some days, a broody hen can be given some newly hatched chicks and, if they are accepted, the original eggs can be removed and replaced with more chicks. Thus hens with a better record of mothering can be better utilised for their abilities. Eggs initially need a very controlled heat input to maintain the optimum temperature of 38°C, because the embryo is microscopic in size.
Cadogan, D.J
Cadogan, D.J and 1 more
INTRODUCTION Chicken meat consumption has drastically increased in the past decades, and Australia has the fourth highest consumption of chicken meat in the world, eating 47.64 kg/person in 2020 (ACMF, 2021). The success of the poultry industry is highly related to the improved growth and performance capabilities of chicken meat birds with some strains of broilers capable of reaching market weight by 35 d of age (Singh et al., 2021). The industry now requires new approaches to...
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Additional research has shown that using DHP in single stage incubators can achieve the same level of microbial reduction on eggshells as pre-fogging eggs with formaldehyde prior to set. The next step in the research process, and thus the purpose of this experiment, was to directly compare dry hydrogen peroxide to the traditional method of using formaldehyde for microbial reduction. The trial is set in a commercial broiler hatchery, where DHP units were installed throughout the egg room,...
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Brian Jordan (University of Georgia) explains the evolution of his research on dry hydrogen peroxide and the latest results presented at IPPE 2023 in Atlanta, USA....
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by Sam Shafer Poultry scientists show that floor eggs are less likely to be fertilized—and much more likely to be contaminated than previously thought     Some hens like to lay in nest boxes. Others not so much. Where hens lay their eggs can make a big difference in egg viability. “Floor eggs” tend to be cracked, contaminated with bacteria, and much less likely to hatch. A new study in ...
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Zehava Uni
Zehava Uni and 2 more
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1. Introduction The mucosal lining of the small intestine is a highly functional epithelium comprised of absorptive, secretive and sensory cells, which are constantly renewed by multipotent intestinal stem cells (ISC). ISC reside within crypts, and constantly proliferate for self-renewal and generation of progenitor cells, which differentiate into the functional cells that line lumen-facing villi (Carulli et al., 2014; Potten and Loeffler, 1990). Compartmentalization of the...
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Edgar O. Oviedo-Rondón
North Carolina State University - NCSU
North Carolina State University - NCSU
INTRODUCTION Amino acids (AA) and crude protein (CP) intake during the rearing phase in broiler breeders have demonstrated to affect body composition and reproductive performance in the laying period (Joseph et al., 2000; Ciacciariello and Tyler, 2013; van Emous et al., 2013, 2015a, 2015b). Modifications of these nutrients added up to the adjustment of feed allocation may alter BW (van Emous et al., 2013; Soumeh et al., 2018), organ development (Lesuisse et al., 2017), egg...
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Edgar O. Oviedo-Rondón
North Carolina State University - NCSU
North Carolina State University - NCSU
Edgar Oviedo-Rondón (NC State University) discusses the importance of amino acids and how to find the proper levels to achieve better growth and development....
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Observing a developing embryo can be a very fascinating and educational experience for all ages. Since most embryos develop internally and therefore are difficult to observe, the chick embryo provides an excellent tool for many types of learning situations. Artificial incubation is usually used for projects where the embryo is to be observed and is also frequently used for hatching chicks for other reasons as well. Due to the fact that small display...
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Shawna Weimer
Shawna Weimer and 3 more
University of Arkansas (USA)
University of Arkansas (USA)
Broiler welfare assurance programs specify the standards that producers must follow to sell their broilers, receive a premium, and/or a certification label on their products. Broiler assurance programs differ in the guidelines and audit standards that producers must follow because the missions and goals of each organization...
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We use an equal proportion of water an formalin, 8-10 hours after egg transfer, one container in front of hatcher and 1 in the back. There is some problems such as : Hatch delay, Ventilation adjusment, .... whats your solutions for day-old chick color uniformity? ...
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Developmental Factors Embryonic development is initiated in the infundibulum portion of the oviduct at the time of fertilization. Thereafter, the environment will have major effects on the embryo. The environmental conditions in the oviduct during egg formation and during the storage period from oviposition (egg laying) to placement in the incubator can have significant effects on subsequent hatchability. Time of exposure to the various...
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Velmurugu Ravindran
Massey University
Massey University
1. Introduction Often a seemingly straightforward aspect of nutrition reveals itself to be, upon closer inspection, not so simple after all. An illustration of such a conundrum is the nutrition of the newly hatched broiler chick. Conceptualizing the different challenges faced by the hatchling and solving them should be remarkably simple, but the difficulty lies in the complexity in the development of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), digestive physiology, immune system, and...
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The modern broiler chick spends 50% of its life in an embryonic state. It is therefore important to ensure that adequate nutrients are available to the developing embryo, which is completely reliant on the diet fed to the breeder hen. Consequently, the physiological status of the chick at hatching is greatly influenced by the nutrition of the breeder hen. The nutrient supply to the broiler breeder is a sum of the actual nutrient content of the diet and the quantity or volume of feed...
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Peter Ferket
North Carolina State University - NCSU
North Carolina State University - NCSU
Introduction Modern agriculture constantly strives to maximize biological performance of food production in an effort to optimize economic efficiency, profit potential, and sustainability. Commercial poultry production is among the most efficient and progressively successful of all food production sectors. What factors does it take for continued success in efficient poultry production? It takes the right genetics, combined with optimum health and management practices,...
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Edgar O. Oviedo-Rondón
North Carolina State University - NCSU
North Carolina State University - NCSU
During IPPE 2022 in Atlanta, Edgar Oviedo-Rondón (North Carolina State University) talked about two projects where they worked together with companies to improve their decision-making process by using data. You can find more information on this program here: https://poultry.ces.ncsu.edu/the-poultry-decision-makers-workshop-series/....
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Bruce Rathgeber
Dalhousie University
Dalhousie University
INTRODUCTION Avian embryogenesis is a perfect platform to examine the effects of exogenous factors on embryonic development due to the physiological independence from the hen (Hill et al., 2004). During incubation, the management of cabinet temperature, humidity, egg turning and air composition are critical to achieving successful artificial incubation. Light is an important exogenous factor for controlling many physiological and behavioral processes in animals but the use of...
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by Sam Shafer Thanks to breakthroughs in poultry science, improvements in the genetic potential of broiler chickens have cut the average production cycle in half. Now producers are looking for ways to improve egg hatchability and the uniformity and quality of broiler chicks. Hatcheries use two major methods for incubating eggs: multi-stage systems and single-stage systems. Multi-stage incubators combine eggs from different farms and incubate embryos at...
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Athar Mahmud
Athar Mahmud and 4 more
UVAS, Lahore-Pakistan
UVAS, Lahore-Pakistan
Light plays an important role in controlling the age at sexual maturity in birds; attaining sexual maturity at an appropriate age and weight is the key to reproductive success and the present study was an effort in the same direction. To develop specific practice for quail production and to optimize the best age for photo-stimulation present experiment was conducted. In total 225 females and 75 males of 5 week old were studied. A completely randomized design with three treatment of 5...
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INTRODUCTION The genetic improvement of modern broiler lines has contributed to the success of the poultry industry worldwide. Since the 1950s, slaughter age has been reduced by approximately 40%, and slaughter weight has more than doubled. Current lines have been genetically improved with focus on rapid growth and maximum performance based on continuous improvement of feed conversion. Embryonic development (ED) accounts nowadays for more than 33% of the whole life period of...
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