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Hatching - Incubation

Hatching of eggs refers to the production of baby chicks. In early days eggs were hatched by placing them under broody hens. Desi hens proved to be ideal for this purpose. Only 10 to 12 eggs can be put under 1 hen. This method of hatching is highly unsatisfactory for large-scale production of baby chicks. Incubators, which provide similar environment as that of broody hens, but more efficiently, are used at present for hatching of eggs. The incubation period for chicken eggs is 20 to 21 days, and increases up to 30 days for other poultry. After sitting for some days, a broody hen can be given some newly hatched chicks and, if they are accepted, the original eggs can be removed and replaced with more chicks. Thus hens with a better record of mothering can be better utilised for their abilities. Eggs initially need a very controlled heat input to maintain the optimum temperature of 38°C, because the embryo is microscopic in size.
In a commercial broiler integration, the objective is to provide the best quality hatching eggs that produce the greatest number of quality chicks per hen housed. A properly managed hen can produce more than 180 eggs, which potentially can result in approximately 600 pounds of broiler meat. However, there exists great variation in the amount of meat produced per hen among integrations. Much of this difference can be traced back to how the eggs were managed during collection, storage, and...
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Economic losses associated with the incidence of egg shell defects are important when evaluating the profitability of a layer operation (Bell, 1998; Gomez- Basauri, 1997; Roland, 1988; Hamilton et al., 1979). Worldwide estimates of reduced shell quality leading to egg breakage have been found to range from 6 to 8% (Anderson and Carter, 1976; Folkerts, 1976; Roland, 1977; Hamilton et al., 1979). In the USA alone this has been estimated to be around 8% (Roland, 1988). Shell defects are not...
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Numerous estimates have been made concerning the total economic losses associated with accidental egg breakage in the table egg industry of the US. Estimates as high as $478 million per year have been published (Roland, 1988). The many estimates vary due to differences in methods of estimating the percentage of eggs cracked or lost and the relative prices used by the authors to establish values. A number of excellent research papers and reviews of the subject have been published...
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Richard Balander
Egg Industry Center
Egg Industry Center
IMPORTANCE AND PREVIOUS WORK Less than one-third of the phosphorus (P) contained in feed ingredients of plant origin is biologically available to monogastric animals (NRC, 1994). The remainder of the phosphorus is tied up as phytate (phytic acid or myoinositol hexaphosphate) and monogastrics as a general rule lack the enzyme(s) necessary to hydrolyze phytate down to phosphorus and inositol (Peeler, 1972; Lynch, 1996). Therefore, inorganic...
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The number of laying hens in the different systems of egg production in Spain were in 2005: (Source: Spanish Ministry of Agriculture– MAPA – Official Registration of laying hen farms) The main production system is the battery cage. Most of them are traditional cages,...
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We expect a lot from modern broiler breeders. These highly growth-selected birds must pass the genetics for fast and efficient growth to as many offspring as possible. While crossbreeding and selection programs have resulted in annual improvements in broiler growth, breast muscle yield, feed efficiency and disease resistance, there is a negative relationship between body weight and egg production in broiler breeders (Robinson et al., 1993). While specialized genetic selection has meant that egg...
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The modern breeder female is a genetic compromise between two very different selection criteria. This parent must have the genetics for rapid and efficient growth, and yet exhibit a high rate of egg production to supply the next generation of broiler chicks. Reproductive problems arising from decades of genetic selection for meat production traits have impaired the reproductive ability of both broiler parents (Siegel and Dunnington, 1985). Managing the ovary of the broiler breeder is...
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Discovered by Berzelius (1818) in 1817, selenium (Se) is a required nutrient in the diets of poultry (NRC, 1994). Rotruck et al. (1973) identified the element as being required for the functioning of the enzyme Se-dependent glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), which has a major role in antioxidant metabolism. Although Se itself is not an antioxidant, as the functional part of the GSH-Px enzyme, Se plays a major role in membrane protection by preventing peroxidation. Provision of Se in commercial...
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What are the incubation needs of the developing embryo? To achieve the best results from commercial incubation we should focus on temperature in the setter, the most critical factor of embryonic development. ...
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Introduction Sustainability of the poultry industry in the US, and especially in North Carolina, is somewhat dependent upon development of strategies to minimize environmental impact. The poultry industry has been largely able to comply with nitrogen-based land application rules for poultry litter but new rules based upon litter phosphorus content pose a much greater challenge. Preliminary estimates by university scientists in North Carolina suggest that up to four times more...
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Hendrix Genetics
Hendrix Genetics
The transfer from the rearing farm to the laying facilities is a major stress, accompanied by changes in environment (temperature, humidity…) and equipment. It should be carried out as fast as possible, ideally being completed within a day. Then, between transfer and the peak of production, a rapid increase in feed intake is necessary...
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Genetic changes in broiler and layer breeds have an effect on incubation conditions. Traditional setpoints must be reviewed, whereby scientific research and new technologies provide the tools to better match the needs of the modern breeds. Standards for successful commercial incubation were defined during the...
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Healthy, vital day-old chicks are the basis of success for any hatchery operation. The success of each hatch can be actively manipulated while the embryo is still in the egg. Opportunities to control the hatchery’s output can have significant impact on the resulting broiler. ...
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Montajat Veterinary Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd.
Why is the incubation temperature fixed at 37 deg centigrade for all invitro microbiological culture in poultry birds, where the pathological/ septicaemic temp. exceeds the physiological 41 deg C?...
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