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This member gave a presentation on November 13, 2013
At the following event:
XXIII Latin American Poultry Congress 2013
Video published on April 20, 2012
M. Boerjan from Pas Reform Hatchery Technology discusses some ideas about new incubation methods and about the circadian rhythm in the embryo.
This member gave a presentation on September 8, 2011
At the following event:
Video published on March 12, 2010
Marleen Boerjan ( Pas Reform Hatchery Technologies) gave a lecture at Poultry Focus Asia 2010 and talked about Placing chick quality at the heart of the business.
Video published on March 12, 2010
Marleen Boerjan ( Pas Reform Hatchery Technologies) gave a lecture at Poultry Focus Asia 2010 and talked about Placing chick quality at the heart of the business.
This member gave a presentation on March 2, 2010
At the following event:
Poultry Focus Asia 2010
Article published the October 5, 2006
Healthy, vital day-old chicks are the basis of success for any hatchery operation. The success of each hatch can be actively manipulated while the embryo is still in the egg. Opportunities to control the hatchery’s output can have significant impact on the resulting broiler.The poultry industry has undergone major changes since the late 1960’s, with genetic selection and highly developed managemen ...
remove_red_eye 3851
forum 0
Article published the October 5, 2006
What are the incubation needs of the developing embryo? To achieve the best results from commercial incubation we should focus on temperature in the setter, the most critical factor of embryonic development.Good hatchability is no accident. Nature has created a heat-dependent process that draws on maternal body temperature and the production of metabolic heat, to produce healthy chicks in three di ...
remove_red_eye 3269
forum 2
Article published the October 5, 2006
Genetic changes in broiler and layer breeds have an effect on incubation conditions. Traditional setpoints must be reviewed, whereby scientific research and new technologies provide the tools to better match the needs of the modern breeds. Standards for successful commercial incubation were defined during the first half of the 20th century. In 1969, Harry Lundy reviewed the data available at that ...
remove_red_eye 881
forum 0
This member had joined Engormix
March 12, 2010
equalizer Statistics: Articles(3)Videos(2)
Location:Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal
Profile: Businessman / entrepreneur / shareholders
Occupation: Research and Development Director
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Followers (35)
Following (2)