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The field experience of the Coccidiosis vaccine - Roundtable highlights

Published: September 12, 2018
Highlights from the conversation with Johan Van Erum, Derek Detzler, Maria Elena Rubio and Horacio Gamero, who joined Elizabeth Santin for this roundtable, during the 1st PoultryUniverse Coccidiosis Congress in Curitiba, Brazil.
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Johan Van Erum
Ghent University
Ghent University
Derek Detzler
JEFO Nutrition Inc.
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Wijaya Saputra
20 de marzo de 2019

My day old chick at age 1 day has vaccinated with coccivac D vaccine. At 15-16 days after coccivac D vaccine we give amprolium 300 ppm to prevention of outbreak coccidiosis. At 35 days, I see on slat more feces mixed fresh blood. What is problem, what am I late give amprolium or less dose of amprolium. My brooding on the slat plastic with badding we use woodshaving. Please could you give me suggestions in these cases? Thanks a lot.

Derek Detzler
JEFO Nutrition Inc.
21 de marzo de 2019

Wijaya Saputra
Hello Wijaya
I would try and first identify if you have proper cycling of oocysts. Start collecting fresh faecal samples at day 7, and every 2-3 days up until day 35. Repeat on multiple farms. This should be able to provide you with a trend of coccidiosis vaccine cycling (if management is relatively the same). You may be able to identify points where there is no or little cycling and it might give you some clues. I would watch closely what happens to oocyst counts during Amprol inclusion. This may be some of the issue.
Good luck!

Wijaya Saputra
21 de marzo de 2019
Data result Oocyst counted per 7 days from Hen houses 01 to 08 HH age 14 ds 21 ds 28 days 35 days H01 787,5 75262,5 97850 13762,5 H02 4650 186000 115612,5 26887,5 H03 27750 132300 19762,5 8737,5 H04 13575 134887,5 79425 2550 H05 59250 133950 19725 14325 H06 69900 161962,5 31087,5 14775 H07 14212,5 161062,5 13800 5287,5 H08 14587,5 140737,5 14325 50662,5 remove wood shaving from on slat at 28 days , because chain feeder system must start running. Result Oocyst counting numbers at age 35 days more different. Feces mixed fresh blood We see on the plastic slat surface more in houses no 1,2,5,6,7,8. if we give medicated with Amprollium again with doses 600 ppm, what is immunity against Cocci will be influenced for age next ?.
Derek Detzler
JEFO Nutrition Inc.
24 de marzo de 2019

Wijaya Saputra
Lots of good numbers! Cocci is definitely cycling, but is it cycling even in the birds? I would check a few things along with identifying what species of Eimeria is causing you trouble at 35 days. They cycle differently.
1) is it being applied properly - check tongue staining at Hatchery
2) first cycle in the house- are birds confined long enough to ingest all species of Eimeria?
3) use of Amprol at 14 days could be wiping out a more sensitive Eimeria that’s coming back at 35 days
That’s all I can think of for now.. good luck!

Azimul Haque
Kemin Industries, Inc
25 de marzo de 2019

My opinion: each species of Eimeria require at least 4-5 days to complete its life cycle, so minimum 30-35 days require to develop immunity level. So after coccidiosis vaccine the indication is the few ceacal droppings with blood may come but no harm but immediately 15 days later of vaccination if any amprolium like coccidiostat apply will break life cycle & their is no use of cocci vaccine.

Jarred Oxford
University of Georgia
University of Georgia
25 de marzo de 2019
By giving Amprol at 15-16 days you are potentially killing off your vaccine strains before developing full immunity (may require 3 cycles to get full immunity). If Amprol is removed later during the rearing, you may leave the birds susceptible to late infection because they did not acquire the appropriate immunity needed. Also, it would be a good idea to take samples of the bloody feces and then salt float to see if it is really Eimeria that are causing the bloody feces.
George Entz
16 de diciembre de 2020
Jarred Oxford Hello, You mention doing a salt float, how is that done? Just want to mention some experiences I have had with cocci -vaccines. It's important to have 25%-30% moisture in the litter as evenly as possible throughout the brooding area. Don't focus on a certain set sq ft/ bird number, go by litter moisture . We started out with half house brooding but have adjusted our techniques based on our oocysts. Currently we can do a 3/4 house brooding to start and leave it till day 12-16 (depending on litter moisture). The 1/2 house brooding was too small, cycling was too aggressive and NE breaks we're more common. Also found that if the birds are kept in the brooding area till after the 3rd shedding (which is day 16 for us) immunity is more uniform, hence we can start finisher sooner like Derek mentioned. Another thing is differentiate between Eimeria species. We have more success in healthy flocks if the Eimeria maxima is kept lower (40000 at peak) although maybe total oocysts could be similar. And that seems to be affected by litter moisture. The flocks that had challenges with clinical NE were most times the flocks that had higher moisture/ aggressive cycling.
Maqsood Jaffery
26 de marzo de 2019

For obtaining optimum protection from Coccidiosis Vaccine, the companies marketing cocci vaccine must provide detailed literature in local language, so that right from application/ administration of vaccine to completion of 3 to 4 cycles (life) are completed for optimum immunity development.
Most of the mistakes/ deficiencies are made due to lack of knowledge about vaccine application, otherwise, none of the farmer wants to waste expensive cocci vaccine.

Bertrand Medina
Probiotech International
28 de marzo de 2019

Dear Wijaya Saputra
Interesting things have already been said by other bloggers.
1- Regarding your numbers:
Except HH1, excretion peak is completed at 21d of age that is perfectly consistent with the 3rd life cycle of coccidia shredded on the floor.

2- Bloody feces and probably an upsurge of oocysts excretion at 35-37 days of age is often a consequence of a non-homogeneous cocci-vaccine application and/or birds to birds transmission.
Do you manage the 1-d old bird cocci-vaccine at the hatchery?
=> Make sure of the best liquid or gel homogeneity at the application stage.

Brooding management could help to compensate partially non-homogeneous vaccine application.
=> The birds must be confined to a max of half of the house with a set of drinker and feeder lines for at least 10 days with adequate relative humidity and temperature to make a good sporulation condition on brooding paper.
Important: By providing 60% brooding paper coverage below the feeder and water lines would provide the extra feed and water spillage needed to stimulate bird activity and appetite as early as possible. This method may provide the needed coverage to allow progeny vaccine oocysts to remain at the litter surface for ingestion by the bird (low-level oocyst cycling). The removal of the paper is a normal practice has to be completed only after 10 days after vaccination.

- Amprolium Management:
250 ppm of Amprol 50% should be sufficient. It is effective against 1st generation of trophozoites and schizonts and shows peak activity early in day 3 of cycle. As pointed out by Jarred, the administration Amprol, at 15-16 d of age is too early… Non-well infected birds will not have enough life-cycle coccidia to develop their own and efficient immunity. I would complete it between 27-29 days of age.
hope my words will be helpful.
Bertrand MEDINA - MDP / Probiotech International Inc.

3 de abril de 2019
Interesting thoughts of brooding management! How many birds would you place per square meter for the first 10 days? How many birds will you allow per nipple? Thanks!
Bertrand Medina
Probiotech International
10 de abril de 2019

Dear Salak,
This not such how many birds per m2 that is important for brooding…
I guess that 1/3 or a 1/2 free total floor (with sufficient water and feed lines) for animal proximity.
If you do not have enough nipples, you can manage water plate on the brooding paper as the feed supply.

Mariam Abdallah
29 de marzo de 2019

I am a vet technician, now a master's vet student, I would like to learn more about the topic.

Md. Abdullah Ansari
8 de abril de 2019
What are the causes of crack eggshell in laying hen?
Bertrand Medina
Probiotech International
10 de abril de 2019

Dear Dr Abdullah,
Many causes … and not easy to respond without any data about the laying flock.
But except an error, unbalanced or insufficient amount minerals and trace mineral into the feed, an increase of crack eggshell is often a consequence of low intestinal absorption.
Then, we have to investigate the causes of the low efficiency of intestinal absorption: EN symptoms, coccidiosis breaks…
I recommend to use additive will have a positive effects on intestinal integrity (as example butyric acid, MOS, Local antioxydant agent…).
Bertrand MEDINA MDP / Probiotech International Inc.

Aliyu Sagir
11 de abril de 2019
Thank you sir,but sir,we are in serious need of thought about Newcastle disease which is the second most deadly disease affecting poultry in most african Countries particularly Nigeria
Bertrand Medina
Probiotech International
11 de abril de 2019

Aliyu Sagir
Not an expert about this Sorry.
See with your supplier of Newcastle disease vaccine what is the best (most appropriate) practices to complete in African countries conditions (climate, breeds, barn,...).

Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
12 de abril de 2019

We have a mesogenic strain of Newcastle disease vaccine called mukteswar strain or R2B vaccine. It is live vaccine with ICP VALUE 1.30 (highly invasive), excellent for birds weighing above 500gms to be given intramuscular or subcutaneous. We inject our breeders and layer birds at 7/8 WEEKS and again just before lay. Excellent results. It works even on the face of outbreak. Orthodox, but it works. It produces nervous lesions in a few birds (1%) an indication it is working. Try it, you will be amazed. New strains of Newcastle claims still need verification.

Jodh singh
18 de abril de 2019

Sir, in summer we have seen thin eggshell and hairline cracked and dotted on eggshells.
I'm using organic mineral regularly and increased some dose in summer but the problem starts in summer when the temperature is rising. What is the solution?

Forest Lin
25 de abril de 2019

As for the improvement about eggshell strength, please try Xtract6930 and you will be surprised at the result, it's very consistent. please contact Pancosma if you need samples and explore the reason.

tartarini cesare
20 de mayo de 2019

Against egg shell cracked, we had a positive experience with use of vegetal extract named Epatolife containing Schizandra Chinensis, Boswellia Serrta, Arpagophytum Procumbens. Scizandra Chinensis regenerate the epatocities permitting a greater production of bile, improving the intestinal absorption of calcium for less productions of intestinal calcium soap, reducing egg breakage.

Kasame Trakullerswilai
Saha Farms
Saha Farms
27 de mayo de 2019

Maybe got a problem if you do poor vaccination technique and have to manage the proper moisture for coccidia growth appropriately.

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