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Avian influenza

Avian influenza is a viral infection found in domestic poultry and a wide range of other birds. Wild waterfowl and shorebirds are often subclinically affected carriers of the virus. In poultry, low-pathogenicity strains can cause subclinical infections; however, some strains typically cause respiratory signs or decreased egg production. Highly pathogenic strains may cause widespread organ failure and sudden death, often with high mortality rates. Diagnosis is based on detection of the viral genome or specific antibodies or on virus isolation. Antimicrobials may help control secondary bacterial infection in flocks affected by low-pathogenicity strains. Antiviral drugs are not approved or recommended. Prevention is best accomplished by biosecurity measures. Vaccines matched for antigenic type can greatly increase resistance to infection, prevent clinical signs, and decrease viral shedding in infected flocks.
Avian Influenza (AI), commonly known as bird flu, is a highly contagious viral disease affecting poultry and other birds. It poses a serious threat to the poultry industries, causing significant economic losses due to high mortality rates, trade restrictions, and culling measures. The disease is particularly...
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Tom Tabler
University of Tennessee (USA)
University of Tennessee (USA)
In this Engormix interview during IPPE 2025 in Atlanta, USA, Tom Tabler (University of Tennessee) explains the need for a good biosecurity plan in poultry farms and how recent outbreaks like Avian Influenza remind the industry of its relevance....
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As temperatures drop in fall and winter, respiratory diseases in poultry become more prevalent, creating serious challenges to the livestock industry. These diseases can lead to lower productivity, higher mortality rates, and increased costs for farmers. This article will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment...
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Matias Jansen
Kemin Biologics
Matias Jansen (Kemin Biologics) shares insights on avian influenza and hepatitis threats in this Engormix interview during IPPE 2025 in Atlanta, USA....
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Eduardo Pinto de Souza
Hy-Line International
Hy-Line International
Eduardo de Souza Pinto, President of Operations at Hy-Line International, shares insights on how the company is tackling global supply chain disruptions, especially in the face of avian influenza....
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The International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) announced today that it will proceed as planned, Jan. 28-30, 2025 in Atlanta, following recent detections of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Georgia. On Friday, the Georgia Department of Agriculture suspended all poultry exhibitions that display live birds, shows, swaps, meets and sales (e.g., flea market or auction market). However, Commissioner Tyler Harper confirmed that this does not apply to IPPE, given that no live...
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Dr. Sanjay Gavkare, General Manager at VH Group of Companies, is leading the launch of India’s first-ever low pathogenic avian influenza vaccine. As one of India’s largest poultry conglomerates, BH Group is addressing a long-awaited need in the poultry industry with this groundbreaking product....
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Alberto Torres
Alberto Torres (Exports Manager, Cobb-Vantress) offers insights and recommendations on international guidelines and regional restrictions regarding Avian Influenza, in this Engormix interview....
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Alberto Torres
Alberto Torres (Exports Manager, Cobb-Vantress) comments on AI outbreaks as a major disruption in international breeding stock trade, especially poultry meat, during this Engormix interview....
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1. Introduction The poultry industry has been suffering from several pathogens in Egypt during recent decades, including avian influenza viruses (AIV) that may be either highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAIV; H5N1, H5N2, H5N8) or low-pathogenic avian influenza (LPAIV; H9N2) viruses, velogenic Newcastle disease virus (vNDV), infectious bronchitis virus (IBV; variant 1, variant 2, and classic wild virus), infectious bursal disease (either variant or virulent virus),...
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Helena Lage Ferreira
USP -Universidade de São Paulo
USP -Universidade de São Paulo
South American countries such as Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay reported the detection of HPAIV H5N1 clade b in domestic and wild birds for the first time in the region from the end of 2022 to the beginning of 2023. Human infections were reported for the first time in South America, Ecuador, and Chile. Since October 2022, the PREVIR-MCTI network, a Brazilian network for virus surveillance in wild animals, has been collecting samples from asymptomatic wild...
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The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) will be hosting an educational program tackling hot topics facing the animal food industry at the upcoming International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) , happening Jan. 28-30, 2025, in Atlanta, Ga. The program, “What’s Keeping the Feed Industry Up at Night?” ...
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Janet Fulton
Hy-Line International
Hy-Line International
Janet Fulton, Hy-Line Senior Molecular Geneticist [Retired], explains her research on chicken candidate genes associated with survival following an HPAI Infection, in this Engormix interview....
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Erica Spackman
USDA - United States Department of Agriculture
USDA - United States Department of Agriculture
The natural reservoirs of avian influenza virus (AIV) are dabbling ducks of the Subfamily Anatinae, which typically carry low pathogenic (LP) AIV. However, over the past decade, the goose/Guangdong/1996 clade lineage of H5 highly pathogenic (HP) AIV has become endemic in ducks nearly globally. Ducks are efficient carriers of the virus because they are highly susceptible to infection, the disease is mild or absent, and they can shed the virus for weeks. Also, the virus has been shown...
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Suresh Chitturi
Srinivasa Group
Srinivasa Group
Suresh Chitturi (Managing Director, Srinivasa Farms) comments on India’s main strengths, consumer trends, and the evolution of poultry operations in the country, during this Engormix interview....
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The 36th edition of the APSS will be held at The University of Sydney – Abercrombie Business School, from 10-12 February 2025. These will be some of the major themes: Layer Nutrition and Egg Quality, Broiler Nutrition, Managing Antibiotic-free Production, Sustainable use of Protein Ingredients and...
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Julianna Lenoch
USDA - United States Department of Agriculture
USDA - United States Department of Agriculture
Avian influenza, caused by influenza A viruses, has emerged as a critical zoonotic threat with implications for both public health and wildlife conservation. This abstract provides an overview of the prevalence, transmission dynamics, and potential impacts of avian influenza in wild birds and mammals within the United States. Drawing on comprehensive surveillance data and scientific studies, we highlight the diverse range of avian influenza strains circulating in wild bird populations and...
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Eliana Icochea
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Perú)
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Perú)
The emergence of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza poses a significant threat to human and animal health worldwide. This summary provides an overview of the surveillance efforts implemented in Peru to combat the spread of H5N1 avian influenza. Joint efforts between the authority, the productive sector, and academia date back to the first influenza outbreak in Chile in 2002. Since then, the government has been developing intense clinical and serological surveillance in the domestic birds...
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Pedro Jiménez Bluhm
Pontificia Universidad Católica (PUC - Chile)
Pontificia Universidad Católica (PUC - Chile)
Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 viruses continue to pose a significant threat to animal and human health worldwide. Since the onset of the HPAI H5N1 outbreak in South America, our research group has been conducting environmental influenza A virus (IAV) surveillance in different wetlands throughout Chile to detect and characterize circulating IAV strains. Between November 2022 and June 2023, we collected and screened 3275 environmental samples for IAV by RT-qPCR targeting the M...
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Mia Torchetti
Mia Torchetti and 1 more
USDA - United States Department of Agriculture
USDA - United States Department of Agriculture
The 2022–2023 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 outbreak in the United States (U.S.) is the most geographically extensive and costly animal health event in U.S. history. In 2022 alone, over 57 million commercial and backyard poultry in 47 U.S. states were affected. Over 75% of the affected poultry were part of the commercial table egg production sector. Methods: We conducted a case–control study to identify potential risk factors for the introduction of the HPAI virus...
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