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Food safety

Welcome to the page about Food safety of Engormix; a source of knowledge on Food safety.
Striving for safe food and protecting biodiversity As the world becomes more global, trade in agricultural, fishery and forestry commodities has increased. At the same time, the task of ensuring our world has safe food while protecting our natural resources from pests and diseases, including invasive species, has become more complicated. These issues concern everyone: farmers, foresters and fishers,...
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Scientists will today unveil a new weapon in the battle against food poisoning, which could also cut the thousands of tonnes of meat thrown away by supermarkets. The Aberystwyth University experts believe the new system which can highlight millions of tiny bacteria invisible to the human eye could revolutionise food safety and Wales' £10m-a-year poultry industry. Developed at the...
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As a result of consumer concern about food safety, the association between animal and human health has become a prominent issue. A recent study published by Ramchandani and coworkers (2005) found that many of the Escherichia coli strains responsible for urinary tract infections in women can be traced back to E. coli strains from the intestinal tract of cattle. Even more significantly many of these organisms were found to be resistant to a variety of antibiotics, which often results in...
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