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Evonik Animal Nutrition
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Evonik Animal Nutrition

AMINODat® 6.0 The most extensive web-based database for animal nutritionists

Published: May 26, 2021
Dr. Markus Wiltafsky-Martin, Responsible for Service Commercialization at Evonik Animal Nutrition, underscores why AMINODat® 6.0, is the most comprehensive animal nutrition database in the world that comprises nutritional data of more than 18,000 feed ingredient samples from all over the world and over 900,000 analytical results.
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Markus Wiltafsky
Evonik Animal Nutrition
Evonik Animal Nutrition
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Ana Gavrău, Reza Abdollahi
Akbar Yaghobfar
14 de noviembre de 2022
Dear Markus I am interested on.the AMINODat 6.0, How I can access?.\ Please inform me as my Email:yaghobfar@yahoo.com Regards
Markus Wiltafsky
Evonik Animal Nutrition
Evonik Animal Nutrition
14 de julio de 2021
Dear David, yes, AMINODat 6.0 contains information on copra, rice bran, deoiled rice bran and rice hulls. All the best, Markus
Robert Swick
University of New England
University of New England
11 de julio de 2021
Dear Markus, Thanks. I will call Amy Liu here in Australia to enquire. Kind regards, Bob
Markus Wiltafsky
Evonik Animal Nutrition
Evonik Animal Nutrition
9 de julio de 2021
Dear Robert, thank you very much for your interest in AMINODat 6.0. The access to AMINODat 6.0 is handled by my local colleagues. I will inform them to contact you. All the best, Markus
Robert Swick
University of New England
University of New England
9 de julio de 2021
How to get access?
SB Group Nepal
30 de enero de 2023
I found your article very informative. Do keep posting such articles! Thank You.
2 de octubre de 2022
Dear Markus Iam vet from Nepal and I can I get access to aminodat 6.0? Regards Dr Dipak
24 de agosto de 2022
Dear Markus I am interested on.the AMINODat 6.0, How I can access?. It will be very helpful for our farmers and ranchers. I am now an Animal nutritionist of iran at feed mill factory.
Mohammad Salahuddin
20 de septiembre de 2021
DeaMarkus, I am interested on.the AMINODat 6.0, How I can access?. It will be very helpful for our farmers. I am now an Animal nutritionist of Bangladersh milk producers cooperative union Ltd ( milkvita) Cattle Feed Plant. which is a state run dairy farmers cooperative venture, consist of 10 lac marginal landless poor dairy farmers with 65000 lactating cow I.would like to reuest you to get the.AMINODat 6.0 to develope our feed ingredients specification or my feed calculation program/ ration balancing programme & to service the farmers. Let me know how can access Kind regards Mohammad SalahuddinAnimal nutritionist Milk vita Cattle Feed Plant, PhD Fellow (Department of Animal nutrition of Bangladesh Agricultural University) Email. Salahuddin_mvita@yahoo.com
Luechai Ippoodom
Thai Vet Nutri Tech Co.Ltd
14 de julio de 2021

Dear Markus,
I am interested on.the AMINODat 6.0, and I used to work as the Product Manager of the formal Degussa during with F.E.Zuellig (Bangkok)ltd.more than 20 years ago.

I am now a ManagingDirector of Thai.Vet Nutri Tech.Co., Ltd.which my own business. I.would like to buy the.AMINODat 6.0 to develope our feed ingredients specificationfor my feed calculation program to service
to.our.farm customers. Could we buy the.database from Evonik.or how can access

Thanks and kind regards,

Dr.Luechai Ippoodom
Managing Director,
Thai Vet NutriTech Co., ltd.
Chonburi., Thailand

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