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vahid likes this technical article:
Introduction:Due to the constant genetic evolution in both the production of broilers, nutritionists must constantly adapt their nutritional recommendations and feeding programs to maximize economic results at all times. These management and nutrition decisions must take into account: the animal (potential for growth), environmental conditions and the composition of the feed, which affect feed con ...
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I need aminodat 6 new versions please tell me how can I get it.
vahid likes the news release:
ISO standard 12099 for NIR-based feed analysis implemented Update and expansion of calibrations for feed raw materials, including insect meal AMINONIR® Portable app now also for iOS and with new functionalities   Germany, Essen. With the implementation of the ISO 12099 standard for near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR), updated and expanded calibrations for feed raw materials and fee ...
Participation in Forum on August 24, 2022
Dear Markus I am interested on.the AMINODat 6.0, How I can access?. It will be very helpful for our farmers and ranchers. I am now an Animal nutritionist of iran at feed mill factory.
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June 19, 2022
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