Precise analysis of raw materials is essential for high feed quality. Quickly calculate nutrients and accurately estimate energy content in feed raw materials. One data source, different needs met!
Different raw material sources, varying availability, price volatility – producing consistent feed that meets animal needs and hard business targets at the same time is an ongoing challenge. Feed formulators, purchasing departments and quality control each have individual tasks, and coordination is not always easy. But they all have one thing in common: they need accurate and readily available analytical results to achieve their goals. Evonik’s analytical services give you all the answers – quickly, reliably and cost-effectively.

AMINOLab® helps purchasers make the right decisions based on precise raw material evaluation. Supporting accurate least cost feed formulation and quality control in feed and livestock production are main advantages for nutritionists, quality control and livestock production managers using AMINOLab® results. The amino acid variability in key ingredients can be reduced and thus amino acid specs in complete feeds need lower safety margins.

A precise analysis of raw materials is essential for obtaining high feed quality. We offer the right tools to support the process as a complete service. Your benefit: quick calculations of nutrients and accurate estimations of energy contents in feed raw materials and finished feeds. Find out more about AMINONIR®