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Vitamins and minerals in dairy cattle nutrition

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Dr Manish Mukherjee
Ayurvet Ltd.
Introduction: Dairying has been considered to be one of the livelihood options for rural poor people, especially for landless, marginal, and small farmers in India and world. Generally, the productivity in dairy sector is low and smallholders are constrained by lack of access to quality feed. Although professionals have pointed out the importance of feeding, the ground realities or practices about concentrate feeds is entirely different. Due to shrinkage of grazing land and...
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The mineral complement of the animal and, to a large extent, the human diet is the fraction that historically we have made little attempt to supply in the form in which it occurs in natural mammalian foods. For the most part the strategy of using inorganic minerals, ie. oxides, sulfates and carbonates, has successfully provided the nutrients needed for growth and production of domestic livestock. Limitations in bioavailability or metabolism of inorganic sources due to either chemical or...
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Per Theilgaard
Per Theilgaard and 1 more
Objective: The objective was to compare Ca serum concentration and frequency of severe [Ca < 2.0 mmol/L] and moderate [Ca < 2.125 mmol/L] subclinical hypocalcemia (SCH) in cows supplemented according to the Dietary Cation Anion Differences (DCAD) principles or with synthetic zeolite. Materials and methods: The trials were performed in two large commercial farms in US and blood samples were taken within the first 24 hours after...
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Per Theilgaard
Per Theilgaard and 1 more
Introduction Most cows undergo some level of hypocalcemia in the immediate postpartum period, with 40 to 70% of multiparous cows developing subclinical hypocalcemia (SCH; Reinhardt et al., 2011; Caixeta et al., 2015; Neves et al., 2017). Supplementing zeolite A in prepartum rations improves Ca status during the peripartum period (Thilsing et al., 2006; Pallesen et al., 2008). In European studies, feeding zeolite A for the 2 weeks prior to calving resulted in...
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Per Theilgaard
Per Theilgaard and 1 more
Introduction Most cows undergo some level of hypocalcemia in the immediate postpartum period, with 40 to 70% of multiparous cows developing subclinical hypocalcemia (SCH; Reinhardt et al., 2011; Caixeta et al., 2015; Neves et al., 2017). Feeding prepartum rations low in Ca can improve Ca status postpartum (Kichura et al., 1982) but is difficult to achieve with commonly used feedstuffs in the US (Goff, 2006). In European studies, feeding zeolite A for the 2...
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X-Zelit was tested at the Cornell University. In a ProDairy webinar, Tom Overton is discussing the methods to prevent hypocalcemia and some of the results from the X-Zelit trial is presented. Watch the entire webinar here....
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Per Theilgaard
Per Theilgaard and 1 more
Introduction • Most cows are unable to elude some level of hypocalcemia in the immediate postpartum period, with 40 to 70% of multiparous cows developing subclinical hypocalcemia (SCH; Reinhardt et al., 2011; Caixeta et al., 2015; Neves et al., 2017). • Supplementing anions in prepartum rations is a common strategy to improve blood Ca concentrations however, SCH is often not eliminated (Leno et...
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Animal feed organic trace minerals market demand is depicting a rapid expansion rate as these minerals are used in animal feeds to enhance bioavailability and increase the gut absorption. The organic trace minerals assist in activating essential enzymes and hormones which proves vital for livestock’s metabolic processes. Rising consumption of meat, poultry, and dairy products has given a considerable push to the global animal feed organic trace minerals market size. As per statistics,...
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Mark A. Froetschel
University of Georgia
University of Georgia
Developments in transition cow nutrition Major advances in transition cow nutrition were made in the decade prior to the 2001 edition of the National Research Council publication Nutrient Requirements of Dairy cattle (Bell, 1995; Grummer; 1995). This led to establishment of the first NRC close-up cow nutrient requirements. Now group feeding close-up dairy cows a specialized ration is an established practice. Close-up cow...
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Cornell University tested the efficiency of a calcium binder (X-Zelit®) for preventing hypocalcemia. Feeding low level calcium in the prepartum diet has shown to be effective in improving the calcium level at calving. However, as this is difficult to obtain using the commonly used feeds, binding the dietary calcium using X-Zelit can mimic the low calcium approach. Preliminary results from the trial were presented at the annual Cornell Nutrition Conference...
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Marina A. G. von Keyserlingk
University of British Columbia UBC
University of British Columbia UBC
Introduction During the transition from pregnancy to lactation increased energy and calcium demands for colostrum and milk production, combined with a decline in dry matter intake (DMI) around parturition, can result in negative energy balance (NEB), increased lipid mobilization [1,2] and a reduction in plasma concentrations of calcium [3,4]. These changes increase the risk...
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James K. Drackley
University of Illinois
University of Illinois
INTRODUCTION An adequate supply of macro and micronutrients, such as trace minerals (e.g., Zn, Mn, Cu, Co), is important for ensuring an optimal transition from pregnancy to lactation (Andrieu, 2008). For instance, trace minerals have critical roles in a variety of physiological process, particularly antioxidant defense, and a deficiency may depress immunity especially in peripartal or transition cows (Spears and Weiss,...
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ReportsWeb.com added “Global Methionine Market Research Report 2017” to its vast collection of research Database. The report is spread across 107 pages and supported by 8 company leaders. The Global Methionine Market Research Report 2017 is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the Methionine Market. This report studies Methionine in Global market, especially in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan, focuses on top manufacturers in...
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Juan Loor
Juan Loor and 3 more
University of Illinois
University of Illinois
INTRODUCTION Trace mineral elements such as Cu, Cr, and Zn have important roles in the health and immunity of peripartal dairy cows (Spears and Weiss, 2008). Minerals have been commonly supplemented to cattle in the form of inorganic salts, preferably as sulfates; however, the development of organic forms of trace minerals, such as minerals complexed with AA, minimize the risk of mineral antagonism and enhance absorption...
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New feeding trial results from neutral research institute in Germany, shows increased protein inflow in the small intestine and optimized efficiency in milk production. ProtiSpar® is a combination of essential oils that affects the bacterial metabolism of protein in the rumen. ...
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Background A recent study by the SDSU Dairy and Food Science Department investigated the effects of water quality on heifer preference and drinking behavior. Providing good quality water to livestock is a major challenge in the Midwest. Eastern South Dakota groundwater, which is used for drinking, industry, and agricultural purposes is hard, with high mineral content. Calcium and magnesium concentration affects this hardness....
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Juan Loor
Juan Loor and 2 more
University of Illinois
University of Illinois
Introduction The transition period is the most-critical phase in the productive life of high-producing dairy cows and it is characterized by decreased liver function and increased inflammation and oxidative stress [1, 2]. Although inflammatory pathways play important roles in normal immune function helping the body adjust to and overcome infection with the purpose of restoring homeostasis, uncontrolled inflammatory...
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John Fish
Many factors contribute to achieving an age at first calving of 24 months for heifers. John Fish from Vitfoss highlights the importance of calf health and mineral nutrition.   There’s been much discussion on the topic of the optimal age at first calving (AFC) however numerous studies have shown that targeting an age of 24 months at first calving can be optimal for lifetime...
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Dr. Jack Garrett, Ph.D., Director of Technical Services & Research at QualiTech, speaks about organic nutrition in the XXI century at the Latin American Poultry Congress, El Salvador. ...
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