Ascites (Water Belly) in Broiler Chickens during Winter Season
Published:December 19, 2011
Ascites (or water belly) is a condition of fast growing broiler chickens in which the excess amount of ascitic fluid accumulated in the abdominal cavity. It has become major concern to the poultry industry around the world. This condition is extremely common in high altitude & more particularly during winter / cooler season.
Ascites is associated with inadequate supply of oxygen, poor vent...
Mr.Christopher.Something positive has been spoken at your end.Please specify the doses of individual chemicals to arrest Ascites at the earliest including your findings as well.
Dr. Rama Prasad Chakraborty From my experience here in Nigeria addition of 70%Betaine with vitamins is very effective in managing Ascites at an inclusion rate of just 400,gram per Ton of feed used in seven days
BAWINDSOMDE OUEDRAOGO Thank you Bawindsomde for some time I have been very busy with my NGO livestock industry foundation for Africa sharing knowledge on poultry health and nutrition as facts from the implications of climate change on the poultry industry of the sub Saharan Africa. lIFA is I'm partnership with Zoetis Alpha initiative on this initiative for Nigeria from 2017-2022, and have impacted over 5000 poultry farmers and value chain participants in all the six agroecological regions of Nigeria despite covid 19 limitations. The success stories of this initiative is now been surported by Zoetis foundation for an extension to six West African countries The first series of countries selected for West Africa include three Anglophone and three Francophone countries respectively. lIFA is collaborating with Anisk language.
If you kept your chicken houses CLEAN, (and I mean clean enough for YOU to live in) - then if you give your chickens some warmth, no ammonia will be present to impact their environment, steal their oxygen, and raise hell with their systems.
Nothing clear about the extent of cleaniness to adopt,the sanitization method,in house temperature,the space to be alloted to each bird,the height of ceiling of the house etc.Hence give specific data not anything superficial to make this page unimportant.
Ascites is undoubtedly a metabolic disorder seen during winter months, a well planned heating, ventilation and adjusting nutritrition program can only solve the problem, medicines, chemicals and kidney function improvers will hardly help.
Root cause is provision of oxygen
So improve mangemnt ie ventillation rather preserving temp.
Ventillation is primary ,temp is secondary
Cost of fuel will be less than loss due to water balley
Dnt dilute feed .it will affect overall efficency.
Only improve ventillation reduce ammonia level to perform lungs normaly
Ascites may be asequelle to condition known sudden death syndrome mainly associated will less oxygen content and high feed conversion after 28 day of age and other factors such as high altitude, mycotoxins,renal failure
Strategies to Alleviate the Incidence of Ascites
in Broilers are
1. Higher level of Vitamin C, Vitamin E & Se ( 500ppm VitC)
2. Addition of Sodium bicarbonate 1%
3. Addition of 0.2% Aspirin
4. Feed Restriction
elle est due manque d'oxygene ou rachitisme donc cavite thoracique etroite donc poumons petits atteintes microbienne du poumon (e.coli ,pasteurelles,aspergilose )donc moins d'espace dans le poumon hypertension de l('artere pulmonaire d'ou ascite atteinte du foie (clostridiose) temps froid donc le poussin va rechauffer son milieu et cela par l'augmentation de la circulation de sang dans les poumons pour donnez de la chaleur et donc ascite
Klinofeed a unique mycotoxin and ammonia binder from swiss company works very well in such cases can be ised it helps in reducing ammonia and within 5 days visible results can be seen
water belly is a condition due to improper ventilation..mostly during minimum ventilation...ammonia toxicity causes the ascites. if we can humidity level low than we control the cases of ascites..during racking use extra fans.inlets open during this condition..
Increase night ventilation as feed consumption is bigger during night hours but oxygen availability is less due to fully packed sheds litter depth is major reason for ammonia. Due to cost factor, its depth has been reduced as we don't have ac vehicles, chills during transportation and fluctuation in weather first week in brooders promote ascitis.
The article seems to be old but I have been very much helped. I have so far lost 5 birds which hard the signs of ascites. They started exhibiting those signs in week three, they are now in week 4. Just lost one this morning. I am hoping to work on the good suggestions here. Thank you
I believe in the dietary application of organic Betaine in the management of Ascitis in broiler. Why? Because Betaine stabilize intracellular homeostasis by increasing internal cell osmolarity there by preventing water loss to the peritoneum Betaine also assist to minimize wet litter thereby improving oxygen by minimizing Amonia release Betaine intermediate metabolism releases nitric oxide a chemical that help tibdilate the blood vessels and help them supply a better oxygen to lungs heart ,and other organs So if Ascitis is linked with low oxygen level it follows that the effect if Betaine on blood vessel dilation will improve oxygen transport to the tissues Today I am seriously promoting a form of organic Betaine blended with vitamins in Nigeria with satisfactory empirical data Organic Betaine is critical in the dietary management of extreme heat and cold in humid tropical climate like in the South Sahara Africa.
Stephen Adejoro Dr, when I see ascites in Broiler farm which dose of what is your advice dose natural Betaine for broiler? In ascites, heat stress or before slaughterhouse.