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Harish Murty
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Any pathognomic lession which are seen in commercial white layer...?
Participation in Forum on February 28, 2019
Robert Huggins, Sir.Is it applicable to Indian conditions also? If yes, then what will happen to the shell quality post peak laying. Where in culls are sold at 1550 to 1600 GM's in cage layers in India.Also, will it affect hen housed eggs? If not, why Kindly explain as India is large egg producing country and eggs are sold In numbers not in GM's.
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We need to differentiate between prolapse and pullouts.The prolapse is common in early matured birds with more body weights. I concur with the opinion of Dr. Robert Huggins, nutrition plays a main role in the conformation of body weights. Secondly, the egg size: the rupture takes place in pushing large or double yolked eggs.Thirdly, it is common in cage laying units, Where the idle bird pulls or d ...
Participation in Forum on December 18, 2018
Dear Sir Your write up is really useful and good I have a small query ..What is the germination time of Saccharomyces Boulardii as B.Subtilis takes 60 mins only and 90% is germinated and can you plz post comparative study of Boulardii and B.Subtilis Kind Regards
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Introduction A common human propensity is to regard all microorganisms as “harmful”, in particular, equating bacteria to pathogenic germs. Nothing could be further from the truth. The number of beneficial bacterial species far exceeds the number of pathogenic species and many of the known bacteria are in fact useful or even indispensable for the continued existence of life on Earth. ...
Participation in Forum on July 19, 2018
Jodh singh. Please visit uni point Ag website for technical details.
Participation in Forum on July 19, 2018
Athangudi Venugopalan, Sir. Very nice information... I think even probiotic like saccharomyces boulardii also works in control of e. coli. Sir, if you have any article kindly share
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Diagnosis of IB: this can be done in a field diagnostic laboratory. day pm cases collect kidney samples. make 50 % kidney extract. centrifuge 3000 rpm for 15 minutes. collect 1 cc of kidney extract supernatant. do ha test of kidney extract. segregate kidney samples which are negative for haemo agglutination. to 1 cc of the above extract add bacto trypsin 1 is to 25o 200 micro litter per icc of kid ...
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By feed decontamination by formalin and water sanitation with chlorine di oxide periodical lab evaluation you can control e. coli or coliforms among poultry. For control of nephron pathogenic ib do field test for ib. If sample is positive for go for ib vaccination with ma5 or ma5 and 4/91. ib vaccine h120 not effective for nephron patho genic ib. before ib vaccination do ib titre of 10 marked bird ...
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Flocks immunized, titers determined by ELISA satisfactory, RT-PSR not detected virus genomes, and the flocks with a false paraovarijan cyst in layer hens and some hermaphrodite.
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