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DR.R.N.Sreenivas Gowda likes this technical article:
Summary Over the last decennia different recombinant viral vector vaccines for poultry have been introduced in several countries. The first vaccines were all based on the Fowl pox(FP) virus  used as the vector (e.g. the avian influenza (AI) recombinant (r) FP/H5, NewcastleDisease (ND) rFP/ND, infectiouslaryngotrachetis (ILT) rFP/ILT vaccines. The most recent ("second generation") viral vect ...
Participation in Forum on August 5, 2021
Use of exogenous enzymes and is becoming a norm to utilize the undigested parts and to overcome the adverse effects as well. It depends on the selection of feed ingredients to be incorporated in the feed .Underdeveloped digestive capacity brings potential benefits for exogenous enzyme usages, such as protease, lipase, and amylases. The birds physiology varies with the age This is scientifically ...
Participation in Forum on August 4, 2021
in my experience, footpad dermatitis is usually seen in cage system of rearing of layer chicks with more birds per cage. This is because of damage caused by cage wires if their gauge of wires is narrow and also sharp nails also cause injury.In broilers, it depends on the material used, wet litter and more ammonia in sheds.
Participation in Forum on July 31, 2021
Coccidiosis and Coccidias are two terms used in practice, the former cause disease outbreak and the later is presence of cocci organisms waiting for an opportunity to cause disease.- Sub- clinical infection. Coccidiosis predisposes the necrotic enteritis. Often treating Necrotic enteritis without treating Coccidiosis will cause heavy mortality. Treat coccidiosis and Necrotic enteritis together giv ...
Participation in Forum on July 31, 2021
Coccidiosis and Coccidias is are two terms used in practice, the former cause disease outbreak and the later is presence of cocci organisms waiting for an opportunity to cause disease.- Sub- clinical infection. Coccidiosis predisposes the necrotic enteritis. Often treating Necrotic enteritis without treating Coccidiosis will cause heavy mortality. Treat coccidiosis and Necrotic enteritis togethe ...
Participation in Forum on July 26, 2021
Introduction of greener technologies in poultry is a welcome sign. wherever more sunlight is there it is better to use solar energy, and how they are available at reasonable cost.Similarly generating electricity from litter can also be explored to save electricity in poultry farms.
Participation in Forum on June 23, 2021
A good management, balanced nutrition and designing feed for broilers, optimal intestinal conditions should be regarded as the highest priority in poultry. It gives full protection through production of immunity and disease resistance. Strain wise requirement of nutrition is essential for proper growth and production
Participation in Forum on June 13, 2021
It is an excellent Idea and chicks require this gel for long-distance transport A good rehydration with electrolytes if available an instant energy for good livability.
Participation in Forum on June 11, 2021
Dear poultry experts, I agree with all the points suggested by you, such as body weight, uniformity of 85-90%,Egg weight, e.t.c. May be a breed character... early maturity and production of big size eggs. pullout the cloaca, Pl check the lighting arrangement in deep litter system. Further check.... is it real prolapse or peckout. If the beaks are not properly trimmed the birds develop a habit of ...
Participation in Forum on May 12, 2021
Intestinal health is very important for the bird perfomance. Everything we feed has to be good enough to take care of physiology of the bird. In the absence of feeding antibiotics, the intestinal flora need to be maintained with feed additives such as probiotics prebiotics and organic acids and bacteriophages.
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Location:Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Veterinary Pathologist , poultry specialist
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