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Swine nutrition

Pigs require a number of essential nutrients to meet their needs for maintenance, growth, reproduction, lactation, and other functions. However, factors such as genetic variation, environment, availability of nutrients in feedstuffs, disease levels, and other stressors may increase the needed level of some nutrients for optimal performance and reproduction. Swine require six general classes of nutrients: water, carbohydrates, fats, protein (amino acids), minerals, and vitamins. Energy, although not a specific nutrient, is an important nutritional component and is primarily derived from the oxidation of carbohydrates and fats. In addition, amino acids (from protein) that exceed the animal’s requirements for maintenance and tissue protein synthesis provide energy when their carbon skeletons are oxidized. Antibiotics, chemotherapeutic agents, microbial supplements (prebiotics and probiotics), enzymes, and other feed additives are often added to swine diets to increase the rate and efficiency of gain, to improve digestibility, and for other purposes, but they are not considered nutrients. Pigs require a more concentrated diet and should be fed a less-fibrous feed than cattle, sheep, or horses. As they grow, their nutritional requirements change and the diet should meet their needs in various phases of growth and stages of production.
Hans H. Stein
University of Illinois
University of Illinois
Introduction Feed cost represents 70% of the total cost of poultry and pork production (Patience et al., 2015); therefore, a number of processing techniques have been developed to maximize utilization of nutrients in feed ingredients and diets for optimum animal growth performance. Oilseed meals are commonly exposed to varying degrees of heat to remove solvents used during oil extraction, increase nutrient digestibility, improve storage life, and to reduce anti-nutritional...
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John Htoo
Evonik Animal Nutrition
Evonik Animal Nutrition
We help pig farmers use the most effective swine feed so that they can operate profitably, sustainably and with high animal welfare standards. THE CHALLENGES FACED BY THE SWINE INDUSTRY Pig producers face many challenges, including high feed costs and disease outbreaks. The three biggest pressures come from: 1. Facing the sustainability challenge and the requirement to comply with regulations to reduce nitrogen and ammonia emissions. 2. Coping with...
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Mohamed Mammeri
Phileo by Lesaffre
Phileo is constantly working to improve its range of yeast probiotics, giving farmers and companion animal keepers effective and consistent products, backed by extensive trials evidence and practical user experience. The...
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Frédéric Vangroenweghe (Elanco Animal Health) speaks on the tests and application of an enzyme (Hemicell HT™) and its economic benefits by lowering feeding costs while maintaining quality, during IPVS2022 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil....
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Bruno Silva
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG
Bruno Silva (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais) explains the need to adapt feeding programs to the characteristics of young and adult sows, during IPVS2022 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil....
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Bruno Silva
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG
Bruno Silva (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais) talks about what needs to be understood about the animal in order to use precision feeding, during IPVS2022 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ...
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Megan Niederwerder
Kansas State University
Kansas State University
Megan Niederwerder (Swine Health Information Center) discusses this method, its advantages, and which situations could call for its implementation, during IPVS2022 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil....
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Rutger Jansen
Boehringer Ingelheim
Rutger Jansen (Boehringer Ingelheim) discussed strategies to control the disease and its damaging impact, during IPVS2022 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil....
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Paulo Campos (Cargill) comments on blends of amino acids and how they benefit the animal when faced with sanitary and disease challenges, during IPVS2022 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil....
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Dr. Laura Greiner
Iowa State University
Iowa State University
Wes Schweer (Zinpro) commented on organic acids, probiotics and combination of different products, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
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Eduardo Cobo
University of Calgary
University of Calgary
Eduardo Cobo (University of Calgary) talked about the path to follow to replace antibiotics in animal production, during IPVS2022 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil....
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Breno Beirao
Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR
Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR
Breno Beirão (Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil) discussed the balance of amino acids in swine nutrition, during IPVS2022 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil....
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John Patience
Iowa State University
Iowa State University
INTRODUCTION The weaning process exposes pigs to a multitude of stressors such as dietary and environmental changes, social stress, and an unpredictable array of pathogens. The combination of these stressors typically results in reduced growth rate and feed intake as well as impaired function and integrity of the gut (Lallès et al., 2004; Pluske, 2013; Li et al., 2019). Further, the immune system of a weaned pig is still undergoing development, increasing their...
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Dr. Laura Greiner
Iowa State University
Iowa State University
Dan Columbus (Prairie Swine Centre and University of Saskatchewan) shared his thoughts regarding research on pigs challenged with bacterial diseases and their impacts on feed efficiency and nutrient requirements, in this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
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Dr. Laura Greiner
Iowa State University
Iowa State University
Dan Columbus (Prairie Swine Centre and University of Saskatchewan) shared insights on amino acids and energy requirements when feeding a sick pig, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
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Dr. Laura Greiner
Iowa State University
Iowa State University
Dan Columbus (Prairie Swine Centre and University of Saskatchewan) points out the importance of the diet regarding the ability to resist disease challenge, in this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
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