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vaccination poultry flocks

Vaccination of Small Poultry Flocks

Published: February 8, 2008
WHY VACCINATE? Vaccination is an effective means to prevent and/or reduce the adverse effects of specific diseases in poultry. Poultry refers to birds that people keep for their use, and generally includes chicken, turkey, duck, goose, quail, pheasant, pigeon, guinea fowl, pea fowl, ostrich, emu and rhea. Disease-causing organisms can be classified, smallest to largest, as viruses, mycopla...
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Gary Butcher
University of Florida
University of Florida
Dr. Abhijit Mishra
Dr. Abhijit Mishra
9 de febrero de 2008

Excellent article about Vaccination of Small Poultry Flocks. No way to say how good it is for farmers.

Dr. Mishra

Ram Prasad Poudyal
4 de agosto de 2008
I've got a good message. In my opinion some short of vaccine failure in developing countries with the living near to border line we are practicing this schedule to control major of the diseases H&N BROWN NICK® THE BROWN LAYERS PARENT VACCINATION SCHEDULE FOR HIGH DISEASE RISK AREAS Ist Day Rispen CVI 988 Intervet At hatchery 3 Days IBH120 Intra oral 4.5.6 days Tiamutin 7.5gm /1000birds 7days F1/B1/Nd Clone 30 Intra eye or intra orally 8,9days Copper sulphate 1gm /10 liter of water 10day IBD Intermediate Plus Intra eye instillation (I/O) 16 Days IBD intermediate Plus intra oral instillation(I/O) 21days IBD Intermediate Plus intra oral instillation(I/O) 22,23 Days Tialin 12.5gm/1000birds 25Days IB+Lasota with skim milk powder 28 days IB+ND+IBD+Reo 0.3ml I/M 29,30 Days Tialin 18.5gm /1000 Birds 31 Days Levamisole 100gm /1000 birds orally with mixing in feed 32Days IB+lasota 33,34,35 Days ESB3 1gm / liter of water and vitamin A @5ml/100birds 34days Better to debeak +vitamin K 43,44,45 Days Amoxicillin 1gm /Liter of water for 3 Days 46 Days IB+Lasota skim milk + Drinking water 56 Days Fowl Pox (Wing Web) 62 Days R2B 0.5 Ml I/M)+vitamin B complex @15ml/100birds 64,65 Days Tialin 25gm/1000 Birds through drinking water 78 Days Piperazine powder @100gm/1000birds 82 Days ND Lasota Skim milk + Drinking water 86 Days IBH120 Skim milk + Drinking water 100 Days Fowl pox with AE (AE Pox ) 105 Days ND+IBD+IB+Reo 0.5ml I/M 120days Fenbendazole @50 Gm /1000birds 125 Days IB+Lasota With Skim Milk + Drinking water 131,132,133 Days Tialin 50gm/1000birds
Dr S. Chandrasekar
Neospark Drugs and Chemicals Pvt.Ltd
28 de agosto de 2009
Dear Sir, What is the concentration of these dewormers, dosage in mg per kg BW, for which type of birds, is there any contrindication for specific family of birds. Kindly clarrifiy
Mohammad Ismail
17 de octubre de 2016
Need to know some answers. Plz write if you know the answer. 1. Is it mandatory to use a Marek's disease vaccine at the age of 14-15 days as 2ND dose (1at dose given after hatch)? 2. It's about IBD/Gumboro. Look at a vaccine schedule Day 5-7: G+ND (IBD+ND killed vaccine) Day 12-19: Gumboro 228E Live vaccine Day 19-26: Gumboro 228E Live vaccine My question is, why we using live vaccine after the killed one? Is it give long time protection or not? 3. It's about Pox vaccine Is it mandatory to use two Pox vaccine before lay (at day 42 & day 77)?
18 de octubre de 2016
Dear Mohammad Please note that to all your questions there is no right or wrong answer. Any vaccination program should be designed based on the your flock's geographical location and the prevalent disease agent/s in the area. the available vaccine/s in your area, and Its also important to understand the immune status (passive and active) of your birds. Based on these assumptions, for your first question - the second application is not mandatory, but in certain situations of high challenge it might improve protection. for your second question. the inactivated vaccine is applied to young chicks with high level of maternal antibodies, as killed vaccine is capable to overcome their interference and provide some protection, but the live vaccine few days later (when the maternal antibodies are gone) will provide a more solid and lasting protection (probably single application is enough) and for your third question, its not mandatory but depend on current situation in your area you might decide to repeat vaccination I hope its help
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
18 de octubre de 2016

Chicks should be properly vaccinated agaist marek's at hatchery level. Marek's vaccine occupies the receptor sites on the cell and blocks the entry of field virus. 14th day vaccine cannot protect the birds if infection exists in the brooder house.
For ibd, if parents are vaccinated with killed vaciine, live intermediate vaccine at 13/ 14 days is enough for broilers. Layers may need one more on 23rd day. If maternal antibodies are low, advance to 10thday. We get ibd between 21to 35days. Killed vaccine may not work. 228e is a hot strain and two doses itself can damage the bursa and lead to immunosupression.
Need of fowl pox vaccine is based on the situation.
Two vaccines as are being done in 4to 6 weeks and repeated in 15/ 16 weeks is working well.

Ismet Mamode
Food & Allied Group of Companies
27 de octubre de 2016
Small poultry farmers face the problem of getting vials of vaccines in smaller doses, for instance 500 doses. Sharing vials of vaccines is not advisable due to the cold chain and manipulation. The administration of vaccines is another issue for many poultry farmers. The use of the Gumboro 228 E vaccine should be carefully used because it is a very HOT vaccine. I would prefer to use the Gumboro IBD L from Ceva which is an Intermediate Plus and very effective. Besides, the vaccine can be used at the Hatchery in the form of Transmune. The best point as others mentioned above is to know the epidemiological status of the region/country in order to establish a vaccination program.
27 de octubre de 2016
Thanks for your wonderful sharing of vaccine information . Over here in Nigeria, when farmers administer vaccines in their farms, more coci and white stooling erupt, seemed they bought diseases to introduce into their farms and make farmers woefully fail and regress into poverty, whether you vaccinate or you do not vaccinate, Farmers encounter heavy mortality despite all their bio-security checks. We need to find a sure way of eradicating completely the coci and white stooling .
28 de octubre de 2016
Tedi, please I want to get the comment on white strolling and cocci rightlly. Is the stooling noticed after every vaccination or with specific one?
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
28 de octubre de 2016
To ensure safety against diseases in small back yard flocks, india started mother unit system which is producing very good results. Chicks are reared for 4 weeks in larger numbers of 2000 to 10000 by a skilled farmer. the chicks are given ib nd and gumboro vaccines. one killed nd vaccined also is given in the mother unit which gives a long time protection. THis is helping in endemic areas. COccidiosis is found less often in free roaming chicken. The reinfection is lesser than the deep litter flocks. white stooling is mostly water born infection because of dirty water they drink. for numbers beyond 20 birds in one group, some food security for the birds and clean water must be provided. Veterinary care to diagnose coccidiosis & white diarrhoea and appropriate treatment must be provided. Amprolium for coccidiosis and antibiotics for white stools is a sure treatment.
28 de octubre de 2016
On field location of vaccination in Nigetia, is immediately after seven days, coci and white stooling manifest. Birds will no more eat, with dry leg, squats by the wall. What you get on post vaccination is high mortality of birds . Vaccination contributes to high rate of birds death. If you vacinate or not birds die. We normally advise immediately after vaccination treat white stool and coci, sanitize water sources, as the may contain harmful pathogen.
28 de octubre de 2016
Ensure only healthy birds are vaccinated. Avoid over dosing of the vaccine by providing adequate drinkers for the birds also.
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
28 de octubre de 2016
7th day white stool can be a case of salmanella pullorum or gallinarum which are vertically transmitted from infected parents. Feeding very substandard feed will make chicks debilitated and suffer with live vaccines itself. sourcing chicks from a good hatchery and giving balanced feed in the first two weeks atleast will ensure minimum growth and vaccine response.
maxwell ojokojo
29 de octubre de 2016
Please I need help, if DOC's (Broiler/Pullets) are not vaccinated for marek disease in the hatchery, what solutions does a farmer have to correct this..
29 de octubre de 2016
Commercial broilers are not usually vaccinated against Mareks except you are talking about parent stock Broilers. It is a standard practice that pullets must be vaccinated right from hatcheries in Nigeria. However if you confirm otherwise. You can source for the vaccine from reputable vaccine supplier and administer under the supervision of your veterinary surgeon. Ensure the specific storage condition of the vaccine is maintained. You have the right to reporting such hatcheries to the poultry association of your country.
Ismet Mamode
Food & Allied Group of Companies
31 de octubre de 2016
Dear TEDI, Please, will it be possible to perform a bacteriological examination to determine the pathogens linked to the cocci and white stooling? It will be good to do an antibiotic test too. Be careful of Salmonella.
David Otaigbe
3 de diciembre de 2016
Mr. Maxwell. Commercial day old broilers are not usually vaccinated against Marek's disease except maybe Broiler Breeder. This is because of the short shelf live of between 42 days to 56 days depending on your target weight and desired texture. At the same time, farmers are advised not to brood day old broilers with day old commercial layers vaccinated with Rispen's HVT to prevent infection from or due to sequestration as a result of building up immunity to the simulation of the vaccine. Thanks
karunamoorthy gopal
3 de diciembre de 2016
Birds which are keeping more than 10 weeks have to be vaccinated against Marek's vaccine,while broilers which are liquidated before 8weeks are not vaccinated against Marek's . Thank you.
Lawal Sesan
4 de diciembre de 2016
Vaccination is very important in poultry birds from day old , so as to build their immune sysem
Lwetutte Julius
4 de diciembre de 2016
Physical engagement of specialists/technocrats in the field is important to properly establish diagnoses hence respective treatments/vaccinations. This saves both poultry life and and farmers' appropriate endeavours which may be costly in the end.
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