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Replacing 100 % chemical choline chloride - Raw material summary

Published: February 22, 2022
By: David Revilla, Veterinarian
Replacing 100 % chemical choline chloride - Raw material summary - Image 1
Liptosa newsletter. Monthly Report
We have started the year 2022 with the same instability and volatility of raw materials suffered during 2021.
In this volume of our newsletter, we would like to tackle/mention interesting alternatives to raw materials, which allow an affordable supply and provide added advantages. Let's talk about choline.
The most common source of choline is choline chloride (CC), obtained by chemical synthesis.
NaturColin is a powdered nutraceutical product based on a selected combination of botanicals and plant extracts as a source of phosphatidyl choline, phospholipids, methyl group donors and other phytogenic compounds which are intimately related with the choline functions.
The different active components of NaturColin work in synergy in order to completely fulfil the choline functions, representing an alternative choline vegetal source.
Newsletter, Liptosa - Image 1
The new year 2022 also brings us legislative novelties that affect the sector. We take advantage of this newsletter to make a mention:
- Entry into force of the ban on the use of zinc oxide => COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 26.6.2017 on marketing authorisations under Article 35 of Directive 2001/82/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.
- Entry into force on 28 January 2022 of REGULATION (EU) 2019/4 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 11 December 2018 concerning the manufacture, placing on the market and use of medicated feed. The main objective of this regulation is to combat antibiotic resistance.
-COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2021/1691 of 12 July 2021 amending Annex II to Regulation (EU) 2018/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the requirements for record-keeping for operators in organic production.
-COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2021/1165 of 15 July 2021 authorising certain products and substances for use in organic production and establishing their lists.
-COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2021/279 of 22 February 2021 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2018/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards controls and other measures ensuring traceability and compliance with the provisions on organic production and labelling of organic products.
Newsletter, Liptosa - Image 2
It is a concentrated version of NATURCOLIN, allowing a higher replacement of choline chloride, maintaining the zootechnical results, and with identical technological advantages described above.
-Highly bio-available
-Hepatic metabolism regulator
Newsletter, Liptosa - Image 3
NATURCOLIN allows to replace 100% the chemical choline chloride, providing the following advantages:
-No corrosive, unlike the chemical choline chloride.
-It is not hygroscopic; it does not cause fluidity problems in the final product.
-It does not interact with vitamins and other nutrients, so it can be incorporated into the premix.
-It has a lower inclusion rate, which allows more space available in the formula for other ingredients.
-Due to the lower inclusion rate, it is more competitive in price.
*Certain information associated with products, their composition and claims may be different depending on the geographical region and may not be applicable in all countries. Liptosa reserves the right to adapt to the requirements and legislation in each case.
The information and technical recommendations provided herein are based on Liptosa's current knowledge and experience.
Liptosa reserves the right to update the information and arguments contained in this platform, as well as to make any changes to this information or recommendation at any time, without prior or subsequent notice.
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David Revilla
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Carlos López Tomé, David Revilla
Alvaro Dubois
25 de julio de 2022

Dear prof. Mentem. Thank you for sharing the experimental data your group has generated. It's very useful for these discussions. On internal trials in our company, (broilers between 1-21 d of age) with a similar set of diets and total calculated choline levels between 400 and 500 ppm, responses to added choline were quite similar and birds on the most deficient levels also developed perosis. This is a good model to test alternative natural sources of choline, since, as you have shown, it's quite easy that practical diets won't show any response to added choline. Simply replacing choline chloride by a substitute and by the lack of difference in performance to conclude that the product was as effective (if not higher) as it is not right. If you can not show a clear response to added choline, you can not make that conclusion. I agree 100% with Dr. Luc Goethals considerations.

José Fernando Machado Menten
USP -Universidade de São Paulo
USP -Universidade de São Paulo
24 de julio de 2022
Regarding the need for choline in feeds, some points must be considered: 1. The content of choline in the base feed is not known exactly. It depends on its content in each feed ingredient. 2. Also, the availability of choline in the feed ingredients is mostly unknown (although supposedly high). In soybean meal we published a study demonstrating that the availability for broilers is 100%: MENTEN et al. A new method for determining the availabilityof choline in soybean meal. Poultry Science, v. 76, p. 1292-1297, 1997. 3. The requirement published in NRC (199%) has been conformed in a recent study we conducted. This requirement must obviously be met: LIMA et al. Estimate of choline nutritional requirements for chicks from 1 to 21 days of age. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION, v. 102, n. 3, p. 780-788, 2018. Jose Fernando Menten, Professor, University of Sao Paulo
Nabil Tanios
14 de julio de 2022

Excess of choline chloride in ration of commercial laying hens produce a refused taste of eggs, for that we can’t open the amount of choline according to fat content in liver.

Ram Singh
13 de julio de 2022
Choline removes fat from the liver. Aflatoxin contamination in poultry feed results in fat accumulation in liver. Under such conditions, choline is required to be added in diet. Dr Ram Singh Bibyan
Pawan Kumar Mudgil
Regen Biocorps
12 de julio de 2022
Total fat content of various diet may differ, can that affect the quantity of choline required in that diet, if yes then, may be that could be reason behind inconsistencies in trials. That means requirement can not be ruled out butTotal fat content decide the requirements.
Luc Goethals
Sanluc International nv
30 de junio de 2022
It's experimentally not easy to determine which share of the added chemical choline you can replace by natural sources. We have ran several experiments at European Universities and Research Institutes and the outcome was very inconsistent. The problem is that one has to work with choline deficient control diets, if not, few will be seen. In our trials with a normal control group (no added chemical choline, no added natural one) and besides a chemical and natural group, many times we didn't see any difference at all between the three groups. This would mean indeed that in well balanced diets, extra choline is not that essential. Trials were done in broilers and layers. Maybe for other animal species it's different. Of course from such experiments, one might conclude that you can replace ALL synthetic choline by Natural alternatives.
Ghulam Habib
29 de junio de 2022
Yes. It would be interesting knowing how much of the chemical cholin we can replace with natural herbal choline.
Alvaro Dubois
24 de junio de 2022
Dear Dr. Ewa. Is this the same product formerly know as BioCholine? Thank you.
Luis Fernando Vergamini Luna
Opta Alimentos e Insumos
23 de junio de 2022
Is the NATURCOLIN available in Brazil? If possible, I would like to have more tecnhical information and trials, to support the usage. luisluna@allegrolf.com.br Best regards,
Nelson Ruíz
Nelson Ruíz Nutrition LLC
Nelson Ruíz Nutrition LLC
22 de abril de 2022
Dear Ewa Sujka, may I know what is the chemical structure of Naturcolin? Thank you.
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