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Feed for Broiler Performance

Formulating Feed for Broiler Performance

Published: February 9, 2007
Every year the marketing age of broilers decreases by an average of 0.75 days for the same performance. This trend is likely to continue in the same direction for the coming years. Nutrition plays a vital role in enabling this improvement. As the feed cost represents an expensive input (~70-80% of broiler production cost), the poultry producer should be aware of the dynamics of the feed in its in...
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Ing. Dragan Ionut
13 de enero de 2016
Hello Kadam Because you did not receive any answer until now I will try to give you an answer. The main role of agp is maintaining a healthy intestinal tract. If do you have a clean intestin , you do not have toxic products from pathogenic bacteria , you will have a better absorption for nutrients , a better conversion and a better energy usage We discussed now about avilamycin ( antibiotic and grow promotor ) . The way to improve the growing is complicated but if I want to answer to you in few words I can tell you like that – inhibition of potential pathogenic bacteria (ppb), reducing secondary metabolites of ppb, increasing absorption and better energy usage. Now , we have two problems – if we use antibiotics like grow promotors we will contribute to antibioresistance. And this is harmfull for the people who will eat meat from ours farms and also for us because antibioresistance is not just a word is a real problem who is increasing from year to year. And the secondary problem is the cost of avilamycin or other antibiotic used like grow promotor. Even you see a small cost daily , in one year you will see a lot of monney expend on this product. You have a better solution instead of grow promotor . This solutin is biosecurity. If you do a good cleaning and desinfection and you will use the biosecurity rules you will have more benefits instead of using grow promotors . If you want to discusse more about this , just say All the best Ionut Dragan
13 de enero de 2016
Please send formulation for broiler pre starter starter and finisher poultry feed along with f c r and nutritive value
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
13 de enero de 2016
The large integrators with contract farming are producing broilers where there is less need for use of antibiotics. The breeder biosecurity is excellent and there are no vertical problems and egg contamination is near nil on roll away cages. The breeders are well vaccinated to give good maternal antibody levels. The hatchery hygiene is near hospital standards and they are transported for small distances with less comtamination. The broiler farms are rested for 3 weeks and fresh litter is used every time. The feed is steamed and packed in new sacs. Automatic drinkers and nipple drinkers with water sanitizers are reducing the water born risks. The very reduction of broiler age to around 35 days is helping to prevent diseases. With improved health better results are acheived even with lower nutrient levels. Pre starter protein is reduced to 21.5 from 23.5. Starter to 20 and finisher to 19%. Fcrs for 2kg weights are 1.6 on monthly averages for a company and the best flocks clocking 1.35 to 1.4. May be the future figures.
Anil Phadke
14 de enero de 2016
Formulating broiler feed without AGP is challenging.Performance of every balanced feed with precise nutrition ultimately depends on gut health.Effective use of coccidiostat and AGP are key in performance of feed.In field ,conditions are not always ideal and disease challenges are high.In resent times along with gut health,respiratory health of birds has to be covered with feed antibiotics like Tylosine,Tiamutine etc. Acidifiers,prebiotics,probiotics and enzymes are other tools used with limited sucess.Hence broiler feed with out AGP is real challange.
Ing. Dragan Ionut
14 de enero de 2016
Hello mr. dr. Anil. Thank you for your opinion. I shared this point of view with you 4 years ago. In this moment we do not use agp. If we have some problems we can use small quantities of antibiotics ( once per year i think. In some years we did not use anymore ). And again - in my country agp are forbidden . Is not possible to buy. We have a lot of controls from authority about antibiotics ( from any kind) .The only allowed are coccidiostats . And this situation is all over European Union. Instead of antibiotics we use prebiotics ( but only when is needed , not all time) and probiotics ( i use a non pathogen enterococcus for competitive inhibition and immunity improvement). So - with all of this we have fcr 1.55-1.63 , 2050-2150 grames at 35 days and 1.4-2 % mortality at 39 days. Again - without antibiotics and agp.
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
14 de enero de 2016
You should think there are no antibiotics available. If the 1st week mortality is more than 0.5 there is a room for improvement in chick quality by way of bacterial load in hatchery. If there are respiratory problems, they should be addressed witth breeder vaccination and biosecurity. Eucalyptus oil and similar type of aurvedic products are dolving occational infections.
Anil Phadke
14 de enero de 2016
I do agree with both of you. Once you star rearing with out AGP slowly we will acclimatise to system. That's the right way to rear broilers.
Silas Abel
15 de enero de 2016
The best practice is to prevent antibioresistance, maintain a clean flock, feed a balanced diet for the birds and maintain a low feed conversion ratio, with these, you'll be there with good flock and profitable poultry enterprise-- Dr. Silas Abel, Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi, (FIIRO) Lagos Nigeria.
Asitbaran Mandal
16 de enero de 2016
Antibiotic growth promoter and their Alternatives 1. Specific rules and regulations may be framed on use of antibiotics as feed additive after thorough discussions with the industry personals, famers and scientist before banning the feed antibiotics. 2. To prevent resistance the antibiotics may be classified into three groups. The 1st group comprising of Cephalosporines (beta-lactam antibiotics), Carbapenems (beta-lactam antibiotics with a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity), Monobactams (beta-lactam compounds), Quinolones (synthetic broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs), Flouroquinolones (broad spectrum systemic antibacterial agents), Glycopeptides (peptides that contain carbohydrates moieties), Oxazolidones (heterocyclic organic compound), Polymyxin B, Chloramphenicol (broad spectrum antibiotics alongside the tetracycline), Metronidinazole (nitroimidazole antibiotic), Rifamycins (a group of antibiotics that are synthesized either naturally by the bacterium Amycolaptosis rifamycinica or artificially), Isoniazid (isonicotinylhydrazine), Pyrazinamide, Daptomycin (lipopeptide), Glycylcyclines (tigecycline), Mupirocin (an antibiotic of the monoxycarbolic acid class), Mycobacterium anti-infective may be used only in human. The 2nd group of antibiotics may be shared (shared group) are Penicillins (Penicillin G & Penicillin V); Aminoglycosides (Neomix); Macrolides (Tylan); Clindamycin (Lincosamide class: Lincomax); Tetracyclines (LA-200); Streptogramins (Stafac); Oxazolidones (Trimethoprim / Silfamethoxizole) and Pleuromutilin (retapamulin for use in humans, and valnemulin and tiamulin or denagard in animals) for therapeutic used both in human and animals (under the supervision of veterinarians). The 3rd group of antibiotics including Ionophores (Monensin, Lasolacid, Madurammycin, Naracin, Nicarbazine), Bacitracin (BMD, Albac); Bambermycin (Flavaomycin), Carbadox (Mecadox) and Avilamycin may be used only for animal as feed additive. 3. As there is no suitable alternatives to feed antibiotics at present, search for alternatives of antibiotics to promote gut health and reduction of load of enteric pathogens should be continued, and once achieved, evidenced through field trials, cost of production and farmers confidence, antibiotic growth promoters may be phased out slowly.
Anil Phadke
16 de enero de 2016
Dr Mandal,you are right we have to phase out AGP slowly.one thing is sure we should stop indiscriminate & rampant use of antibiotics in poultry.we have to use them responsibly.In the interest of poultry industry we should create better and safe image about our product.Media now a days very vibrant & aggressive. We have to take lesson from Maggi products incidence in India.
dorji khandu
16 de enero de 2016
Dear DR.. what should be important antibiotic used in broiler feed formulation ...i have found that feed formulated in bhutan has not perform well in terms of growth, and performance as per the target body weight and FCR ratio is high. i would like to request all specialist to drop some recommendation of following parameters. 1. what should recommended growth and antibiotic used for formulation. 2. what should recommended nutrient content for broiler birds. 3. what types of growth promoter and antibiotic used for higher performance with less side effect for birds. 4. Doctor and Specialist , i would like to request some reference book on poultry feed formulation and guide book on Animal nutrition ( which covers dairy , poultry , fish , goat , & pig nutrition.) to improve livestock feed formulation in bhutan... i will be grateful if u all help me........ Bhutan Phuentshloing contact . 17232716
Anil Phadke
16 de enero de 2016
Mr Doraji i will suggest Commercial poultry nutrition by Lesson & Summer.Very good book on poultry nutrition.
Surinder Maini
17 de enero de 2016
Dr Dorji you have a different type of a problem very few will understand, a combination of the very high altitude, less than required oxygen in the atmosphere, humidity and other related aspectes, dont expect same results as given in text books, magazines etc., your results will always be different in my opinion.
SalahEldeen Alaghbash
17 de enero de 2016
The use of antibiotics in the broiler industry in specific and poultry in general had been under study for quiet long time. The Swedish had banned all use of antibiotic in the industry specially meat birds during the 1990s. Due to some disease problems they re start using them. Controlled use to avoid resistance development and / or residues in the final products are most important issues. We are not using growth promotors rather we use organic acids to improve feed quality and gut condition for better performance Reference book for Animal Nutrition could be Animal Nutrition by Maynard and Lesley it must be available in India
Dr Dimcho Haralanov
DiVet , Bulgaria Vet.Company
17 de enero de 2016
Dear Colleques, We DiVet use in our AntibioticFree program Ultrafed Broiler premium only. 3 kg per ton of feed. With out antibiotics,acidities,micotoxin binders... Very good results,good meat . Price is 3 euro per ton Exfactory. EURO registration . If have interest,contact us for more information. D-r Dimcho Haralanov divetim@yahoo.com
Hiren Pancholi
17 de enero de 2016
Antibiotic free Poultry is the demand because of incidences found in human being and not good for future generation. Anti biotic free poultry should be thought of and must be initiated in phases with continuous trial and error. Countries where AGPs are banned are successfully running their business of Poultry, an effort is required for the withdrawal and more challenges we have in India because of varied climate, lack of Bio Security and may be more. Recent development of protected butyrate is gaining a ground and could be useful in phasing out of AGPs, Trials International and in India are encouraging and should be looked in to.
Dr Ghulam Ali Jafri  DVM
17 de enero de 2016
?? The best Quality of feed depends upon the Best Quality of the Raw Materials and the Formulas.Use of the Antibiotics are 2 step. Best Management Leads to the Best Results and FCR. please slect Best (1)Breed (2)Feed (3)Management Get good FCR. Looking forward for your Best Response. Dr Ghulam Ali Jafri DVM,RVMP. Proprietor & MD Technical.Five Star Proteins & Meridian Enterprises,Sialkot Pakistan.drghulamalijafri@gmail.com.
pratiksha shrikant kadam
17 de enero de 2016
Dear Mr dragen Inout & Mr anil phadke sir.. thank u so much for giving me such peaceful knowlege. I will apply this things in my feture professional life.
Emad Elgazzar
17 de enero de 2016
Hi every body;i,m completely agree with Dr Dimcho,Haralanove,Dr:Alghbosh,and Dr.Hiren Pancholi about not using antibiotics as growth pro motors due to the bad effect on human health by drug resistance ,by residue except after complete knowledge about pharmacokinetics of the drugs and by that ab roved by F.D.A
Sataluri Satagopa Raja Ayyangar
Synergy Biorefineries Pvt
17 de enero de 2016
Instead of using Antibiotics , self curing system to be thought of in view of long run .
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