Explore all the information onPoultry gut health
The efficient conversion of feed into its basic components for optimal nutrient absorption is vital for both broiler and broiler breeder production and welfare. Gut health, an intricate and complex area combining nutrition, microbiology, immunology and physiology, has a key role to play. When gut health is compromised, digestion and nutrient absorption are affected which, in turn, can have a detrimental effect on feed conversion leading to economic loss and a greater susceptibility to disease. In addition, recent changes in legislation on the use of antimicrobials, differing feed requirements and more efficient birds highlight the need for a better understanding of gut function and gut health.
Laura Corbett (Anpario) talks to Sam Shafer (PSA) about the benefits and quality standards of these additives. Let's Squawk About It is a monthly interview segment by the Poultry Science Association....
INTRODUCTION Coccidiosis is the term used to describe an enteric disease caused by infection with one or more species of Eimeria (1), and has a high economic impact on the poultry industry worldwide (2, 3). The etiology of this intestinal disease are pathogenic Eimeria species that belong to the phylum Apicomplexa, in particular Eimeria maxima, E. tenella, and E. acervulina (1). Currently, seven species of Eimeria are known to infect chickens and differ in pathogenicity....
INTRODUCTION The poultry industry is one of the main suppliers of animal protein worldwide, contributing both meat and eggs (1, 2). This is an industry in constant growth, as demonstrated by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA reported that 102.9 million tons of chicken meat were produced in January of 2020, which represents a 3.9% increase compared to the same period of the previous year (3). This increase is important, given that by 2050 the human...
Glucagon-like peptide (GLP) is one of the major intestinal hormones and has two subtypes, GLP-1 and GLP-2. GLP-1 is a 36-amino acid peptide released from intestinal L cells in response to ingested nutrients [1]. In the gut, this peptide hormone performs a variety of physiological and biological roles. Some of these functions include enhancing glucose-dependent insulin release, inhibiting glucagon secretion, increasing pancreatic β cell growth [10, 27], decreasing food intake [1],...
INTRODUCTION A healthy gut can help birds to gain optimum growth performance because gastrointestinal tract (GI) is meant for digestion/absorption of nutrients and immune response. The mucosal membrane of the intestine serves as a barrier between luminal digesta and tissues and requires a dynamic balance between different components of gut like epithelial cells, microbiome, and immune system cells for proper functioning. One of the most important components that affect...
Graham Redweik (Iowa State University) shared studies on segmented filamentous bacteria and its relevance in gut health, during the 8th Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals in St. Louis, USA....
More than 130 participants joined Evonik Bangladesh for a customer seminar on “ Gut Health – A Multidimensional Approach for a Multifactorial Challenge". The event was opened by Dr. Sanjit Chakraborty, followed by Dr....
Inflammation is a complex biological reaction to a harmful event, such as the presence of pathogens, toxins, or damaged cells. It involves the innate immune system, the blood vessels, and molecular mediators, promoting radical changes in the architecture and function of the tissue....
Phileo’s first global virtual event giving easy access to top talks on microbiota
Marquette, France (May 23, 2022) – It’s with great pleasure that we announce the upcoming Phileo Microbiota Days June, 14–15, 2022. This virtual...
A new proof for the mechanism of action of in-feed resin acids was presented at the 7th International Conference on Poultry Intestinal Health (ICPIH2022). Dr. Hannele Kettunen presented a study conducted by Hankkija Finnish Feed...
New results on the effects of Progres® in laying hens were recently presented in the 7th International Conference on Poultry Intestinal Health (ICPIH2022), Cartagena De Indias,...
Electrolyte imbalance disrupts key metabolic functions. Electrolyte therapy during heat stress reduces mortality and productivity losses....
Filamentous fungi or molds produce secondary metabolites called mycotoxins during crop growth, harvesting, storage and processing. Zearalenone (ZEA), deoxynivalenol (DON), ochratoxin A (OTA), aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), T-2 toxin and fumonisin B (FBs) are examples of common mycotoxins. They are widely found in feed materials and poultry...
During heat stress, birds strive to regulate their body temperature by panting, increasing their respiration rate from a normal rate of 25 breaths per minute to a maximum of 250 breathes. As birds pant, they eliminate excessive amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2), which leads to low concentrations of carbonic acid and...
Fats arrive to the digestive tract in the form of big globules. In the small intestine, bile salts secreted by the gallbladder emulsify the globules and break them down into smaller particles, and making the lipids available for digestion by lipase, a pancreatic enzyme. A molecule of fat,...
Non-starch polysaccharides are polymeric carbohydrates that are different from starch. NSP cannot be digested by the animals because they are cross-linked (a cross-link is a bond that links one polymer chain to another)....
Heat stress can cause a decrease in oxygen supply to the internal organs. This can cause intestinal problems, since this organ is very sensitive to the lack of oxygen....