Hi all, I´m working in a poultry farm including both broiler and layers. Lately, we have observed lameness in broiler chickens between age of 2 weeks up to 3 weeks with a prevalence of 3% with higher prevalence in customer level, what do you think about the causes of this lameness?
Dear Dr,
Being lameness noted in both broiler and layer chicks, the following factors may be causing it:
1 Disease AE breeder vaccination ,Chicken anemia, Reo
2 Nutritional Calcium Phos source like DCP or MCP or feed contamination bacterial, Mycotoxin etc. Thirum pioson level in Maize etc
3 Hatchery incubation like humidity and Temperature variations , hatchery contamination Stap etc.
4.Hot and humid brooding conditions where in feed consumption is suboptimal
Hope you may find useful,
Dr Maendra Chaudhari
Could you check the level of Calcium in the Prestarter? It could be very high, more than 1%. Could you try to use less than 1%? and maybe the calcium source from marine origen? Also try using less phosphorus, maybe it could be higher.
There could be many factors that cause the same problem. It could also be related to hatchery temperature, feed especially premix or a bacterial infection.
First you should identify either it's
slipped tendencies
Muscles damage
1-Then you check level of calcium & phosphorus
2-in feed
you're using APC(animal Protein) the % in feed formula.
Lameness is a persistent problem in broiler flock, mainly faced after 2nd week of age. It is a multidimensional problem, if feed is not the cause then the 2nd possible cause is infectious & 3rd is managemental, but it become worse when it is infectious with poor husbandry. Sometimes lower brooding temperature is also invovled in lameness at early age, or some time over weight too, but if management is appropriate then lameness is not a big problem for flock.
In aim to answer the question by the right way you should firstly clarify the clinical signs Do you means Paralysis or leg disorders
Please find below some possible causes of leg disorders
Some possible causes of leg disorders
Non infectious infectious
Genetic Viral agents
Rapid growth Reovirus
Nutrition Bacterial agents
Management E. coli
Litter quality P. multocida
Stocking density Streptococci, Staphylococci
Lighting programme ORT
Deviation in hatching
Thanks All,
I fully agree with Prof. Dr. Hafez. Anyway, There are many factors affecting Lameness in broiler chicks (chick quality, genetic, feed and farming management), but we have to clarify the case accurately to solve the problem.
Hope you my find useful
Salah El-Safty, Ph.D.
Islam Masoud Raslsn thanks sir if you can help with us please describe for our extra knowledge,
We will really appreciate