Analyze over 40 different feed raw materials with AMINONIR® Portable | Evonik
Published:January 25, 2021
AMINONIR® Portable enables the reliable determination of energy, nutrients in feed raw materials and feed, as well as amino acids in feed raw materials, on-site and independent of a laboratory. The hand-held device connects with the user’s tablet or cell phone. It only requires mobile signal reception and a handful of feed or raw material without further sample preparation to determine their quality at almost any location within minutes.
Comment and questions: I've seen hand-held NIR devices lose their degree of accuracy over time (i.e. the nutrient predictions from the calibrations are horrible). The hardware is often jilted out of alignment because it gets bumped, dropped and mistreated at the farm/ feed mill level (i.e. it's used as a $20,000 hammer). Is this device susceptible to this issue? Also, does your NIR have the spectral range to measure AME and both total and digestible AAs? AAs are determined in a very specific wavelength range. Thanks
It is interesting. Some questions: 1. How accurate is the result compared to the wet chem result? 2. What would be the cost/price of such equipment? 3. Can the equipment measures the nutrients in non-conventional feedstuff?