27 de mayo de 2015
IBH is very much pronounce and important disease in broiler specially sensitive to high growth broilers. Such histopathological studies are essential to have differential diagnosis with high degree of ascitis in winter months where shed ventilation are not optimal. In India north ventilation of sheds during winter and warming up the shed due to low environmental temperature get disturbed due to lack of sufficient shed modernization which are expensive for farmers . shed curtains play key factor to maintain the free air flow in open sheds which create hydro pericardium as is seen with IBH. Inclusion body hepatitis or named as Lichi disease in local area is very important for broiler raisers and tremedous financial losses are the results as no corrective steps are productive once the syptoms are seen. However killed IBH vaccination within 3days of chick are also practiced along with breeder vaccinations to have some control . However the layer stocks are not much affected in India as compared to broilers.
the present article and the pictures taken are very much important and very good.
14 de marzo de 2018
Maheswar Rath
dear , is seasonal come in winter season only.
19 de junio de 2015
Dear Dr Nadir,
Thanks, any help
22 de junio de 2015
1- In case of Broiler Commercial Chicks, Majority of IBH -Outbreaks or Clinical Case Seen
between 2 to 3 rd week.
2- In Case of Broiler Parent Birds (chicks ) - During Brooding , 1-st wk -Suspected.
This Difference is well Appreciable or Something Else.
10 de agosto de 2015
dear sirs'
i have also came across to many ibh cases in broiler some of which shows symptoms from the first week onward, so in that case killed ibh vaccine doesnt give protection due to lack of vaccine titre, so is there any chances or any future prospects to produce any live ibh vaccines which can protect the bird itself from the first week onward?
21 de noviembre de 2015
It is also available in Bangladesh.
9 de marzo de 2018
what kind of pathologi anatomi in the chicken embryo
20 de mayo de 2018
it is also seen with new arrivals of maize in summer season
Dr Mustafa Ezat
25 de junio de 2018
Dear . Sir
adeno virus classified into 12 serotype and available commercial vaccine contain serotype 4 only , but no have cross protection between stereotypes except between serotype 4 and 8
so the vaccine not only solution , adeno virus not primary infection always come after immune supressive disease such as IBD , CAV
SO i think to control IBH must control immune supressive factor plus bio security measures
Dr, Mustafa Ezat .