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Recombinant Viral Vector Vaccines

Issues of the Poultry Recombinant Viral Vector Vaccines which May Cause an Effect on the Economic Benefits of those Vaccines

Published: September 16, 2011
Summary Over the last decennia different recombinant viral vector vaccines for poultry have been introduced in several countries. The first vaccines were all based on the Fowl pox(FP) virus  used as the vector (e.g. the avian influenza (AI) recombinant (r) FP/H5, NewcastleDisease (ND) rFP/ND, infectiouslaryngotrachetis (ILT) rFP/ILT vaccines. The most recent ("second generation") vir...
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Rudolf Hein
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Surinder Maini, DR.R.N.Sreenivas Gowda
Maqsood Jaffery
11 de octubre de 2011
It is really informative article about Recombinant Viral Vector Vaccines . Author has given details about failure of immunity development. It should be helpfullfor better protection through taking care of factors affecting development of immunity. As vector vaccines develop humoral immunity response (antibodies), so by give conventional live vaccine for same particular vector vaccine will give local immunity through cellular immunity process. It shall be helpfull for inhibting the replication of challange virus. As these vaccines are new, all valuable informations/ inputs will be helpful for all the concrned of poultry health. Regards, Maqsood Jaffery
Dr Muhammad Arshad  Manj
SB Feed
12 de octubre de 2011

Aoa, an informative article about poultry health but why is it suggested to inject at day one bcs at day one it is very difficult to inject the bird

Dr.Munawar Hasan
Dr.Munawar Hasan
14 de octubre de 2011

I found this article about poultry health is very informative specially the possible causes of failure and precautions for avoiding the failure of the vaccine.


Gary Butcher
University of Florida
University of Florida
17 de octubre de 2011

Excellent paper about poultry health. Well balanced and practical. Gary Butcher

Puneet Jindal
25 de mayo de 2021

Sir in India, live bivalent vaccine ( hvt1 + Sb1) is administered at hatchery level engaged in providing layer chicks. Then at layer poultry farm, this vaccine is repeated as booster for control of Marek disease at day 1/2. Now if we give avian influenza vector vaccine Rhvth5 at day 3, then won't rhvt5 for avian influenza interfere with bivalent live vaccine for Marek? Please advise.

Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
30 de julio de 2021
Puneet Jindal, Rispense is used world over. We are at SB!+HVT. We do get outbreaks of Mareks even with SB1+HVT. Hence we cannot forgo SB1. Mareks can cause more damage beyond the issue of Immuno suppression. Various recombinant vaccines are being Invented. The manufacturers are claiming life long immunity with Recombinant vaccines. Theoretically it may be true. I used Mareks +nd recombinant at hatchery for my breeders. I did not have guts to keep away not doing Lasota and R2B for the birds. I wont leave ND protection job in India for the recombinant strand mounted on HVT. The manufacturers should try few batches in endemic areas and prove for 72 weeks the vaccine done at hatchery will protect.
Michel Bublot
7 de junio de 2021
It is the HVT in the first HVT+SB1 vaccine that will interfere on the avian influenza H5 protection induced by the rHVT-H5 in the boost. The Marek's disease protection should be similar as if birds had received two times HVT+SB1 since rHVT-H5 is an HVT. So, Marek's protection should be the same but H5 protection will not be at the expected level.
Puneet Jindal
7 de junio de 2021

Hi, Michel Bublot. Thanks for the reply.
If we buy chicks from Hatchery without any vaccination and then vaccinate it first with Rhvth5 (avian influenza) on day 1 followed by Marek vaccination ( hvt + Sb1) and avoid booster for Marek
Then by doing that, can we expect better and prolonged titres for avian influenza without compromise on Marek disease antibodies
Pls note that rispens is not allowed in India and all studies are based on rispens only. So can it be said that rispens is better than Sb1 in ensuring that hvt vectors in both ( hvt+ rispens) and rhvt5 don't interfere with each other

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma
8 de junio de 2021
Very nice info. Q & A
Rudolf Hein
8 de junio de 2021
I agree with comments made by Michel Bublot Mixing any recombinantHVT vector vaccine with a conventional HVT vaccine will interfere with the protection of the insert like in your case with the AI/H5 protection As mentioned will not effect the MD protection To improve protection of the recombinant for MD you can if manufacture recommend to combine the recombinant HVT vector vaccine with SB1 or Rispens
Puneet Jindal
9 de junio de 2021
Rudolf Hein Sir, rhvt5 in article is of ceva . I don't know whether we can combine ceva Rhvth5 with Sb1. Any input/advise on to same
Rudolf Hein
30 de junio de 2021

Puneet Jindal
I am not related to CEVA but according me there would be no any problem to combine the rHVT/H5 with SB1 .

Puneet Jindal
30 de junio de 2021
Hi.Rudolf Hein There is no such combination by manufactory as of now. Can we mix Rhvth5 and plainSb1 manually and then administer mixture
Rudolf Hein
1 de julio de 2021
Puneet Jindal Yes no problem there will be no interference .
Puneet Jindal
1 de julio de 2021
Rudolf Hein Thks. This answers our concerns. Can we administer two different killed vaccines or should we go for booster dose of what already been given For example can we give killed re6 + re 8 ( chineese ) catering to clades and gap of 40- 50 after we have given AI Multi ( h5+h9) of vaksindo ( Indonesia) or we should give booster dose of what been applied earlier
Rudolf Hein
2 de julio de 2021
Puneet Jindal You have to be carefully in combining different type of activated vaccines are not the antigens but the emulsion(Adjuvant) be may not compatible, What do you mean with:" after gap of 40-50" ?
Surinder Khanna
8 de junio de 2021
I feel if we do not combine rhtv with md and sb1 strain same day but post phone it 2 days later , it should not reduce titres of avian influenza?
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