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Puneet Jindal
Participation in Forum on December 11, 2021
Let me know antibiotics that can help in controlling lpai in layer poultry birds
Participation in Forum on July 1, 2021
Rudolf Hein Thks. This answers our concerns. Can we administer two different killed vaccines or should we go for booster dose of what already been given For example can we give killed re6 + re 8 ( chineese ) catering to clades and gap of 40- 50 after we have given AI Multi ( h5+h9) of vaksindo ( Indonesia) or we should give booster dose of what been applied earlier
Participation in Forum on June 30, 2021
Hi.Rudolf Hein There is no such combination by manufactory as of now. Can we mix Rhvth5 and plainSb1 manually and then administer mixture
Puneet Jindal likes the news release:
by Sam Shafer Avian influenza outbreaks in the United States are rare, but when the virus strikes, the results are devastating. The disease spreads very rapidly, and producers must rely on quarantine-and-cull to try to limit the damage. A 2015 outbreak led to an estimated loss of over 48 million birds. While there are vaccines to prevent avian influenza, it would be very challenging to administe ...
Participation in Forum on June 9, 2021
Rudolf Hein Sir, rhvt5 in article is of ceva . I don't know whether we can combine ceva Rhvth5 with Sb1. Any input/advise on to same
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It is the HVT in the first HVT+SB1 vaccine that will interfere on the avian influenza H5 protection induced by the rHVT-H5 in the boost. The Marek's disease protection should be similar as if birds had received two times HVT+SB1 since rHVT-H5 is an HVT. So, Marek's protection should be the same but H5 protection will not be at the expected level.
Participation in Forum on June 7, 2021
Hi, Michel Bublot. Thanks for the reply.If we buy chicks from Hatchery without any vaccination and then vaccinate it first with Rhvth5 (avian influenza) on day 1 followed by Marek vaccination ( hvt + Sb1) and avoid booster for Marek Then by doing that, can we expect better and prolonged titres for avian influenza without compromise on Marek disease antibodiesPls note that rispens is not allowed in ...
Puneet Jindal likes this technical article:
Summary Over the last decennia different recombinant viral vector vaccines for poultry have been introduced in several countries. The first vaccines were all based on the Fowl pox(FP) virus  used as the vector (e.g. the avian influenza (AI) recombinant (r) FP/H5, NewcastleDisease (ND) rFP/ND, infectiouslaryngotrachetis (ILT) rFP/ILT vaccines. The most recent ("second generation") viral vect ...
Participation in Forum on May 25, 2021
Sir in India, live bivalent vaccine ( hvt1 + Sb1) is administered at hatchery level engaged in providing layer chicks. Then at layer poultry farm, this vaccine is repeated as booster for control of Marek disease at day 1/2. Now if we give avian influenza vector vaccine Rhvth5 at day 3, then won't rhvt5 for avian influenza interfere with bivalent live vaccine for Marek? Please advise.
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May 25, 2020
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Location:Chandigarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
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