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Phileo by Lesaffre
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Phileo by Lesaffre

Healthy poultry through adequate management and balanced nutrition

Published: November 8, 2016
Phileo Lesaffre Animal Care Symposium in Brazil focuses on health issues in relation to management  practices and proper feed formulation regimes. With the growing popularity of poultry meat around the world, poultry production is steadily on the  increase. As a result, the food safety issue is receiving increased interest, as poultry health is closely  related to huma...
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Hossan Md. Salim, PhD
15 de noviembre de 2016
Hello, The topic is very much essential for producing quality poultry as food safety is the crucial concern. When we are planning to produce Antibiotic free chicken, we should think about the sustainable and cost effective feed alternatives as well as we should address the farm Bio security. Without farm bio security, it will very difficult to produce safe poultry production. So, adequate management is a proper way if it includes the strict farm bio safety issues. Have a great day. Dr. Salim
Ahmed Sayed Hamouda
17 de noviembre de 2016
Healthy but and intestinal tract equal 65%of production success. Intact healthy mucous membranes for both digestive and respiratory tract means low mortality and high performance.
Ismet Mamode
Food & Allied Group of Companies
17 de noviembre de 2016
The major problem in the broilers is the GUT HEALTH issue. If we can ensure that our birds will have a healthy intestinal condition, then we shall have a safe and quality meat product. In industrial broiler production, due to the high density and stress, we find birds with loose droppings, soiled vents, undigested feed and humid litter. Poultry welfare is important to reduce the stress. The presentation of Mr. Michael Kogut is very interesting.
18 de noviembre de 2016
Thanks: kindly shade light on Turkey feed formulation using Blood meal,leurcerne,wheat bran and wheat Pollard
Talaat Mostafa  El-Sheikh
18 de noviembre de 2016
The best method to get broilers have gut healthy as fellow: 1- You should have good birds husbandry and management by using minimum ventilation program, temperature and lighting program and the other environmental factors. 2- Using pre and probiotic during the first week ( Mananoligosccharids and beta-Glucans because these materials make as a protection of mucous layer in the gut and increasing the benfit bacteria which will competition with the pathological bacteria.
Sufian Zuber Kyarua
19 de noviembre de 2016
Quality water availability also contribute much on gut health.
19 de noviembre de 2016
Giving balance diet to the birds will improve health and we should try to avoid fish meal and other animal sources of protein in the diets of poultry because they can easily transfer diseases to the body of the birds but plant sources of protein like African yam bean, bambara ground nut, cajanus cajan e.t.c are the best to replace animal sources becuse conventional plant sources like soybean and others are scarce and costly, but unconventional ( underutilized) legumes can be use as alternative to conventional one in order to avoid transfer of diseases to the birds, which can reduce growth and add extra cost to the Production of the birds. It is imperative because prevention is better than cure. Bye for now
Dr. abdur rahim azad
19 de noviembre de 2016
In boiler it rear only 28 to 30 days. In this time the gut condition is important to gain better body weight. To improve gut use acidify-er in water because boiler take large amount of water. If it intake 1gm feed intake double amount water.
David Otaigbe
20 de noviembre de 2016
Yes I have read from the two contributors above and earnestly looking for alternatives to plant source of protein like Soyabeans and Ground nut cake. These products has become very elusive due to the cost. Other alternative source like the barbara, cajanus caja, how much of these are available to our ever increasing poultry industry? The Poultry industry in recent times is in serious crises due to high input cost. What are really the alternatives for the big players in the industry? I welcome your discussion and contribution.
Andri Widjaya
20 de noviembre de 2016
In my country Indonesia start 2017 the goverment do not allow use agp. What are alternatives for non agp feed?
Huang Fei Co., Ltd.
20 de noviembre de 2016
To remove the biofilm in water pipeline during feeding period will lead a health gut and intestinal. Kevin Tsai 11/21/2016
Supan  Hongviset
20 de noviembre de 2016
Feed quality is most importance of poultry production now a day. Because the other factor can control at farm level.
christopher. J
Vipla nutricare
21 de noviembre de 2016
if agp is not allowed,then use herbal based growth promoter, chelated minerals combination product will enhance immiunity & growth
Sataluri Satagopa Raja Ayyangar
Synergy Biorefineries Pvt
21 de noviembre de 2016

Dried leaf of Cassava has sufficient proteins .Sweet potato stem after crop,Fresh dried cassava stem powder as carbohyrtes with starch etc can be searched for depending upon regional crops available as feed to cattle and poultry . There are so many herbals availble as food and medicine with out side effects.Make aware of your surroundings and find the food as well as medicine in plants for animals.

Dr. J. O. Isikwenu
Delta State University Asaba Campus
Delta State University Asaba Campus
23 de noviembre de 2016
Re: Healthy poultry through adequate management and balanced nutrition 23/11/2016 Healthy poultry products can only be obtained by taking seriously the issue of bio security. Management must emphasize extreme environmental cleaniness inorder minimize the need for growth promoters. Spices and natural herbs which have no known residual effects and functions as growth promoters have been tested. This will improve feed utilization and reduced cost of production. So try bio security and natural growth promoters.
Lawal Sesan
23 de noviembre de 2016
An attempt to get an alternative feed ingredients for protein source is a good idea so as to reduce the cost of feed because feeding alone takes about 60-80% of total cost of raising birds. I must tell you that for better performance of poultry birds both animal and plant protein is very necessary and important for birds so you can only reduce the quantity of fish meal to be used (required minimum level) and not completely removing the ingredient out. Also if these ingredient is well processed it cannot transfer any disease to our poultry birds. A lot of alternative and abundantly protein rich seeds could be used an example is JATROPHA that i have worked on and a paper was also presented on it just last week in Malaysia. One can add acidify-er in broiler water, it may give a good result but most importantly water should be made available to broilers at all times What Andri Widjaya from Indonesia mean by the abrevation agp Has anyone worked on how to processed the potato and cassava leaf and what is the quantity of crude protein in these ingredients. The use of plants/herbs as growth promoter and preventing and curing poultry disease is a welcome idea because there is no residual effect
John Kaijage
23 de noviembre de 2016
Adequate management of poultry improves healthy because for example proper husbandry practices such as cleaning and sanitation of feeders, drinkers, houses and surroundings could minimizes disease causing micro-organisms such bacteria, viruses and protozoa which impairs healthy of birds. Moreover, bio-security measures and proper housing could minimize spread of infections and harmful gases or substances such ammonia that could impair health of birds. On the other hand,f balanced nutrition could improve immunity of birds against different diseases. Also, balanced nutritional could prevent nutritional deficiencies that could impair healthy of birds.
23 de noviembre de 2016
But most of the fish meal did not processed well. From little experience I had through laboratory analysis of some imported fish meal when I was working at Fol_Hope farms LTD, Oyo State, showed that they are harbouring diseases and transfer it to the body of birds fed on such feed eventually leading to mortality. So looking for alternative underutilized legumes are imperatives. From my research at Oyo State College of Agriculture and Technology, Igboora, showed that African yam bean seeds can be used even to replace Soybean meal without fish meal in the diet of broiler is one of the solutions. Some outcomes of this finding had been published in different journals like archivos zoctecnia, tropical Agriculture Production investigation, while severals in different proceeding like ASAN-NIAS, NSAP, world poultry, etc, bye for now
Gert Hemke
24 de noviembre de 2016
Dear all that responded. Here some additional information. Alternative protein sources : Low glucosinolate rapeseed / canola. Synthetic amino acids ( max 25 - 30 % of digestible essential amino acids) DDGS - control quality and mycotoxins Yeast protein Pea, lupins, beans - demand processing / dehulling Insect, algae, seaweed - so far too expensive Biosecurity Please do not forget the spread of diseases by fine dust via the air. One part of fine dust can contain hundred thousand bacteria, toxines en viruses. This can "fly" in the air more than 10 km There will be no healthy future without cleaning the out coming air with water curtains. Water quality Fully agree with the comments : good water is essential. Alternatives for AMGP. Here I would suggest, not only ban AMGP, but strongly reduce ALL ANTIBIOTICS. Antibiotics are very negative for the development of a balanced immune situation. Bacteria are very relevant for the development of an active immune system in the first period. A wide variation of strains present in the gut should be advised. With antibiotics this produces is very much disturbed. Alternative concepts depends on what type of problems are dominant. General : Feed as early as possible after chickens are out of the eggs. Coarse feeding of grains : stimulates functioning of gizzard and is relevant for healthy digestion Plant protein products like soya, rape, DDGS are better more fine ground. Low protein and optimal amino balance of good digestible essential amino acids is better for gut health. For gut integrity : butyric, Zn- and Cu-glycine, polyphenols, glutamine. Reduce adherence of pathogens : oligosaccharides from yeast, algae Reduce overload of bacteria : limit fermentable NSP, use MCFA, formic, benzoic, enteric oils ( synergic effects) Reduce quorum sensing : butyrate, cinnamon, allicin, catechin Immune modulation (e.g. anti inflammatory) : omega 3, beta glycans from yeast, algae, arginine, polyphenols
Gert Hemke
24 de noviembre de 2016
Dear all. One of you made a comment on fishmeal. The advantage of fishmeal is the omega 3 and the good amino acid pattern. When fishmeal in broeken down by bacteria, some histamine and cadaverine will be formed. This is negative for the performance and immune status. In case of heating of "rotten" fishmeal, also gizzerosin will be formed, causing erosion and poor functioning of the gizzard. But good quality fishmeal can contribute positive. !!
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