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Gert Hemke
Participation in Forum on November 24, 2016
Dear all. One of you made a comment on fishmeal. The advantage of fishmeal is the omega 3 and the good amino acid pattern. When fishmeal in broeken down by bacteria, some histamine and cadaverine will be formed. This is negative for the performance and immune status. In case of heating of "rotten" fishmeal, also gizzerosin will be formed, causing erosion and poor functioning of the gizzard. But ...
Participation in Forum on November 24, 2016
Dear all that responded. Here some additional information. Alternative protein sources : Low glucosinolate rapeseed / canola. Synthetic amino acids ( max 25 - 30 % of digestible essential amino acids) DDGS - control quality and mycotoxins Yeast protein Pea, lupins, beans - demand processing / dehulling Insect, algae, seaweed - so far too expensive Biosecurity Please do not forget the sp ...
News published on November 8, 2016
Phileo Lesaffre Animal Care Symposium in Brazil focuses on health issues in relation to management practices and proper feed formulation regimes. With the growing popularity of poultry meat around the world, poultry production is steadily on the increase. As a result, the food safety issue is receiving increased interest, as poultry health is closely related to human health. Treat ...
remove_red_eye (588)
This member had joined Engormix
November 13, 2011
equalizer Statistics: Forums(2)
Location:Best, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Animal Nutritionist
Followers (5)