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Mr. O.P. Singh - MD, ABTL, shares his insights on ABTL as a nutrition and enzyme technology company offering pioneering products and technical services, and also on the 9th Kolkata International Poultry Fair 2023
christopher. J likes the comment:
I compliment the author for good analysis, diseases have negative impact on the performance of poultry flocks, the pathologist should have holistic approach in differential diagnosis of poultry health problems.The definite etiological agents such as Bacteria, Virus, Fungi, and Parasitic infections are well known, but the diagnosis of problems arise from managemental, nutritional and other non infe ...
Participation in Forum on September 9, 2019
I want know the product name of hydroxy methionine from adisseo and is it different compound or isomer of other company's hydroxy Methionine.
Participation in Forum on September 4, 2019
Is their any isomers of OH - methionine? If so please share.
Participation in Forum on July 11, 2019
Sushil Chandra please give me contact details.
Participation in Forum on July 11, 2019
mehboob elahi sir, it is mainly Lactobaccillus strain
Participation in Forum on July 3, 2019
jignesh barot Dr nobody will reveal that I'm sure they will not answer your queries. Let me see how they will respond.
Participation in Forum on July 3, 2019
Please Can you give me the mechanism how it works, replacing synthetic one.
christopher. J likes the comment:
Based on the author's conclusion, it was concluded that although dietary Glutamine consumption can improve the performance of broiler chickens during the grower and whole period under heat stress, but it doesn’t affect the performance during starter period or blood parameter at week 6 of age. Thus, the lack of significant effect during the starter period may be due to high temperature r ...
Participation in Forum on June 24, 2019
I have been using this alimet, it works good. Can anyone give me the mechanism how it is utilised in the body without Nitrogen in the molecule, plus how the same uses in the protein synthesis? What happens once it is obsorbed in GI tract?
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