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Poultry Litter

Reuse & Reuse of Old Poultry Litter

Published: February 15, 2012
Economical organic material like rice husk, sawdust, pine shaving, wood shavings, pea nuts hulls, straw, coconut husks & other dry-absorbent are used as bedding material / litter in poultry operation. Though materials are selected keeping in mind the economics & easy availability which are regional based, the cost of above mentioned materials for broiler chicken bedding has risen conside...
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Ganesh Kumar Dahal
Guybro Chemical
Arthur Kamenya
15 de febrero de 2012

Do you recommend re-use of poultry litter for layers in the same way? Sometimes the emission of ammonia is excessive before the end of the production cycle. Would you recommend conditioning the litter using the same procedure?

Ganesh Kumar Dahal
Guybro Chemical
15 de febrero de 2012

Dear Mr.Arthur,

This method is safe & effective for layers farm also. You should insure repeat use of litter conditioner at interval of 30 days if emission of ammonia is high in poultry shed. Please remember to maintain at-least minimum ventilation also despite using good litter conditioner.



Maheswar Rath
15 de febrero de 2012

Re use of build up litter for continuously ten batches of broiler flocks say 500days if one batch is of 45days and 5days for preparation for next batch. This is about 1yr3month litter will be used is now proposed in this article.
As a poultry production personal i feel it is not a suitable proposal unless the litter conditioning methodology is detailed. I have seen some articles earlier where broiler house litter are properly treated after every batch which involve good labor and expenditure. The main goal is to get the best FCR and best growth in broiler irrespective of the how effective management of farm is. New litter for the chicks up to 15-20days is a ideal proposal and in finisher stage one farmer may venture to use the used litter while adjusting floor space requirements. This may save some expenditure on bedding material. Again bedding material selection as per availability is getting complected day by day and cost of paddy husk in India is going up and places where rs1- 1.5/bird it cost where it is less available. One side the capillary action quality of bedding materials and other side the depth of the litter are important for getting desired litter moister levels not more than 20% at any point of time. Organic materials are used as litter because it is compatible for bacterial reaction and turning in to manure. Thus gradually for commercial broilers of large size battery cages with manure conveyers are designed for increasing density of the shed and avoiding contact of bird to any litter. Let us hope some solutions would appear for such litter reuse issues for best production efficiencies of the farm else main goal would get diluted. shed disinfection would be right choice for all in all out sheds for large farms. Let me hear from other professionals. thank you author for giving scope to write some comments. rath

Partha  Karmakar
15 de febrero de 2012

Dear Dr Dahal

Good article about Reuse of Old Poultry Litter and tried to highlight a very good point and equally appreciable regularly getting feed back from Nepal cudos to you ,Litter can be treated with Calcium Propionate and other Lignites and silicates and can be reused as suggested ,it is wise to have the old litter to develop the natural immunity against many organism and litter is a good source of Vitamin B complex.
Hope this would be useful.

Arshaq Ramzee
16 de febrero de 2012

Good research material about Reuse of Old Poultry Litter but wherever and whenever fresh litter material is available, then it is compulsory to use fresh litter material and old liter must be replaced . The old litter could be used as fertilizer.

Badr Alfadil
16 de febrero de 2012

Dear dr.Dahal 

thank u for this contribution about Reuse of Old Poultry Litter

Published on: 02/15/2012

please give the chmical compostion of the suggested conditioner, dose and some practical aspects of its application in the broiler/layer house.

Partha  Karmakar
16 de febrero de 2012

Dear Dr Badr 

Interesting article about Reuse of Old Poultry Litter
Published on: 02/15/2012

Can you please send your mail id I think I can recommend the right product for u please give your telephone no of contact.


Arthur Kamenya
16 de febrero de 2012
Dear Mr. Partha I would appreciate your recommendation too. Am on akamenya@yahoo.co.uk and my tel no. is +256751216903 Thanks.
Ganesh Kumar Dahal
Guybro Chemical
17 de febrero de 2012

Dear Dr.Alfadi & Mr.Arthur,

In the field study "LIITERON" was used as litter conditioner - product of Guybro Chemical, Mumbai, India. For detail information please contact:
Email: guybrochemical@hotmail.com


Arthur Kamenya
17 de febrero de 2012
Thanks Mr. Ganesh. Much appreciated.
29 de febrero de 2012

Interesting article about Reuse of Old Poultry Litter. Can you tell me what practices can i do to prevent cake/muddy litter, although litter is being upturn everyday?

Ganesh Kumar Dahal
Guybro Chemical
29 de febrero de 2012

Dear Ms.Sarika,

Despite all our efforts some time moist poultry litter creates problem so at least ventilation should be maintained using exhaust fan as & when required. However regular litter treatment practice will help to solve problem as mentioned by you.

Thanks !

Dr Zahoor
22 de marzo de 2014

Hi Dahal! i am Dr Zahoor (Poultry consultant) from Kashmir. It is good to see such article uploaded on net. As you know application of litter conditioners has long history and during its initial phase of launching strong acid viz sulfuric acid was directly poured on bare floor. The concept of litter conditioners was acidification of litter and such thing results in the inhibition of multiplication of pathogenic organism. I think a litter conditioners must work basically by donating proton to convert volatile ammonia into nonvolatile ammonium and predominately acidification of litter.our state is a temperate zone and ventilation is to some extent sacrificed and in extreme chilling conditions the litter doesnt work at all the reasons for that is:

1) High humidity which results in litter wetting
2) May be after 20 days the litter conditioners are not able to donate enough protons to neutrilse high ammonia buildup
3) As the conditioners has single application during entire cycle. it seems to be not enough to combat high ammonia production 
4) It is necessary to mention active principles of the conditioners so that we can come on to conclusion why it doesnt work i n winter

ali deniz birinci
13 de enero de 2019

Dear Sirs,

Our company working in field of green waste from agricultural produtcs which based in Turkey.
We want to develop a business and communicate with suitable candidates for our poultry litter product from Refused Tea

According to our market research we see that this material is the most effective litter in the broiler chicken iindustries
So now we are looking a way to step in and meet potential customers to develope our products for their need.

Could you pls kindly advice if you/your company can assist us in this matter. Or How can you assist? Any idea or advice to start?

Saygilarima / Best Regards
Ali Deniz Birinci
e-mail : aty@agromasspellet.com

Dr P S Hoshangabade
Prima Vetcare Pvt.Ltd
28 de febrero de 2019

Dear Mr. Partha,

Thank you very much for this contribution about Reuse of Old Poultry Litter.

Please give the chemical composition of the suggested conditioner, Also dose and some practical aspects of its application in the broiler/layer house.

Hereby giving the mail id drhoshangabade@hotmail.com and phone no.is +91 98509 55917.


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