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Pasty Vents in Broiler Chickens

Published: April 3, 2020
The occurrence of pasty vent is usually observed after 3 days of age when chicks are mainly depending on their feed rather than their yolk sac. Some chicken flocks present pasty vent more often than others, being their frequency variable and hard to track. How can it be prevented or treated? Could this characteristic damage the growth or feed conversion ratio at the market age? The pasty vents ar...
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Sandro Cerrate
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Oketch Elijah Ogola
Eric Gingerich
Diamond V
24 de agosto de 2020
I am not familiar with any commercial "emulsifiers". Can you give examples??
Sandro Cerrate
25 de agosto de 2020
Hi Eric, Yes there are many commercial emulsifiers, please send me an email to sbcerrate@gmail.com. I avoid to write them publicly. Regards Sandro
Luis Fernando Vergamini Luna
Opta Alimentos e Insumos
10 de septiembre de 2020
Congratulation for the article Dr. Sandro, pasty vent or not probably interfere in all the life of the bird. Could we expect big differences like energy conversion? How big? Best regards, Luis Luna
Sandro Cerrate
10 de septiembre de 2020

Luis Fernando Vergamini Luna thanks for your comment. Because the pasty vent will improve the overall feed conversion, as average 6 points, or 0.06, the energy conversion will also be improved in similar proportion. Now the feed conversion due to pasty vent is dependent on the level of fat, meaning more fat in the diet the less effect on feed conversion due to emulsifier. In contrast, the less dietary fat the better feed efficiency due to emulsifier.
Hope this helps.

Azimul Haque
Kemin Industries, Inc
18 de septiembre de 2020

Pasty vent not only related to excess fat in diet
It’s also related to bacterial infection like salmonellosis at the early stages, excess dehydration. 

musa abubakar
25 de diciembre de 2020
Azimul Haque I have experienced that. Noticed this sign at 1-7 days old. I used eroflaxacin 20% administered in bringing water for 5days and the problem vanished. I think is highly related to an infectious disease.
shaheer umman
31 de octubre de 2020
In my point of view temperature is the magor cause of vent pasting high temperature in the environment of house leads to dehydration and constipation occurred bird try to defecate but with no ease
Oprea Petru
2 de noviembre de 2020
interesting digestive correlations bravissimo well done
Reza Mahdavi
24 de noviembre de 2020

Dear Sandro Cerrate,
Thank you for your valuable article.
You mentioned "pasty vent will improve the overall feed conversion" and "more fat in the diet the less effect on feed conversion due to emulsifier", but I think vice versa, as pasty vent destroying feed conversion and more fat in diet more effect of emulsifier supplementation in feed conversion ratio.

Sandro Cerrate
24 de noviembre de 2020

Reza Mahdavi Thanks for your comments and let me clarify this more. As you mention, while adding more fat the emulsifier will have more effect on feed conversion, this is the first thinking as we all know the emulsifier helps to improve the fat digestibility. Making a meta-analysis with 21 publications and correlate improvement of FCR due to emulsifier, as compared to control diets, (Y axis, points, difference of FCR x 100) and dietary fat (X axis, %) shows a significant linear relationship: Y = 1.85 X -18.9. This means that as the dietary fat increases the improvement of FCR due to emulsifier is reduced. Why? Other papers shows that by adding more dietary fat, the fat digestibility is increased, so there is less for the positive effect from emulsifier. To avoid confusion about this data, this is the difference of feed conversions between the FCR from emulsifier and FCR from control diets. So if we are speaking about FCR of absolute terms, using two levels of dietary fat will clarify this more:
Dietary of total fat, % FCR from control FCR from emulsifier Difference of FCR x 100
4.5 1.70 1.59 -11
7.0 1.55 1.49 -6
This means, in terms of absolute terms as increase the dietary fat, the FCR from is reduced with the best feed efficiency from the emulsifier, however, as expressed in difference of FCR, compared to the control diets, as increase the dietary fat the difference of improvement FCR from emulsifiers are reduced from -11 to -6 points.
Hope this helps to clarify the concept.
Best regards.

Reza Mahdavi
25 de noviembre de 2020

Thanks a lot, Sandro Cerrate.

Kazem Yussefi
4 de diciembre de 2020
dear I think the pasty vent will improve by a good balance in microflora too.
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