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News published on July 21, 2023
Dr. Jeanne Brugère-Picoux and Dr. Jean-Pierre Vaillancourt, with the support of the French Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AFAS), produced a Manual of Poultry Diseases that is available free of charge in four languages. The work consists of 713 pages and 2700 illustrations with contributions from 100 authors from different countries and 113 scientific articles. "The objectives ...
remove_red_eye (1039)
News published on June 9, 2021
The WVEPAH course ‘Egg Layers’ is now available online. This course is an extensive overview of important infectious and non-infectious diseases at different stages of the egg layer’s production process. Participants will be trained to investigate, diagnose and solve both common and less common problems. This course will be held in English by a team of world-class Course Maste ...
remove_red_eye (227)
Participation in Forum on August 24, 2020
I am not familiar with any commercial "emulsifiers". Can you give examples??
Participation in Forum on June 30, 2020
The US egg industry uses F-strain vaccine extensively and successfully in those complexes that are Mg positive. We have several multi-age complexes that have been able to keep out Mg. Ms is another story. There is only one multi-age commercial complex (it is a large one with 7 million layers) that is both Mg and Ms negative. Luckily in the US, our Ms strains are very, very mild and cause a virtual ...
Participation in Forum on June 29, 2020
Good presentation!
Participation in Forum on September 26, 2019
In the US we are limited to using amprolium in the water at 0.025% for three days then 0.0125% for another 3 days. Adding an antibiotic to combat secondary Clostridial infection (necrotic enteritis) is important. We add 25 grams of bacitracin per ton for 2 weeks.
Participation in Forum on October 27, 2018
Sachin Patil The F-vax in the United States has changed over the years and now is very non-reactive compared to the past. in 2000, 1/4 of a dose of F-vax by water or spray would result in respiratory signs and 100% seroconversion. In 2010, a full dose of F-vax by spray produced no respiratory reaction and 30 to 40% positive seroconversion. Our producers now have gone to the eyedrop method of appli ...
Participation in Forum on October 27, 2018
Here is my assessment of the use of live Ts-11 vaccine in commercial layers: - The vaccine must be applied by eyedrop usually at 8 to 14 weeks of age. - It is delivered frozen so the cold chain must be maintained during shipment and storage at the destination before reconstitution for application. - The vaccine colonizes the upper trachea (in the cooler areas of the trachea) so the amount of resp ...
Article published the August 24, 2015
A recent science article in the popular media reports that Marek’s vaccines are not “perfect.” Rather, they allow the infection to occur but prevent the virus from forming tumors. The PBS NewsHour story – “This chicken vaccine makes its virus more dangerous” – summarizes a peer-review study by bio-medical researchers in the USA and UK. This research suppo ...
remove_red_eye 144
forum 0
Participation in Forum on August 21, 2015
Diamond V XPC can work very well in antibiotic free broiler production in combination with probiotics and cocci vaccines. XPC can aid in preventing coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis by itself but with the addition of a good probiotic, the results are even better. Be aware that our new recommended rate for broilers since August 2014 is 1.25 kg/MT from day old to market.
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Location:Zionsville, Indiana, United States
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Veterinary Doctor
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