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Nutrigenomics in poultry

Nutritional genomics describes the nutrient–gene interactions, as it includes two areas, nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics. The term ‘nutrigenomics’ refers to the study of the effects of nutrients/bioactive foods on an individual’s gene expression. In the other hand, nutrigenetics describes that the genetic profile has an impact on the response of body to bioactive food components by influencing their absorption, metabolism, and site of action. The inclusion of nutrients and nutraceuticals in poultry production can enhance gene expression of different genes related to health, metabolism, growth, immunity, and antioxidants.
The objective of the present studies was to evaluate: (1) the in vivo impact of supplementation with a Precision Biotic (PB) on the growth performance and microbiome modulation of broiler chickens; (2) the modulation of functional pathways of the microbiome collected from animals with low and high body weight gain, and (3) to develop a Microbiome Protein Metabolism Index (MPMI) derived from gut metagenomic data to link microbial protein metabolism with performance. The in vivo work consisted...
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Cristiano Bortoluzzi (DSM) explains how to precisely modulate the microbiome with a specific technology, as well as the difference between microbiota and microbiome, in this interview during IPPE 2023 in Atlanta....
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Bill Shannon (BioRankings) talks about microbiome, untargeted metabolomics, and other data that have high potential for changing how biomarker discovery research is done, during the Symposium on Gut Health in St. Louis, USA....
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Thobela Nkukwana
University of Pretoria
University of Pretoria
Introduction ‘Poultry’ collectively refers to domesticated birds, especially those valued for their meat and eggs, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese and guinea fowl. Of all avian breeds, chicken breeds make up the vast majority of 63%, followed by ducks at 11%, geese at 9% and turkeys 5%, but indigenous or heritage breeds make up most of the world’s poultry genetic diversity (Pym, 2013). Over the past 50 years, the poultry sector has expanded,...
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Universidade Estadual de Maringá UEM
Universidade Estadual de Maringá UEM
INTRODUCTION It has been well known that branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) (Val, Leu and Ile) are not only substrates for building block protein but they are also involved in intracellular signaling pathways on protein anabolism and stimulatory effects on protein synthesis. Among the 3 BCAA, Leu has been considered most effective in stimulating muscle protein synthesis by modulating the activation of mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) and its downstream effectors, ribosomal...
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University of Prince Edward Island
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INTRODUCTION   Early bacterial colonization of the intestine can alter its morphology, physiology, and susceptibility to infectious diseases (Diaz-Carrasco et al., 2019). The intestinal microbiota plays a critical role in the development and maturation of the gut and its lymphoid structures, and in the function of immune system cells (Hooper et al., 2012; Maki et al., 2019). Initial interactions between commensal bacteria and the host immune system can shape microbiota...
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I. INTRODUCTION Human consumption of chicken meat products has risen exponentially over the past five decades and continues to grow on a global scale. Thus chicken meat production has seen unparalleled expansion, to meet the continually increasing consumer demand (Allievi et al., 2015). Such expansion has resulted in the chicken meat industry being at the forefront of animal production, where advances in animal nutrition and genetics are near optimal. Therefore, producers...
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The International Conference on Poultry Intestinal Health is proud to announce the topic of the upcoming Virtual Event: "Applications of -omics technologies in poultry health and productivity: where are we now?" on April 22, 2021 from 1.00pm to 3.00pm CET (7.00 - 9.00 am Colombian time-GMT-5). We are...
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by Sam Shafer A new study published in Poultry Science® shows that body weight, residual feed intake, and feeding behavior traits are all highly heritable traits in Pekin ducks. The research, led by scientists at China Agricultural University and Beijing Golden Star Inc., may help guide the selection for certain feeding behaviors and further help producers improve feed efficiency in their flocks. Pekin ducks are the leading breed of duck used for meat...
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Natural Remedies Private Limited
INTRODUCTION The ceca of the modern poultry bird have important implications on gut health and zootechnical performance.[1] It is estimated that cecal microbial density reaches nearly 1011–1012 cells/g.[2] The poultry cecal microflora is represented by three main phyla, the Firmicutes , Bacteroidetes , and Proteobacteria .[3] Several studies have shown the importance of the Firmicutes in the digestion of nutrients entering...
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USDA - United States Department of Agriculture
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I. INTRODUCTION Nutrigenomics is the study of how nutrients, forms of nutrients, and nutritional strategies impact the genome. The use of DNA microarray technology allows us to begin to understand how nutrition modulates gene expression and how this modulation relates to animal health and performance. These molecular technologies also allow for the rapid evaluation of nutritional strategies. Advancements in...
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