We strongly support continuous collection of samples and sharing information of such valuables subject. Dr. Husam, thank you for your efforts.
What are the characteristic of the H9N2 that is used in the vaccine. Where and when was the virus isolated ND to which genetic flair it belongs?
The H5N8 is moving around Europe, they found as well in Israel. What connection will have with the H9N2? Can the birds effectively carried different strain and what makes it more prevalence in the population?
H9N2 strains are endemic in the Middle East with new claids developing every 3-4 years. The new H5N8 introduction to the region is very new and not sure we can predict any interactions between the two.
Dear Avner,
Thank you for your comments and your question. The one used in the vaccine is the same one that has been isolated from the area 1998 which most of the vaccines companies are using. The difference in response to the vaccine are:
1- vaccine application.
2- Type of the adjuvants used .
3- Time of vaccination.
Last 2 years we have reisolated the virus again and we found it still the same one in the vaccine. The above points were playing big role not to get the right immunity from the vaccine and also other diseases like ND or IB were playing a role making the losses more than expecting . That why to control AI very well you should look to other diseases to be also control. We are lucky we do not have H5 in our area since long time and hope we will not, but you never guarantee, as you know, diseases do not need visa to get in.
You gave an example of vaccination of laying hens that is broiler chickens who have the vaccine on day 1 with that dose is that there is no interaction with the AOM of maternal origin and the immunity settles after how long.
Which it is the title elisa after vaccination with Nobilis H9
Thank you.
Dear Mohsen,
Thank you for your comment. We are advising to be vaccinated at day one in the hatchery for the following reasons:
1- Easy to control the vaccination and to be sure that birds got the vaccine right.
2- We need to avoid giving the vaccine in the farm to keep biosecurity good, as you know in some countries vaccination team moving from farm to farm without taking care biosecurity.
Please be sure that you will take care of other diseases which they are also challenging the poultry farms like ND or IB virulant strains .