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Swine industry

The swine industries of the world are very dynamic and continue to evolve and change along with the external forces that shape agriculture world-wide. The factors influencing change are generally related to economic efficiency and competition from alternative protein sources. The global trend is for fewer producers, responsible for larger numbers of pigs, and more concentration within the swine industry. The ability to maintain economic viability is a function of providing optimal facilities, genetics, nutrition, and health programs to the pig in a system that addresses cost of production and generating revenue from the marketing of a high-quality product. Swine production in the 21st century has become quite sophisticated. Many pork producers have transitioned away from raising purebred pigs for food and instead are raising crossbred pigs carefully selected for a specific need. These systems involve purposeful selection of the grandparent animals that usually selected with a maternal or terminal emphasis in composite breeding programs that emphasize the benefits of breed complimenting. The resulting offspring are called parent stock which are then bred to produce crossbred terminal animals.
The annual Animal Agriculture Sustainability Summit will once again be held at the 2024 International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) in Atlanta. Sponsored by the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY), the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) and the Meat Institute, the Animal Agriculture Sustainability Summit is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in room B-405/406 on Tuesday, Jan. 30, and is offered free of charge to all registered IPPE attendees. Dr. Frank...
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Ronnick FONG
Hangzhou DE Mark Industrial Co Ltd
Hangzhou DE Mark Industrial Co Ltd
Looking back at 2023, the veterinary APIs market has undergone so many changes - prices falling across the board, manufacturers competing with each other, and production capacity expanding. The China Veterinary Drug & Fodder Trade Center (CVFTC) will conduct a comprehensive review based on the market conditions of...
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Dr John Carr
Dr John Carr and 1 more
John Carr (Apiam Animal Health/James Cook University) talks about his ideas on the farms of the future, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
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Dr John Carr
Dr John Carr and 1 more
John Carr (Apiam Animal Health/James Cook University) discusses daily activities of professional workers in swine farms, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
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Brett Ramirez
Brett Ramirez and 1 more
Iowa State University
Iowa State University
Brett Ramirez (Iowa State University) comments on his experience implementing a ventilation system, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
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Dr John Carr
Dr John Carr and 1 more
John Carr (Apiam Animal Health/James Cook University) talks about perimeter fences and the minimal biosecurity requirements, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
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Brett Ramirez
Brett Ramirez and 1 more
Iowa State University
Iowa State University
Brett Ramirez (Iowa State University) explains different aspects of ventilation and its costs, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
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María Hotzel
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC
Introduction Some authors understand antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as an imminent “tragedy of the commons” (1), of anthropogenic nature and analogous to climate change in terms of its challenges (1–3). Although the resistance process is a natural defense mechanism of bacteria, it can be intensified by the misuse of antibiotics both in humans and animals. Inappropriate use of antibiotics (AMU) in human health is a powerful inducer of AMR. However, about 73% of the...
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Michael H Kogut
USDA - United States Department of Agriculture
USDA - United States Department of Agriculture
Mike Kogut, Chair of the Organizing Committee, talks about the meeting's most interesting discussions and announces the dates for the next edition....
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Recommendations: 3
Todd Thurman (Swine Insights International) speaks on issues that COVID, disease outbreaks, and other changes have created in the animal industry, as well as possible solutions through innovation and creative thinking, in this Engormix interview....
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In this Engormix interview, Todd Thurman (Swine Insights International) explains how to keep the best balance between different goals: genetic progress and commercial production....
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Alex Alonso Wang
Big Herdsman
Alex Alonso Wang (Big Herdsman) shows their poultry and swine equipment, explaining the features and benefits of the layer cage and the sow pen, during the Avicola Porcinos Expo 2023 in Buenos Aires, Argentina....
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Tyson Foods recently announced it will combine its Prepared Foods business unit with the company’s Growth organization. Melanie Boulden has been named Group President of Prepared Foods, an expansion of her current role as Chief Growth Officer at Tyson Foods. This approach will directly support the company’s vision and strategy focused on value creation, continued growth and the customer and consumer experience. Boulden will now oversee Tyson Foods’ broad retail, foodservice...
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Joaquin Armando Paulino Paniagua
Universidad ISA (Instituto Superior de Agricultura)
Universidad ISA (Instituto Superior de Agricultura)
The livestock sector is responsible for providing healthy food to society and ensuring their health. Production is changing parameters and values of productive performance due to the obligation to replace the therapeutic approach with a more holistic approach in which good nutrition is necessary to eliminate those practices that are...
Comments : 6
Recommendations: 4
Dai-Wen Chen
Sichuan Agricultural University (SAU)
Dai-wen CHEN from Sichuan Agricultural University in China, provides valuable insights into the profound relationship between nutrition and performance in swine....
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Recommendations: 1
Jeff Zimmerman
Jeff Zimmerman and 1 more
Iowa State University
Iowa State University
Jeff Zimmerman (Iowa State University) discussed area density, models and prevention of diseases, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
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Lisa Becton
Lisa Becton and 1 more
Pork Checkoff
Pork Checkoff
Lisa Becton (National Pork Board) talks about the painful experience of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED), as well as the improvements made and the measures taken, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
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Robert Kemp
Robert Kemp and 1 more
Bob Kemp (Genesus) offers his insights on pork meat quality and the market outlook, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
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Lisa Becton
Lisa Becton and 1 more
Pork Checkoff
Pork Checkoff
Lisa Becton (National Pork Board) comments on the inspection of feed and different areas of risk, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
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José Francisco Pérez
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - UAB
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - UAB
Background The process of microbial colonization of the gut after birth plays an important role in the development of the neonatal immune system of mammals with implications during their whole life [1]. Immediately after birth, environmental and maternal bacteria, including colonization via the vagina, nipple surface, and milk, quickly colonize the offspring gut and establish the initial microbiota of the piglet [2,3,4]. The intestinal microbiota protects against colonization by...
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