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Video published on December 13, 2023
Brett Ramirez (Iowa State University) comments on his experience implementing a ventilation system, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner.
Video published on December 11, 2023
Brett Ramirez (Iowa State University) highlights the importance of ventilation maintenance and information, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner.
Video published on December 11, 2023
Brett Ramirez (Iowa State University) explains different aspects of ventilation and its costs, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner.
Article published the August 7, 2020
1. Introduction The commercial US swine industry transitioned to stall farrowing in the 1960s as an effort to reduce pre-weaning piglet mortality [1]. Farrowing in stalls remains the most common indoor system in the US, making this an important area of research [2]. Compared to loose housing systems (pens), farrowing stalls have been shown to lower pre-weaning mortality (PWM) [3]. However, th ...
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Article published the July 8, 2020
1. IntroductionPre-weaning mortality (PWM) is a major economic and productivity challenge for the pig industry. Recent trends for piglets born alive per litter are increasing in the US, while piglets weaned per litter have stayed stable over the past five years [1]; hence, indicating an increasing PWM. PWM is typically greatest during the neonatal phase, or within the first few days after birth in ...
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June 16, 2020
equalizer Statistics: Articles(2)Videos(3)
Location:Omaha, Nebraska, United States
Profile: Academic / scientific