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Swine genetics and reproduction

The performance of pigs is the result of two influences: genetics and environment. Because the genetics of a pig plays an important role in its performance and meat quality, all pig producers should be familiar with the potential and application of genetic selection. The genetic potential of pigs can have a major influence on the productivity and profitability of a pig enterprise. It is the combination of genetics, nutrition, health, environment and management that influences such factors as litter size, growth rates and carcass quality. The reproductive herd is for the multiplication of maternal and paternal lines that are prized for economically valuable reproductive traits, or, traits that generate desirable offspring reliably. Typically, prized reproductive traits include litter size, particularly total number of pigs born, and pigs weaned, weight of the litter of piglets at birth and weaning, wean-to-estrus interval (WEI), and pigs per sow per year (PSY). In more recent years, length of time a sow remains productive in the herd (longevity or survivability) is increasing in priority for major genetic lines. These traits are prioritized due to the impact on value of the sow to the herd.
Nick Gallina
Purdue University (USA)
Purdue University (USA)
Nick Gallina (Purdue University)      Background: Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains are the primary perpetrators of colibacillosis in piglets, resulting in mortality and agribusiness economic woes. ETEC expressing fimbrial antigens, F4 and F18, are the predominant contributors to colibacillosis. F4 is most prevalent in neonatal diarrhea. F18 is more common in post-weaning colibacillosis. Intestinal epithelial interaction and...
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Nick Gallina
Purdue University (USA)
Purdue University (USA)
Nick Gallina (Purdue University) speaks on serotypes of E. coli in pigs, and presents studies aimed at developing more effective mitigation measures using cell models, during the 11th Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals in St. Louis, USA....
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Robert Kemp
Robert Kemp and 1 more
Bob Kemp (Genesus) offers his insights on pork meat quality and the market outlook, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
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Robert Kemp
Robert Kemp and 1 more
Bob Kemp (Genesus) talks about feed efficiency, growth rate and genetic selection, during this Swine It interview with host Laura Greiner....
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Introduction: Aujeszky disease is still a major pathogen causing respiratory problem and reproduction failure in Taiwanese swine herds. Though eradication program in breeder farms is in progress, no standard vaccination program recommended for commercial farms. Recently Area Regional Control (ARC) became popular for its benefit of diseases control in an area level. In this study, we report a survey on sero-prevalence of Aujeszky disease in a small swine production group in east...
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Introduction: In mated sows, corpus luteum (CL) function is important for the establishment of the pregnancy. The maximum CL size is established at day 8 - 9 of the pregnancy and maintained autonomous until day 12. Then, CL maintenance will depend on hormones such as LH and PGF2α. PGF2α is released from the endometrium at day 14 and triggers CL regression. This regression can be prevented in pregnant sows due to estradiol production from the attaching conceptuses;...
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Egbert Frank Knol
Introduction: The genetic selection for increased litter size has resulted in a disproportionate increase in ovulation rate (OR). A higher OR was linearly related with decreased placental length at day 35 of pregnancy, which could inhibit foetal growth during further pregnancy (Da Silva et al., 2016). As increased litter size has resulted in a decreased piglet birth weight and increased within litter birth weight variation, we investigated the relationship between OR and litter...
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Introduction: Piglet mortality causes welfare challenges and economic losses in commercial pig production. Crushing is the most common cause of death, but as an empty stomach is frequently found in crushed piglets, starvation is often a precursor to be crushed. Piglets are born with a limited resource of energy in the form of glycogen and with very little body fat. Thus an abundant amount of sow colostrum and later sows milk is vital for the survival of the piglets. In...
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Carlos Piñeiro
Introduction: Benchmarking has been widely practiced worldwide in the swine industry to improve farm management and productivity. Best practice benchmarking is defined as identifying those practices and processes associated with superior efficiency and performance. In the best-practice benchmarking for breeding farms, measurements in high-performing and ordinary farms have been used to provide values of target performance, using the 10th or 25th upper percentile of the...
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Wouter de Bruin
Phileo by Lesaffre
Having more piglets at birth is important, and it is even more crucial to keep them alive and healthy until weaning. The challenge with hyperprolific sows is that they produce high number of piglets with a large variety of weaning weights. It is particularly those piglets with lower body weights that...
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Fernando Cane
Fernando Cane and 1 more
1. Introduction Artificial insemination (AI) in modern pig reproduction requires liquid-stored extended semen. Extenders provide sperm with nutrients to maintain metabolic processes, prevent cold shock, control osmotic pressure an pH, and antibiotics present in extender inhibit bacterial growth. Despiste the substantial improvements made on extender formulations in recent years. the quality of stored sperm decreases over time primarily due to the increased damage the plasma...
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Introduction The continuous increase in the area cultivated with genetically modified (GM) crops [1] and consequently their ubiquitous presence makes it increasingly difficult for consumers to avoid GM products. However, the dispute regarding the safety of GM crops is far from resolved [2] and consumer opinions vary over time and from country to country [3,4]. Bt MON810 maize is resistant to attack by Lepidopterae pests, as it expresses the Cry1Ab protein [5]. This protein is...
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Introduction: Castration procedure is a painful method which reduces welfare and could reduce performance. Some trials demonstrated that meloxicam prior castration procedure in piglets could reduce acute pain decreasing behaviors relates to a lack of welfare. Any study using infrared thermography (IT) was found to evaluate the inflammatory process after castration procedure in piglets. This study aimed to evaluate inflammatory process using IT associated with behavior and...
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Introduction: Recent research has demonstrated that maternal dietary supplementation of LactoShield® (seaweed extract) had beneficial effects on the growth performance, immune status and gastrointestinal health of weanling pigs. The primary objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of maternal dietary LactoShield® inclusion on the reproductive performance of sows and the piglet during the suckling period. Materials and Methods: The farm...
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Guoyao Wu
Texas A&M University
Texas A&M University
Introduction Pigs suffer high rates of embryonic mortality, especially during the peri-implantation period of pregnancy [1, 2] when embryos elongate rapidly, signal for pregnancy recognition, and attach to the uterine wall [3, 4]. Maternal nutrition plays an important role in the development and subsequent survival of conceptuses (embryo/fetus and its extra-embryonic membranes), especially the maternal dietary intake of amino acids (AAs) [5–7]. Both low and high...
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Marisol Castillo, PhD, Senior Manager, Global Swine Solutions at Novus International talks about The Scale Up™ program, nutritions solutions that maximize pounds of pork and each animal's genetic potential at every life stage. ...
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Dr. Shivi Maini
Indian Herbs
Background Information Major changes in the swine industry during the last quarter century have significantly influenced vitamin nutrition of swine. Improvements in the efficiency of swine production system through selection has necessitated a reappraisal of dietary requirements of vitamins. ...
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Chad H. Stahl
University of Maryland (USA)
University of Maryland (USA)
1. Introduction Tissue-specific stem cells have the potential to self-renew or differentiate into mature cells, contributing to tissue growth and homeostasis. Muscle specific stem cells, satellite cells, maintain the ability to self-renew or differentiate and are required for post-natal muscle growth and repair [1–3]. The use of novel gene sequencing technology in the investigation of the genomic regulation of satellite cell fate has provided insight into how the satellite...
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Johannes Kauffold
University Leipzig
Johannes Kauffold (University of Leipzig) explained the impact of Zearalenone and DON, during IPVS2022 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil....
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Johannes Kauffold
University Leipzig
Johannes Kauffold (University of Leipzig) talked about conception rate and the way to use data to understand what happens on the farm, during IPVS2022 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil....
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